Velocity And Acceleration with Strategy: Traders Magazine◙ OVERVIEW
Hi, Ivestors and Traders... This Indicator, the focus is Scott Cong's article in the Stocks & Commodities September issue, “VAcc: A Momentum Indicator Based On Velocity And Acceleration”. I have also added a trading strategy for you to benefit from this indicator. First of all, let's look at what the indicator offers us and what its logic is. First, let's focus on the logic of the strategy.
Here is a new indicator based on some simple physics concepts that is easy to use, responsive and precise. Learn how to calculate and use it.
The field of physics gives us some important principles that are highly applicable to analyzing the markets. In this indicator, I will present a momentum indicator. Scott Cong developed based on the concepts of velocity and acceleration this indicator. Of the many characteristics of price that traders and analysts often study, rate and rate of change are useful ones. In other words, it’s helpful to know: How fast is price moving, and is it speeding up or slowing down? How is price changing from one period to the next? The indicator I’m introducing here is calculated using the current bar (C) and every bar of a lookback period from the current bar. He named the indicator the VAcc since it’s based on the average of velocity line (av) and acceleration line (Acc) over the lookback period. For longer periods, the VAcc behaves the same way as the MACD, only it’s simpler, more responsive, and more precise. Interestingly, for shorter periods, VAcc exhibits characteristics of an oscillator, such as the stochastics oscillator.
The calculation of VAcc involves the following steps:
1. Relatively weighted average where the nearer price has the largest influence.
weighted_avg (float src, int length) =>
float sum = 0.0
for _i = 1 to length
float diff = (src - src ) / _i
sum += diff
sum /= length
2. The Velocity Average is smoothed with an exponential moving average. Now it get:
VAcc (float src, int period, int smoothing) =>
float vel = ta.ema(weighted_avg(src, period), smoothing)
float acc = weighted_avg(vel, period)
3. Similarly, accelerations for each bar within the lookback period and scale factor are calculated as:
= VAcc(src, length1, length2)
av /= (length1 * scale_factor)
In fact, Scott probably preferred to use it in periods 9 and 26 because it was similar to Macd and used the ratio of 0.5. However, I preferred to use the 8 and 21 periods to provide signals closer to the stochastic oscillator in the short term and used the 0.382 ratio. The logic of the strategy is this
Long Strategy → acc(Acceleration Line) > 0.1 and av(Velocity Average Line) > 0.1(Long Factor)
Short strategy → acc(Acceleration Line) < -0.1 and av(Velocity Average Line) < -0.1(Long Factor)
Here, you can change the Short Factor and Long Factor as you wish and produce more meaningful results that are closer to your own strategy.
I hope you benefits...
Merhaba Yatırımcılar ve Yatırımcılar... Bu Gösterge, Scott Cong'un Stocks & Emtia Eylül sayısındaki “VAcc: Hız ve İvmeye Dayalı Bir Momentum Göstergesi” başlıklı makalesine odaklanmaktadır. Bu göstergeden faydalanabilmeniz için bir ticaret stratejisi de ekledim. Öncelikle göstergenin bize neler sunduğuna ve mantığının ne olduğuna bakalım. Öncelikle stratejinin mantığına odaklanalım.
İşte kullanımı kolay, duyarlı ve kesin bazı basit fizik kavramlarına dayanan yeni bir gösterge. Nasıl hesaplanacağını ve kullanılacağını öğrenin.
Fizik alanı bize piyasaları analiz etmede son derece uygulanabilir bazı önemli ilkeler verir. Bu göstergede bir momentum göstergesi sunacağım. Scott Cong bu göstergeyi hız ve ivme kavramlarına dayanarak geliştirdi. Yatırımcıların ve analistlerin sıklıkla incelediği fiyatın pek çok özelliği arasında değişim oranı ve oranı yararlı olanlardır. Başka bir deyişle şunu bilmek faydalı olacaktır: Fiyat ne kadar hızlı hareket ediyor ve hızlanıyor mu, yavaşlıyor mu? Fiyatlar bir dönemden diğerine nasıl değişiyor? Burada tanıtacağım gösterge, mevcut çubuk (C) ve mevcut çubuktan bir yeniden inceleme döneminin her çubuğu kullanılarak hesaplanır. Göstergeye, yeniden inceleme dönemi boyunca hız çizgisinin (av) ve ivme çizgisinin (Acc) ortalamasına dayandığı için VAcc adını verdi. Daha uzun süreler boyunca VACc, MACD ile aynı şekilde davranır, yalnızca daha basit, daha duyarlı ve daha hassastır. İlginç bir şekilde, daha kısa süreler için VAcc, stokastik osilatör gibi bir osilatörün özelliklerini sergiliyor.
VAcc'nin hesaplanması aşağıdaki adımları içerir:
1. Yakın zamandaki fiyatın en büyük etkiye sahip olduğu göreceli ağırlıklı ortalamayı hesaplatıyoruz.
weighted_avg (float src, int length) =>
float sum = 0.0
for _i = 1 to length
float diff = (src - src ) / _i
sum += diff
sum /= length
2. Hız Ortalamasına üstel hareketli ortalamayla düzleştirme uygulanır. Şimdi bu şekilde aşağıdaki kod ile bunu şöyle elde ediyoruz:
VAcc (float src, int period, int smoothing) =>
float vel = ta.ema(weighted_avg(src, period), smoothing)
float acc = weighted_avg(vel, period)
3. Benzer şekilde, yeniden inceleme süresi ve ölçek faktörü içindeki her bir çubuk için fiyattaki ivmelenler yada momentum şu şekilde hesaplanır:
= VAcc(src, length1, length2)
av /= (length1 * scale_factor)
Aslında Scott muhtemelen Macd'e benzediği ve 0,5 oranını kullandığı için 9. ve 26. periyotlarda kullanmayı tercih etmişti. Ancak kısa vadede stokastik osilatöre daha yakın sinyaller sağlamak için 8 ve 21 periyotlarını kullanmayı tercih ettim ve 0,382 oranını kullandım. Stratejinin mantığı şu
Uzun Strateji → acc(İvme Çizgisi) > 0,1 ve av(Hız Ortalama Çizgisi) > 0,1(Uzun Faktör)
Kısa strateji → acc(İvme Çizgisi) < -0,1 ve av(Hız Ortalama Çizgisi) < -0,1(Uzun Faktör)
Burada Kısa Faktör ve Uzun Faktör' ü dilediğiniz gibi değiştirip, kendi stratejinize daha yakın, daha anlamlı sonuçlar üretebilirsiniz.
umarım faydasını görürsün...
Leading MACDThe Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicator is one of the most popular and versatile tools used by traders to identify potential buy and sell signals. It helps traders determine the strength and direction of a trend by comparing different moving averages of a security's price. The traditional MACD uses two exponential moving averages (EMAs), a fast EMA (typically 12 periods) and a slow EMA (typically 26 periods), along with a signal line (typically a 9-period EMA of the MACD line) to generate trading signals.
Our "Custom MACD with Leading Length" script for TradingView enhances the traditional MACD by introducing an additional smoothing factor called the "leading length." This customization aims to reduce noise and provide a potentially earlier indication of trend changes, making it a valuable tool for traders seeking to optimize their trading strategies.
- **Purpose:** This additional smoothing factor is designed to reduce noise and provide a potentially leading signal, enhancing the accuracy of trend identification.
## How It Works
1. **Calculate the MACD Line:**
The MACD line is calculated by subtracting the slow EMA from the fast EMA. This difference represents the convergence or divergence between the two EMAs.
2. **Calculate the Signal Line:**
The signal line is an EMA of the MACD line. This additional smoothing helps to generate clearer buy and sell signals based on crossovers with the MACD line.
3. **Calculate the Histogram:**
The histogram represents the difference between the MACD line and the signal line. It visually indicates the strength and direction of the trend. A positive histogram suggests a bullish trend, while a negative histogram indicates a bearish trend.
4. **Apply Leading Length Smoothing:**
To incorporate the leading length, the script applies a simple moving average (SMA) to both the MACD and signal lines using the leading length parameter. This additional smoothing helps to further reduce noise and potentially provides earlier signals of trend changes.
## Benefits of the Leading MACD
### Reduced Noise
The leading length parameter adds an extra layer of smoothing to the MACD and signal lines, helping to filter out market noise. This can be particularly beneficial in volatile markets, where frequent price fluctuations can generate false signals.
### Potential Early Signals
By smoothing the MACD and signal lines, the leading length can help to provide earlier indications of trend changes. This can give traders a potential edge in entering or exiting trades before the broader market reacts.
### Enhanced Trend Identification
The combination of the traditional MACD with the leading length smoothing can enhance the accuracy of trend identification. Traders can use this tool to confirm the strength and direction of trends, making it easier to make informed trading decisions.
### Versatility
The Custom MACD with Leading Length can be applied to various timeframes and asset classes, including stocks, forex, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. Its adaptability makes it a valuable tool for traders with different strategies and preferences.
## Practical Applications
### Buy Signal
A typical buy signal occurs when the MACD line crosses above the signal line. With the additional smoothing provided by the leading length, traders might receive this signal slightly earlier, allowing them to enter a long position sooner. This can be particularly advantageous in capturing the beginning of a bullish trend.
### Sell Signal
Conversely, a sell signal is generated when the MACD line crosses below the signal line. The leading length smoothing can help to provide this signal earlier, enabling traders to exit a long position or enter a short position before the trend reversal is fully recognized by the market.
### Divergence Analysis
Traders can also use the Custom MACD with Leading Length for divergence analysis. Bullish divergence occurs when the price makes a new low, but the MACD line forms a higher low. This suggests that the downward momentum is weakening, potentially leading to a bullish reversal. Bearish divergence is the opposite, where the price makes a new high, but the MACD line forms a lower high, indicating a potential bearish reversal.
### Confirmation Tool
The Custom MACD with Leading Length can be used in conjunction with other technical indicators to confirm trading signals. For example, traders might use it alongside support and resistance levels, trendlines, or other momentum indicators to validate their trade entries and exits.
## Conclusion
The Custom MACD with Leading Length is a powerful enhancement of the traditional MACD indicator. By introducing an additional smoothing factor, it aims to reduce noise and provide earlier signals of trend changes. This makes it a valuable tool for traders seeking to improve their market analysis and trading strategies.
Whether you are a day trader, swing trader, or long-term investor, the Custom MACD with Leading Length can help you make more informed decisions by offering clearer insights into market trends. Its adaptability to different timeframes and asset classes further enhances its utility, making it a versatile addition to any trader's toolkit.
Experiment with the parameters to find the optimal settings that suit your trading style and preferences. Use the Custom MACD with Leading Length to gain a deeper understanding of market dynamics and enhance your trading performance.
VolCorrBeta [NariCapitalTrading]Indicator Overview: VolCorrBeta
The VolCorrBeta indicator is designed to analyze and interpret intermarket relationships. This indicator combines volatility, correlation, and beta calculations to provide a comprehensive view of how certain assets (BTC, DXY, CL) influence the ES futures contract (I tailored this indicator to the ES contract, but it will work for any symbol).
Input Symbols
BTCUSD : Bitcoin to USD
DXY : US Dollar Index
CL1! : Crude Oil Futures
ES1! : S&P 500 Futures
These symbols can be customized according to user preferences. The main focus of the indicator is to analyze how the price movements of these assets correlate with and lead the price movements of the ES futures contract.
Parameters for Calculation
Correlation Length : Number of periods for calculating the correlation.
Standard Deviation Length : Number of periods for calculating the standard deviation.
Lookback Period for Beta : Number of periods for calculating beta.
Volatility Filter Length : Length of the volatility filter.
Volatility Threshold : Threshold for adjusting the lookback period based on volatility.
Key Calculations
Returns Calculation : Computes the daily returns for each input symbol.
Correlation Calculation : Computes the correlation between each input symbol's returns and the ES futures contract returns over the specified correlation length.
Standard Deviation Calculation : Computes the standard deviation for each input symbol's returns and the ES futures contract returns.
Beta Calculation : Computes the beta for each input symbol relative to the ES futures contract.
Weighted Returns Calculation : Computes the weighted returns based on the calculated betas.
Lead-Lag Indicator : Calculates a lead-lag indicator by averaging the weighted returns.
Volatility Filter : Smooths the lead-lag indicator using a simple moving average.
Price Target Estimation : Estimates the ES price target based on the lead-lag indicator (the yellow line on the chart).
Dynamic Stop Loss (SL) and Take Profit (TP) Levels : Calculates dynamic SL and TP levels using volatility bands.
Signal Generation
The indicator generates buy and sell signals based on the filtered lead-lag indicator and confirms them using higher timeframe analysis. Signals are debounced to reduce frequency, ensuring that only significant signals are considered.
Background Coloring : The background color changes based on the buy and sell signals for easy visualization (user can toggle this on/off).
Signal Labels : Labels with arrows are plotted on the chart, showing the signal type (buy/sell), the entry price, TP, and SL levels.
Estimated ES Price Target : The estimated price target for ES futures is plotted on the chart.
Correlation and Beta Dashboard : A table displayed in the top right corner shows the current correlation and beta values for relative to the ES futures contract.
Traders can customize the following parameters to tailor the indicator to their specific needs:
Input Symbols : Change the symbols for BTC, DXY, CL, and ES.
Correlation Length : Adjust the number of periods used for calculating correlation.
Standard Deviation Length : Adjust the number of periods used for calculating standard deviation.
Lookback Period for Beta : Change the lookback period for calculating beta.
Volatility Filter Length : Modify the length of the volatility filter.
Volatility Threshold : Set a threshold for adjusting the lookback period based on volatility.
Plotting Options : Customize the colors and line widths of the plotted elements.
Funding Rate [CryptoSea]The Funding Rate Indicator by is a comprehensive tool designed to analyze funding rates across multiple cryptocurrency exchanges. This indicator is essential for traders who want to monitor funding rates and their impact on market trends.
Key Features
Exchange Coverage: Includes data from major exchanges such as Binance, Bitmex, Bybit, HTX, Kraken, OKX, Bitstamp, and Coinbase.
Perpetual Futures and Spot Markets: Fetches and analyzes pricing data from both perpetual futures and spot markets to provide a holistic view.
Smoothing and Customization: Allows users to smooth funding rates using a moving average, with customizable MA lengths for tailored analysis.
Dynamic Candle Coloring: Option to color candles based on trading conditions, enhancing visual analysis.
In the example below, the indicator shows how the funding rate shifts with market conditions, providing clear visual cues for bullish and bearish trends.
How it Works
Data Integration: Uses a secure security fetching function to retrieve pricing data while preventing look-ahead bias, ensuring accurate and reliable information.
TWAP Calculation: Computes Time-Weighted Average Prices (TWAP) for both perpetual futures and spot prices, forming the basis for funding rate calculations.
Funding Rate Calculation: Determines the raw funding rate by comparing TWAPs of perpetual futures and spot prices, then applies smoothing to highlight significant trends.
Color Coding: Highlights the funding rate with distinct colors (bullish and bearish), making it easier to interpret market conditions at a glance.
In the example below, the indicator effectively differentiates between bullish and bearish funding rates, aiding traders in making informed decisions based on current market dynamics.
Market Analysis: Enables traders to analyze the impact of funding rates on market trends, facilitating more strategic decision-making.
Trend Identification: Assists in identifying potential market reversals by monitoring shifts in funding rates.
Customizable Settings: Provides extensive input settings for exchange selection, MA length, and candle coloring, allowing for personalized analysis.
The Funding Rate Indicator by is a powerful addition to any trader's toolkit, offering detailed insights into funding rates across multiple exchanges to navigate the cryptocurrency market effectively.
VP demo(Rolling period)Introduction
In the native VP (Volume Profile), the commonly referenced parameters are POC (Point of Control), VAH (Value Area High), and VAL (Value Area Low). However, since VAH and VAL are calculated by extending outward from the POC, their values heavily depend on the shape of the VP and the parameter settings of the value area ratio. This means their significance in identifying support and resistance in the market is limited. Based on VP, my algorithm is designed with two additional methods to identify low-volume points within a rolling time period, using them as reference points for support and resistance.
Current Algorithm Issues
When the candles update, you might notice overlapping support and resistance lines on the chart, or multiple lines appearing near the same location. This is due to TradingView's rendering issue, where old support and resistance lines that have been deleted in the code are not promptly removed from the chart. You only need to refer to the support and resistance lines that extend to the latest candle. If some lines remain at previous candles, it indicates that these points are outdated. As new candles continue to form, these lagging support and resistance lines will automatically disappear once the number of new candles reaches a certain threshold. Additionally, during significant market movements, you may see a large number of red lines. This is because the algorithm does not yet fully recognize abnormal market conditions. Future versions will gradually improve this aspect.
Volume Profile cheap copyIn the absence of TradingView's open-source Volume Profile (hereinafter referred to as VP) indicator code, I have replicated it. However, because this code is classified as an "indicator" rather than a "tool," it cannot allow users to define the range according to their preferences. In the code, I have set different periods, and users can input 0, 1, or 2 to let the indicator calculate the volume distribution from the earliest candle to the latest candle within the daily, weekly, or monthly range, respectively.
How can we prove that this code is consistent with TradingView's algorithm?
Firstly, the calculation or drawing process of VP starts from the earliest candle in the selected range. After calling TradingView's built-in "Fixed Range Volume Profile" (FRVP) tool, you can enter the settings interface of the tool and check both "developing POC" and "Value Area (VA)." The paths of POC, VAH, and VAL will appear in the chart. These paths are the changes in the values of POC, VAH, and VAL as the number of candles increases. If the paths shown by my indicator are the same as those shown by TradingView's VP indicator, then it proves the algorithms are consistent. Since VP itself is calculated based on volume, the high and low points of candles, and the opening and closing prices, if the data sources are consistent, the calculation results (the paths of POC, VAH, and VAL) will remain consistent over time. This can be used to infer that the algorithms are consistent. Additionally, the parameters of the two indicators (number of rows and value area ratio) must be the same to verify consistency. The number of rows in the indicator is usually set to 100 by default, and the value area ratio is 70. Therefore, the parameters in FRVP should also be set to 100 rows and a value area volume of 70.
Why is there a noticeable discrepancy?
When the start and end points of the VP remain unchanged, reducing the chart's time frame can improve accuracy. For example, when calculating the weekly VP, switching from a 1-hour time frame to a 5-minute time frame can make the indicator more closely match TradingView's native VP. Tests have shown that TradingView's native VP may not use the data displayed on the current chart for its calculations. For instance, the VP may use data from the 5-minute time frame even if the chart is displayed in the 1-hour time frame. However, my replicated VP calculates based on the chart's data, so differences in time frames will affect accuracy.
Current algorithm deficiencies
This replicated VP code is merely a demo and does not handle data updates. In other words, after the latest candle closes, the VP needs to be recalculated, but this recalculation step is not handled, which will cause errors. To resolve this issue, you only need to switch the time frame or delete the indicator and re-add it.
MetaFOX DCA (ASAP-RSI-BB%B-TV)Welcome To ' MetaFOX DCA (ASAP-RSI-BB%B-TV) ' Indicator.
This is not a Buy/Sell signals indicator, this is an indicator to help you create your own strategy using a variety of technical analyzing options within the indicator settings with the ability to do DCA (Dollar Cost Average) with up to 100 safety orders.
It is important when backtesting to get a real results, but this is impossible, especially when the time frame is large, because we don't know the real price action inside each candle, as we don't know whether the price reached the high or low first. but what I can say is that I present to you a backtest results in the worst possible case, meaning that if the same chart is repeated during the next period and you traded for the same period and with the same settings, the real results will be either identical to the results in the indicator or better (not worst). There will be no other factors except the slippage in the price when executing orders in the real trading, So I created a feature for that to increase the accuracy rate of the results. For more information, read this description.
Below I will explain all the properties and settings of the indicator:
A) 'Buy Strategies' Section: Your choices of strategies to Start a new trade: (All the conditions works as (And) not (OR), You have to choose one at least and you can choose more than one).
- 'ASAP (New Candle)': Start a trade as soon as possible at the opening of a new candle after exiting the previous trade.
- 'RSI': Using RSI as a technical analysis condition to start a trade.
- 'BB %B': Using BB %B as a technical analysis condition to start a trade.
- 'TV': Using tradingview crypto screener as a technical analysis condition to start a trade.
B) 'Exit Strategies' Section: Your choices of strategies to Exit the trades: (All the conditions works as (And) not (OR), You can choose more than one, But if you don't want to use any of them you have to activate the 'Use TP:' at least).
- 'ASAP (New Candle)': Exit a trade as soon as possible at the opening of a new candle after opening the previous trade.
- 'RSI': Using RSI as a technical analysis condition to exit a trade.
- 'BB %B': Using BB %B as a technical analysis condition to exit a trade.
- 'TV': Using tradingview crypto screener as a technical analysis condition to exit a trade.
C) 'Main Settings' Section:
- 'Trading Fees %': The Exchange trading fees in percentage (trading Commission).
- 'Entry Price Slippage %': Since real trading differs from backtest calculations, while in backtest results are calculated based on the open price of the candle, but in real trading there is a slippage from the open price of the candle resulting from the supply and demand in the real time trading, so this feature is to determine the slippage Which you think it is appropriate, then the entry prices of the trades will calculated higher than the open price of the start candle by the percentage of slippage that you set. If you don't want to calculate any slippage, just set it to zero, but I don't recommend that if you want the most realistic results.
Note: If (open price + slippage) is higher than the high of the candle then don't worry, I've kept this in consideration.
- 'Use SL': Activate to use stop loss percentage.
- 'SL %': Stop loss percentage.
- 'SL settings options box':
'SL From Base Price': Calculate the SL from the base order price (from the trade first entry price).
'SL From Avg. Price': Calculate the SL from the average price in case you use safety orders.
'SL From Last SO.': Calculate the SL from the last (lowest) safety order deviation.
ex: If you choose 'SL From Avg. Price' and SL% is 5, then the SL will be lower than the average price by 5% (in this case your SL will be dynamic until the price reaches all the safety orders unlike the other two SL options).
Note: This indicator programmed to be compatible with '3COMMAS' platform, but I added more options that came to my mind.
'3COMMAS' DCA bots uses 'SL From Base Price'.
- 'Use TP': Activate to use take profit percentage.
- 'TP %': Take profit percentage.
- 'Pure TP,SL': This feature was created due to the differences in the method of calculations between API tools trading platforms:
If the feature is not activated and (for example) the TP is 5%, this means that the price must move upward by only 5%, but you will not achieve a net profit of 5% due to the trading fees. but If the feature is activated, this means that you will get a net profit of 5%, and this means that the price must move upward by (5% for the TP + the equivalent of trading fees). The same idea is applied to the SL.
Note: '3COMMAS' DCA bots uses activated 'Pure TP,SL'.
- 'SO. Price Deviation %': Determines the decline percentage for the first safety order from the trade start entry price.
- 'SO. Step Scale': Determines the deviation multiplier for the safety orders.
Note: I'm using the same method of calculations for SO. (safety orders) levels that '3COMMAS' platform is using. If there is any difference between the '3COMMAS' calculations and the platform that you are using, please let me know.
'3COMMAS' DCA bots minimum 'SO. Price Deviation %' is (0.21)
'3COMMAS' DCA bots minimum 'SO. Step Scale' is (0.1)
- 'SO. Volume Scale': Determines the base order size multiplier for the safety orders sizes.
ex: If you used 10$ to buy at the trade start (base order size) and your 'SO. Volume Scale' is 2, then the 1st SO. size will be 20, the 2nd SO. size will be 40 and so on.
- 'SO. Count': Determines the number of safety orders that you want. If you want to trade without safety orders set it to zero.
'3COMMAS' DCA bots minimum 'SO. Volume Scale' is (0.1)
- 'Exchange Min. Size': The exchange minimum size per trade, It's important to prevent you from setting the base order Size less than the exchange limit. It's also important for the backtest results calculations.
ex: If you setup your strategy settings and it led to a loss to the point that you can't trade any more due to insufficient funds and your base order size share from the strategy becomes less than the exchange minimum trade size, then the indicator will show you a warning and will show you the point where you stopped the trading (It works in compatible with the initial capital). I recommend to set it a little bit higher than the real exchange minimum trade size especially if you trade without safety orders to not stuck in the trade if you hit the stop loss
- 'BO. Size': The base order size (funds you use at the trade entry).
- 'Initial Capital': The total funds allocated for trading using your strategy settings, It can be more than what is required in the strategy to cover the deficit in case of a loss, but it should not exceed the funds that you actually have for trading using this strategy settings, It's important to prevent you from setting up a strategy which requires funds more than what you have. It's also has other important benefits (refer to 'Exchange Min. Size' for more information).
- 'Accumulative Results': This feature is also called re-invest profits & risk reduction. If it's not activated then you will use the same funds size in each new trade whether you are in profit or loss till the (initial capitals + net results) turns insufficient. If it's activated then you will reuse your profits and losses in each new trade.
ex: The feature is active and your first trade ended with a net profit of 1000$, the next trade will add the 1000$ to the trade funds size and it will be distributed as a percentage to the BO. & SO.s according to your strategy settings. The same idea in case of a loss, the trade funds size will be reduced.
D) 'RSI Strategy' Section:
- 'Buy': RSI technical condition to start a trade. Has no effect if you don't choose 'RSI' option in 'Buy Strategies'.
- 'Exit': RSI technical condition to exit a trade. Has no effect if you don't choose 'RSI' option in 'Exit Strategies'.
E) 'TV Strategy' Section:
- 'Buy': TradingView Crypto Screener technical condition to start a trade. Has no effect if you don't choose 'TV' option in 'Buy Strategies'.
- 'Exit': TradingView Crypto Screener technical condition to exit a trade. Has no effect if you don't choose 'TV' option in 'Exit Strategies'.
F) 'BB %B Strategy' Section:
- 'Buy': BB %B technical condition to start a trade. Has no effect if you don't choose 'BB %B' option in 'Buy Strategies'.
- 'Exit': BB %B technical condition to exit a trade. Has no effect if you don't choose 'BB %B' option in 'Exit Strategies'.
G) 'Plot' Section:
- 'Signals': Plots buy and exit signals.
- 'BO': Plots the trade entry price (base order price).
- 'AVG': Plots the trade average price.
- 'AVG options box': Your choice to plot the trade average price type:
'Avg. With Fees': The trade average price including the trading fees, If you exit the trade at this price the trade net profit will be 0.00
'Avg. Without Fees': The trade average price but not including the trading fees, If you exit the trade at this price the trade net profit will be a loss equivalent to the trading fees.
- 'TP': Plots the trade take profit price.
- 'SL': Plots the trade stop loss price.
- 'Last SO': Plots the trade last safety order that the price reached.
- 'Exit Price': Plots a mark on the trade exit price, It plots in 3 colors as below:
Red (Default): Trade exit at a loss.
Green (Default): Trade exit at a profit.
Yellow (Default): Trade exit at a profit but this is a special case where we have to calculate the profits before reaching the safety orders (if any) on that candle (compatible with the idea of getting strategy results at the worst case).
- 'Result Table': Plots your strategy result table. The net profit percentage shown is a percentage of the 'initial capital'.
- 'TA Values': Plots your used strategies Technical analysis values. (Green cells means valid condition).
- 'Help Table': Plots a table to help you discover 100 safety orders with its deviations and the total funds needed for your strategy settings. Deviations shown in red is impossible to use because its price is <= 0.00
- 'Portfolio Chart': Plots your Portfolio status during the entire trading period in addition to the highest and lowest level reached. It's important when evaluating any strategy not only to look at the final result, but also to look at the change in results over the entire trading period. Perhaps the results were worryingly negative at some point before they rose again and made a profit. This feature helps you to see the whole picture.
- 'Welcome Message': Plots a welcome message and showing you the idea behind this indicator.
- 'Green Net Profit %': It plots the 'Net Profit %' in the result table in green color if the result is equal to or above the value that you entered.
- 'Green Win Rate %': It plots the 'Win Rate %' in the result table in green color if the result is equal to or above the value that you entered.
- 'User Notes Area': An empty text area, Feel free to use this area to write your notes so you don't forget them.
The indicator will take care of you. In some cases, warning messages will appear for you. Read them carefully, as they mean that you have done an illogical error in the indicator settings. Also, the indicator will sometimes stop working for the same reason mentioned above. If that happens then click on the red (!) next to the indicator name and read the message to find out what illogical error you have done.
Please enjoy the indicator and let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
Liquidity Dependent Price Stability AlgorithmThe Liquidity Dependent Price Stability (LDPS) indicator is designed to measure liquidity levels on an equity and, from those measurements, provide Bullish or Bearish outlooks for future price action. These outlooks are given via reporting the equity's Liquidity Condition and Liquidity Flow.
Liquidity Condition (LC) and Liquidity Flow (LF) measurements are displayed with color-specific chart colors and/or with text output.
LC can be reported as "Weak Bullish", "Bullish", or "Strong Bullish" for Bullish outlooks and "Weak Bearish", "Bearish" or "Strong Bearish" for Bearish outlooks. LC can also just be reported as "Bullish" or "Bearish".
Bullish LCs have a statistical correlation with future price appreciation, and Bearish LCs have a statistical correlation with price depreciation. When LC is “Bullish”, the price is likely to go up, and if LC is “Bearish”, the price is likely to go down.
Liquidity Flow (LF) is a measure of how LC is changing. When LC is becoming more bullish, LF is reported as “Improving”. When LC is becoming more bearish, LF is reported as “Worsening”. LF is only displayed via text output.
Settings and Configurations
LDPS Sensitivity and Reactivity: Determines if you want LDPS to be more sensitive to changing conditions or less sensitive. This choice affects how certain LDPS is when forming its future outlooks. LDPS achieves this increase in sensitivity and reactivity by lowering the bar for what LDPS considers a significant change.
Aggressive : LDPS will optimize reporting early changes in LC and LF at the expensive of accuracy. Aggressive is good for low-risk trading styles that prefer to exit a position early rather than deal with increased risk of oppositional movement.
Balanced : LDPS will try to balance reporting changes in LC and LF with maintaining accuracy. Balanced style is a good setting to start out with and is applicable across the widest range of equity’s and timeframes.
Conservative : LDPS will optimize accuracy over being sensitive to changes in LC or LF. Conservative is a good choice for lower timeframes and traders who only want to change or exit positions with the greatest confidence.
LDPS Reporting Style: Determines how you want LC to be reported.
Simplified : LDPS will only report LC as “Bullish” or “Bearish”.
Full : LDPS will increase its reporting details and include the “Strong” and “Weak” pre-fixes, when appropriate.
LDPS Candle Coloring: There are three different ways that LC can be reported on the chart via coloring.
LDPS Candle Replacement: This will replace the chart’s default candles with those created by LDPS. Note: In order to see LDPS’ candles and not the chart’s, you have to disable to chart’s candles. This can be done in Settings -> Symbol and unchecking “Body”, “Borders” and “Wick” boxes.
LDPS Candle Coloring: This will just color the bodies of the chart’s default candles. Note: This setting should not have the chart’s candle’s disabled.
LDPS Background Coloring: This will color the chart’s background rather than any candles.
LDPS Text Output: LC and LF are reported via a text box that can be moved several places on the chart, or the text box can be removed.
LDPS Measurements – Display: When selected, LC and LF will be reported via the text box.
LDPS Measurement – Text Location: Determines where the text box with LC and LF are located.
LDPS Measurement – Text Size: Determines the size of LC and LF within the text box.
LDPS Measurement – Background Color: Determines the background color of the text box with LC and LF.
LDPS Condition Color Selection – Bullish / Bearish: Color selection for each type of LC. Note: If the Simplified reporting style is selected, the “Full Bullish” and “Full Bearish” are the bullish and bearish color choices, respectively.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Where can I get additional Information?
Please check the “Author’s Instructions” section below.
Where can I find the results of the LDPS research?
Please check the “Author’s Instructions” section below.
Help! Something’s not working!
Apologies. Please see the email listed in “Author’s Instructions” below and let’s get started on solving the issue.
Which Sensitivity setting should I use?
The author’s preference is Conservative in most cases, but the answer for you depends on your preferred style.
An analogy might help: the aggressive setting will ensure LDPS is early to the party – every party. Of the parties that really kick off, you can be certain LDPS is there, but they had to visit a several of parties before finding the right one.
The Conservative setting won’t bring LDPS to every party – it will gladly stay at the one it’s at but when it detects the next real big hit, LDPS will move to that party instead. It won’t be the first one there, but it is definitely earlier than most.
Should I use the Full or Simplified reporting style?
Depending on how engaged you are with the particular equity or position, either choice can be beneficial. The Full reporting style will let you detect changes in LC before they might show with the Simplified reporting style. Some enjoy the additional data, some (like the Author) enjoy keeping things simple.
I can see LDPS’ colors in the chart’s candlesticks when the settings are open, but not when the settings are closed. How come?
If you are using the “LDPS Candle Replacement” setting, be sure to turn off the Chart’s default candles by right-clicking on the chart, going to Settings, then Symbol and then un-checking “Body”, “Border” and “Wick”. This should fix the issue.
I think there’s a bug – where do I report it?
Thank you for reaching out about a potential bug or issue! Please see the email below in “Author’s Instructions” to report the issue.
HilalimSBHilalimSB A Wedding Gift 🌙
HilalimSB - Revealing the Secrets of the Trend
HilalimSB is a powerful indicator designed to help investors analyze market trends and optimize trading strategies. Designed to uncover the secrets at the heart of the trend, HilalimSB stands out with its unique features and impressive algorithm.
Hilalim Algorithm and Fixed ATR Value:
HilalimSB is equipped with a special algorithm called "Hilalim" to detect market trends. This algorithm can delve into the depths of price movements to determine the direction of the trend and provide users with the ability to predict future price movements. Additionally, HilalimSB uses its own fixed Average True Range (ATR) value. ATR is an indicator that measures price movement volatility and is often used to determine the strength of a trend. The fixed ATR value of HilalimSB has been tested over long periods and its reliability has been proven. This allows users to interpret the signals provided by the indicator more reliably.
ATR Calculation Steps
1.True Range Calculation:
+ The True Range (TR) is the greatest of the following three values:
1. Current high minus current low
2. Current high minus previous close (absolute value)
3. Current low minus previous close (absolute value)
2.Average True Range (ATR) Calculation:
-The initial ATR value is calculated as the average of the TR values over a specified period
(typically 14 periods).
-For subsequent periods, the ATR is calculated using the following formula:
+ ATRt is the ATR for the current period,
+ ATRt−1 is the ATR for the previous period,
+ TRt is the True Range for the current period,
+ n is the number of periods.
Pine Script to Calculate ATR with User-Defined Length and Multiplier
Here is the Pine Script code for calculating the ATR with user-defined X length and Y multiplier:
indicator("Custom ATR", overlay=false)
// User-defined inputs
X =, minval=1, title="ATR Period (X)")
Y = input.float(1.0, title="ATR Multiplier (Y)")
// True Range calculation
TR1 = high - low
TR2 = math.abs(high - close )
TR3 = math.abs(low - close )
TR = math.max(TR1, math.max(TR2, TR3))
// ATR calculation
ATR = ta.rma(TR, X)
// Apply multiplier
customATR = ATR * Y
// Plot the ATR value
plot(customATR, title="Custom ATR",, linewidth=2)
This code can be added as a new Pine Script indicator in TradingView, allowing users to calculate and display the ATR on the chart according to their specified parameters.
HilalimSB's Distinction from Other ATR Indicators
HilalimSB emerges with its unique Average True Range (ATR) value, presenting itself to users. Equipped with a proprietary ATR algorithm, this indicator is released in a non-editable form for users. After meticulous testing across various instruments with predetermined period and multiplier values, it is made available for use.
ATR is acknowledged as a critical calculation tool in the financial sector. The ATR calculation process of HilalimSB is conducted as a result of various research efforts and concrete data-based computations. Therefore, the HilalimSB indicator is published with its proprietary ATR values, unavailable for modification.
The ATR period and multiplier values provided by HilalimSB constitute the fundamental logic of a trading strategy. This unique feature aids investors in making informed decisions.
Visual Aesthetics and Clear Charts:
HilalimSB provides a user-friendly interface with clear and impressive graphics. Trend changes are highlighted with vibrant colors and are visually easy to understand. You can choose colors based on eye comfort, allowing you to personalize your trading screen for a more enjoyable experience. While offering a flexible approach tailored to users' needs, HilalimSB also promises an aesthetic and professional experience.
Strong Signals and Buy/Sell Indicators:
After completing test operations, HilalimSB produces data at various time intervals. However, we would like to emphasize to users that based on our studies, it provides the best signals in 1-hour chart data. HilalimSB produces strong signals to identify trend reversals. Buy or sell points are clearly indicated, allowing users to develop and implement trading strategies based on these signals.
For example, let's imagine you wanted to open a position on BTC on 2023.11.02. You are aware that you need to calculate which of the buying or selling transactions would be more profitable. You need support from various indicators to open a position. Based on the analysis and calculations it has made from the data it contains, HilalimSB would have detected that the graph is more suitable for a selling position, and by producing a sell signal at the most ideal selling point at 08:00 on 2023.11.02 (UTC+3 Istanbul), it would have informed you of the direction the graph would follow, allowing you to benefit positively from a 2.56% decline.
Technology and Innovation:
HilalimSB aims to enhance the trading experience using the latest technology. With its innovative approach, it enables users to discover market opportunities and support their decisions. Thus, investors can make more informed and successful trades. Real-Time Data Analysis: HilalimSB analyzes market data in real-time and identifies updated trends instantly. This allows users to make more informed trading decisions by staying informed of the latest market developments. Continuous Update and Improvement: HilalimSB is constantly updated and improved. New features are added and existing ones are enhanced based on user feedback and market changes. Thus, HilalimSB always aims to provide the latest technology and the best user experience.
Social Order and Intrinsic Motivation:
Negative trends such as widespread illegal gambling and uncontrolled risk-taking can have adverse financial effects on society. The primary goal of HilalimSB is to counteract these negative trends by guiding and encouraging users with data-driven analysis and calculable investment systems. This allows investors to trade more consciously and safely.
Ocs Ai TraderThis script perform predictive analytics from a virtual trader perspective!
It acts as an AI Trade Assistant that helps you decide the optimal times to buy or sell securities, providing you with precise target prices and stop-loss level to optimise your gains and manage risk effectively.
System Components
The trading system is built on 4 fundamental layers :
Time series Processing layer
Signal Processing layer
Machine Learning
Virtual Trade Emulator
Time series Processing layer
This is first component responsible for handling and processing real-time and historical time series data.
In this layer Signals are extracted from
averages such as : volume price mean, adaptive moving average
Estimates such as : relative strength stochastics estimates on supertrend
Signal Processing layer
This second layer processes signals from previous layer using sensitivity filter comprising of an Probability Distribution Confidence Filter
The main purpose here is to predict the trend of the underlying, by converging price, volume signals and deltas over a dominant cycle as dimensions and generate signals of action.
Key terms
Dominant cycle is a time cycle that has a greater influence on the overall behaviour of a system than other cycles.
The system uses Ehlers method to calculate Dominant Cycle/ Period.
Dominant cycle is used to determine the influencing period for the underlying.
Once the dominant cycle/ period is identified, it is treated as a dynamic length for considering further calculations
Predictive Adaptive Filter to generate Signals and define Targets and Stops
An adaptive filter is a system with a linear filter that has a transfer function controlled by variable parameters and a means to adjust those parameters according to an optimisation algorithm. Because of the complexity of the optimisation algorithms, almost all adaptive filters are digital filters. Thus Helping us classify our intent either long side or short side
The indicator use Adaptive Least mean square algorithm, for convergence of the filtered signals into a category of intents, (either buy or sell)
Machine Learning
The third layer of the System performs classifications using KNN K-Nearest Neighbour is one of the simplest Machine Learning algorithms based on Supervised Learning technique.
K-NN algorithm assumes the similarity between the new case/data and available cases and put the new case into the category that is most similar to the available categories.
K-NN algorithm stores all the available data and classifies a new data point based on the similarity. This means when new data appears then it can be easily classified into a well suite category by using K- NN algorithm. K-NN algorithm can be used for Regression as well as for Classification but mostly it is used for the Classification problems.
Virtual Trade Emulator
In this last and fourth layer a trade assistant is coded using trade emulation techniques and the Lines and Labels for Buy / Sell Signals, Targets and Stop are forecasted!
How to use
The system generates Buy and Sell alerts and plots it on charts
Buy signal
Buy signal constitutes of three targets {namely T1, T2, T3} and one stop level
Sell signal
Sell signal constitutes of three targets {namely T1, T2, T3} and one stop level
What Securities will it work upon ?
Volume Informations must be present for the applied security
The indicator works on every liquid security : stocks, future, forex, crypto, options, commodities
What TimeFrames To Use ?
You can use any Timeframe, The indicator is Adaptive in Nature,
I personally use timeframes such as : 1m, 5m 10m, 15m, ..... 1D, 1W
This Script Uses Tradingview Premium features for working on lower timeframes
In case if you are not a Tradingview premium subscriber you should tell the script that after applying on chart, this can be done by going to settings and unchecking "Is your Tradingview Subscription Premium or Above " Option
How To Get Access ?
You will need to privately message me for access mentioning you want access to "Ocs Ai Trader" Use comment box only for constructive comments. Thanks !
Total Cross CalculatorThe Indicator calculates the total number of the death and golden crosses in the total chart which can help the moving average user to compare the number of signals generated by the moving average pair in the given timeframe.
If Indicator is not plotting anything then right click on the indicator's scale and click on "Auto(data fits the screen)" option.
Please visit it's previous version if you want to use the indicator on the moving averages created by yourself. Link is here
CPR by MTThe CPR indicator, or Central Pivot Range indicator, is a technical analysis tool used in trading to identify potential support and resistance levels based on the price action of a security. Developed by pivot point theory, it is particularly popular among day traders and swing traders. The CPR indicator consists of three lines:
1. **Pivot Point (PP):** This is the central line and is calculated as the average of the high, low, and closing prices from the previous trading period.
2. **Top Central Pivot (TC):** This is calculated by subtracting the low from the PP and then adding the result to the PP.
3. **Bottom Central Pivot (BC):** This is calculated by subtracting the high from the PP and then adding the result to the PP.
### How to Use the CPR Indicator
- **Trend Identification:** A wide CPR range indicates low volatility and a potential sideways or consolidation phase. A narrow CPR range indicates high volatility and a potential strong trending move.
- **Support and Resistance:** The top and bottom central pivots act as immediate resistance and support levels. If the price is above the TC, it indicates a bullish sentiment, while if it is below the BC, it indicates a bearish sentiment.
- **Entry and Exit Points:** Traders use the CPR lines to determine optimal entry and exit points. For example, if the price breaks above the TC and sustains, it may signal a buy opportunity, whereas a drop below the BC may signal a sell opportunity.
### Practical Example
Suppose a stock had a high of $105, a low of $95, and a closing price of $100 on the previous day. The CPR levels for the next day would be calculated as follows:
1. **Pivot Point (PP):**
2. **Top Central Pivot (TC):**
3. **Bottom Central Pivot (BC):**
The levels for the next day would be PP = $100, TC = $110, and BC = $90. Traders would then use these levels to assess potential trading strategies based on where the price moves relative to these levels.
### Conclusion
The CPR indicator is a useful tool for traders looking to understand market conditions and make informed decisions about entry and exit points. Its effectiveness comes from its ability to highlight key price levels derived from historical price data, helping traders predict potential market movements.
Buffett Quality Score [Communication Services]Buffett Quality Score "Communication Services": Analyzing Communication Companies with Precision
The communication services sector encompasses a diverse range of companies involved in telecommunications, media, and entertainment. To assess the financial strength and performance of companies within this sector, the Buffett Quality Score employs a tailored set of financial metrics. This scoring system, inspired by the Piotroski F-Score methodology, assigns points based on specific financial criteria to provide a comprehensive quality assessment.
Scoring Methodology
The Buffett Quality Score is designed to evaluate the overall financial health and quality of companies operating within the communication services sector. Each selected financial metric is chosen for its relevance and importance in evaluating a company's performance and potential for sustainable growth. The score is computed by assigning points based on the achievement of specific thresholds for each indicator, with the total points determining the final score. This methodology ensures a nuanced analysis that captures the unique dynamics of the communication services industry.
Selected Financial Metrics and Criteria
1. Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) > 10.0%
Relevance: ROIC measures a company's efficiency in allocating capital to profitable investments. For communication companies, a ROIC above 10.0% indicates effective capital utilization, crucial for sustaining growth and innovation.
2. Return on Equity (ROE) > 15.0%
Relevance: ROE evaluates the return generated on shareholders' equity. A ROE exceeding 15.0% signifies robust profitability and effective management of shareholder funds, essential for investor confidence in communication companies.
3. Revenue One-Year Growth > 10.0%
Relevance: High revenue growth indicates strong market demand and successful business strategies. For communication services, where innovation and content delivery are paramount, growth exceeding 10.0% reflects market leadership and competitive positioning.
4. Gross Margin > 40.0%
Relevance: Gross margin measures profitability after accounting for production costs. In the communication services sector, a gross margin above 40.0% demonstrates efficient operations and high-value content offerings, critical for maintaining competitive advantage.
5. Net Margin > 10.0%
Relevance: Net margin assesses overall profitability after all expenses. A net margin exceeding 10.0% indicates effective cost management and operational efficiency, fundamental for sustained profitability in communication companies.
6. EPS One-Year Growth > 10.0%
Relevance: EPS growth reflects the company's ability to increase earnings per share. For communication firms, where content monetization and subscription models are prevalent, EPS growth above 10.0% signals successful business expansion and value creation.
7. Piotroski F-Score > 6.0
Relevance: The Piotroski F-Score evaluates fundamental strength across various financial metrics. A score above 6.0 suggests strong financial health and operational efficiency, crucial for navigating competitive pressures in the communication services industry.
8. Price/Earnings Ratio (Forward) < 25.0
Relevance: The forward P/E ratio compares current share price to expected future earnings. A ratio below 25.0 indicates reasonable valuation relative to growth prospects, important for investors seeking value opportunities in communication stocks.
9. Current Ratio > 1.5
Relevance: The current ratio assesses short-term liquidity by comparing current assets to current liabilities. In communication companies, a ratio above 1.5 ensures financial flexibility and the ability to meet short-term obligations, vital for operational stability.
10. Debt to Equity Ratio < 1.0
Relevance: A lower debt to equity ratio indicates prudent financial management and reduced reliance on debt financing. For communication firms, maintaining a ratio below 1.0 signifies a healthy balance sheet and lower financial risk.
Interpreting the Buffett Quality Score
0-4 Points: Indicates potential weaknesses across multiple financial areas, suggesting higher risk.
5 Points: Represents average performance, warranting further analysis to understand underlying factors.
6-10 Points: Reflects strong financial health and quality, positioning the company favorably within the competitive communication services industry.
The Buffett Quality Score provides a robust framework for evaluating communication companies, emphasizing critical financial indicators tailored to industry dynamics. By leveraging these insights, investors and analysts can make informed decisions, identifying companies poised for sustainable growth and performance in the ever-evolving communication services landscape.
Disclaimer: The Buffett Quality Score serves as a tool for financial analysis and should not replace professional advice or comprehensive due diligence. Investors should conduct thorough research and consult with financial experts based on individual investment objectives.
Buffett Quality Score [Information Technology]Buffett Quality Score 'Information Technology': Assessing Tech Companies with Precision
The information technology sector is characterized by rapid innovation, high growth potential, and significant competition. To evaluate the financial health and performance of companies within this dynamic industry, the Buffett Quality Score employs a tailored set of financial metrics. This scoring system, inspired by the Piotroski F-Score methodology, assigns points based on specific financial criteria to provide a comprehensive quality assessment.
Scoring Methodology
The Buffett Quality Score is designed to assess the overall financial strength and quality of companies within the tech sector. Each selected financial metric is chosen for its relevance and importance in evaluating a company's performance and potential for sustainable growth. The score is computed by assigning points based on the achievement of specific thresholds for each indicator, with the total points determining the final score. This methodology ensures a nuanced analysis that captures the unique dynamics of the information technology industry.
Selected Financial Metrics and Criteria
1. Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) > 10.0%
Relevance: ROIC measures a company's efficiency in allocating capital to profitable investments. For tech companies, a ROIC above 10.0% indicates effective use of investment capital to generate strong returns, crucial for sustaining innovation and growth.
2. Return on Assets (ROA) > 5.0%
Relevance: ROA assesses how efficiently a company utilizes its assets to generate earnings. A ROA above 5.0% signifies that the company is effectively leveraging its assets, which is vital in the capital-intensive tech sector.
3. Revenue One-Year Growth > 10.0%
Relevance: High revenue growth indicates robust market demand and successful product or service offerings. For tech companies, where rapid scalability is common, growth exceeding 10.0% demonstrates significant market traction and expansion potential.
4. Gross Margin > 40.0%
Relevance: Gross margin reflects the proportion of revenue remaining after accounting for the cost of goods sold. In the tech sector, a gross margin above 40.0% indicates efficient production and high-value offerings, essential for maintaining competitive advantage.
5. Net Margin > 15.0%
Relevance: Net margin measures overall profitability after all expenses. A net margin above 15.0% demonstrates strong financial health and the ability to convert revenue into profit, highlighting the company's operational efficiency.
6. EPS One-Year Growth > 10.0%
Relevance: Earnings per share (EPS) growth indicates the company's ability to increase profitability per share. For tech firms, EPS growth above 10.0% signals positive earnings momentum, reflecting successful business strategies and market adoption.
7. Piotroski F-Score > 6.0
Relevance: The Piotroski F-Score assesses fundamental strength, including profitability, leverage, liquidity, and operational efficiency. A score above 6.0 suggests solid financial fundamentals and resilience in the competitive tech landscape.
8. Price/Earnings Ratio (Forward) < 25.0
Relevance: The forward P/E ratio compares current share price to expected future earnings. A ratio below 25.0 indicates reasonable valuation relative to growth expectations, important for identifying undervalued opportunities in the fast-paced tech sector.
9. Current Ratio > 1.5
Relevance: The current ratio evaluates short-term liquidity by comparing current assets to current liabilities. In the tech industry, a ratio above 1.5 ensures the company can meet its short-term obligations, essential for operational stability.
10. Debt to Equity Ratio < 1.0
Relevance: A lower debt to equity ratio signifies prudent financial management and reduced reliance on debt. For tech companies, which often require significant investment in R&D, a ratio below 1.0 highlights a strong financial structure.
Interpreting the Buffett Quality Score
0-4 Points: Indicates potential weaknesses across multiple financial areas, suggesting higher risk.
5 Points: Represents average performance, warranting further analysis to understand underlying factors.
6-10 Points: Reflects strong financial health and quality, positioning the company favorably within the competitive tech industry.
The Buffett Quality Score provides a strategic framework for evaluating tech companies, emphasizing critical financial indicators tailored to industry dynamics. By leveraging these insights, investors and analysts can make informed decisions, identifying companies poised for sustainable growth and performance in the ever-evolving tech landscape.
Disclaimer: The Buffett Quality Score serves as a tool for financial analysis and should not replace professional advice or comprehensive due diligence. Investors should conduct thorough research and consult with financial experts based on individual investment objectives.
Buffett Quality Score [Financials]Evaluating Financial Companies with the Buffett Quality Score 'Financials'
The financial sector, with its unique regulatory environment and market dynamics, requires a tailored approach to financial evaluation. The Buffett Quality Score is meticulously designed to assess the financial robustness and quality of companies within this sector. By focusing on industry-specific financial metrics, this scoring system provides valuable insights for investors and analysts navigating the complexities of the financial industry.
Scoring Methodology
Each selected financial metric contributes a point to the overall score if the specified condition is met. The combined score is a summation of points across all criteria, providing a comprehensive assessment of financial health and quality.
Selected Financial Metrics and Criteria
1. Altman Z-Score > 2.0
Relevance: The Altman Z-Score evaluates bankruptcy risk based on profitability, leverage, liquidity, solvency, and activity. In the financial sector, where market stability and solvency are critical, a score above 2.0 signifies a lower risk of financial distress.
2. Debt to Equity Ratio < 2.0
Relevance: A lower Debt to Equity Ratio signifies prudent financial management and reduced reliance on debt financing. This is particularly important for financial companies, which need to manage leverage carefully to avoid excessive risk.
3. Interest Coverage > 3.0
Relevance: The Interest Coverage Ratio measures a company's ability to meet its interest obligations from operating earnings. A ratio above 3.0 indicates that the company can comfortably cover its interest expenses, reducing the risk of default.
4. Return on Equity (ROE) > 10.0%
Relevance: ROE indicates the company's ability to generate profits from shareholder equity. An ROE above 10.0% suggests efficient use of capital and strong returns for investors, which is a key performance indicator for financial companies.
5. Return on Assets (ROA) > 1.0%
Relevance: ROA measures the company's ability to generate earnings from its assets. In the financial sector, where asset management is crucial, an ROA above 1.0% indicates effective use of assets to generate profits.
6. Net Margin > 10.0%
Relevance: Net Margin measures overall profitability after all expenses. A margin above 10.0% demonstrates strong financial performance and the ability to convert revenue into profit effectively.
7. Revenue One-Year Growth > 5.0%
Relevance: Revenue growth reflects market demand and company expansion. In the financial sector, where growth can be driven by new products and services, revenue exceeding 5.0% indicates successful market penetration and business expansion.
8. EPS One-Year Growth > 5.0%
Relevance: EPS growth reflects the company's ability to increase earnings per share over the past year. For financial companies, growth exceeding 5.0% signals positive earnings momentum and potential market strength.
9. Price/Earnings Ratio (Forward) < 20.0
Relevance: The Forward P/E Ratio reflects investor sentiment and earnings expectations. A ratio below 20.0 suggests reasonable valuation relative to earnings projections, which is important for investors seeking value and growth opportunities in the financial sector.
10. Piotroski F-Score > 6.0
Relevance: The Piotroski F-Score assesses fundamental strength, emphasizing profitability, leverage, liquidity, and operating efficiency. For financial companies, a score above 6.0 indicates strong financial health and operational efficiency.
Interpreting the Buffett Quality Score
0-4 Points: Indicates potential weaknesses across multiple financial areas, warranting careful consideration and risk assessment.
5 Points: Suggests average performance based on sector-specific criteria, requiring further analysis to determine investment viability.
6-10 Points: Signifies strong financial health and quality, positioning the company favorably within the competitive financial industry.
The Buffett Quality Score offers a strategic framework for evaluating financial companies, emphasizing critical financial indicators tailored to industry dynamics. By leveraging these insights, stakeholders can make informed decisions and identify companies poised for sustainable growth and performance in the evolving financial landscape.
Disclaimer: The Buffett Quality Score serves as a tool for financial analysis and should not replace professional advice or comprehensive due diligence. Investors should conduct thorough research and consult with financial experts based on individual investment objectives.
Buffett Quality Score [Health Care]Evaluating Health Care Companies with the Buffett Quality Score "Health Care"
The health care sector presents unique challenges and opportunities, demanding a specialized approach to financial evaluation. The Buffett Quality Score is meticulously designed to assess the financial robustness and quality of companies within this dynamic industry. By focusing on industry-specific financial metrics, this scoring system provides valuable insights for investors and analysts navigating the complexities of the health care sector.
Scoring Methodology
Each selected financial metric contributes a point to the overall score if the specified condition is met. The combined score is a summation of points across all criteria, providing a comprehensive assessment of financial health and quality.
Selected Financial Metrics and Criteria
1. Altman Z-Score > 2.0
Relevance: The Altman Z-Score evaluates bankruptcy risk based on profitability, leverage, liquidity, solvency, and activity. In the health care sector, where regulatory changes and technological advancements can impact financial stability, a score above 2.0 signifies a lower risk of financial distress.
2. Piotroski F-Score > 6.0
Relevance: The Piotroski F-Score assesses fundamental strength, emphasizing profitability, leverage, liquidity, and operating efficiency. For health care companies, which often face regulatory challenges and R&D expenses, a score above 6.0 indicates strong financial health and operational efficiency.
3. Current Ratio > 1.5
Relevance: The Current Ratio evaluates short-term liquidity by comparing current assets to current liabilities. In the health care sector, where cash flow stability is essential for ongoing operations, a ratio above 1.5 ensures the company's ability to meet near-term obligations.
4. Debt to Equity Ratio < 1.0
Relevance: A lower Debt to Equity Ratio signifies prudent financial management and reduced reliance on debt financing. This is critical for health care companies, which require significant investments in research and development without overleveraging.
5. EBITDA Margin > 15.0%
Relevance: The EBITDA Margin measures operating profitability, excluding non-operating expenses. A margin above 15.0% indicates efficient operations and the ability to generate substantial earnings from core activities.
6. EPS One-Year Growth > 5.0%
Relevance: EPS growth reflects the company's ability to increase earnings per share over the past year. For health care companies, which often face pricing pressures and regulatory changes, growth exceeding 5.0% signals positive earnings momentum and potential market strength.
7. Net Margin > 10.0%
Relevance: Net Margin measures overall profitability after all expenses. A margin above 10.0% demonstrates strong financial performance and the ability to convert revenue into profit effectively.
8. Return on Equity (ROE) > 15.0%
Relevance: ROE indicates the company's ability to generate profits from shareholder equity. An ROE above 15.0% suggests efficient use of capital and strong returns for investors.
9. Revenue One-Year Growth > 5.0%
Relevance: Revenue growth reflects market demand and company expansion. In the health care sector, where innovation drives growth, revenue exceeding 5.0% indicates successful market penetration and product adoption.
10. Price/Earnings Ratio (Forward) < 20.0
Relevance: The Forward P/E Ratio reflects investor sentiment and earnings expectations. A ratio below 20.0 suggests reasonable valuation relative to earnings projections, which is important for investors seeking value and growth opportunities in the health care sector.
Interpreting the Buffett Quality Score
0-4 Points: Indicates potential weaknesses across multiple financial areas, warranting careful consideration and risk assessment.
5 Points: Suggests average performance based on sector-specific criteria, requiring further analysis to determine investment viability.
6-10 Points: Signifies strong financial health and quality, positioning the company favorably within the competitive health care industry.
The Buffett Quality Score offers a strategic framework for evaluating health care companies, emphasizing critical financial indicators tailored to industry dynamics. By leveraging these insights, stakeholders can make informed decisions and identify companies poised for sustainable growth and performance in the evolving health care landscape.
Disclaimer: The Buffett Quality Score serves as a tool for financial analysis and should not replace professional advice or comprehensive due diligence. Investors should conduct thorough research and consult with financial experts based on individual investment objectives.
Buffett Quality Score [Consumer Discretionary]Evaluating Consumer Discretionary Companies with the Buffett Quality Score
The consumer discretionary sector, characterized by its sensitivity to economic cycles and consumer spending patterns, demands a robust framework for financial evaluation. The Buffett Quality Score offers a comprehensive assessment of financial health and performance specifically tailored to this dynamic industry. This scoring system combines critical financial ratios uniquely relevant to consumer discretionary companies, providing investors and analysts with a reliable tool for evaluation.
Selected Financial Metrics and Criteria
1. Altman Z-Score > 2.0
Relevance: The Altman Z-Score assesses bankruptcy risk, combining profitability, leverage, liquidity, solvency, and activity ratios. For consumer discretionary companies, which often face volatile market conditions, a score above 2.0 indicates financial stability and the ability to withstand economic downturns. This metric is particularly important in this sector due to the high variability in consumer spending.
2. Piotroski F-Score > 6.0
Relevance: The Piotroski F-Score evaluates fundamental strength based on profitability, leverage, liquidity, and operating efficiency. In the consumer discretionary sector, where rapid changes in consumer preferences can impact performance, a score above 6.0 highlights strong fundamental performance and resilience. This score is crucial for identifying companies with robust financial foundations in a highly competitive environment.
3. Asset Turnover > 1.0
Relevance: Asset Turnover measures the efficiency of asset use in generating sales. For consumer discretionary companies, a ratio above 1.0 signifies effective utilization of assets to drive revenue growth. Given the sector's reliance on high sales volumes and rapid inventory turnover, this metric is key to assessing operational efficiency.
4. Current Ratio > 1.5
Relevance: The Current Ratio assesses liquidity by comparing current assets to current liabilities. A ratio above 1.5 ensures that consumer discretionary companies can meet short-term obligations. This liquidity is essential for maintaining operational stability and flexibility to adapt to market changes, especially during economic fluctuations.
5. Debt to Equity Ratio < 1.0
Relevance: A lower Debt to Equity Ratio indicates prudent financial management and reduced reliance on debt. This is particularly important for consumer discretionary companies, which need to maintain financial flexibility to invest in new trends and innovations without overleveraging. Lower debt levels also reduce risk during economic downturns.
6. EBITDA Margin > 15.0%
Relevance: The EBITDA Margin measures operating profitability. A margin above 15.0% indicates efficient operations and the ability to generate sufficient earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. This is crucial for sustaining profitability in a competitive and fluctuating market, ensuring the company can reinvest in growth and innovation.
7. EPS One-Year Growth > 5.0%
Relevance: EPS growth reflects the company’s ability to increase earnings per share over the past year. For consumer discretionary companies, growth exceeding 5.0% signals positive earnings momentum, which is vital for investor confidence and the ability to fund future growth initiatives. This metric highlights companies that are successfully increasing profitability.
8. Gross Margin > 25.0%
Relevance: Gross Margin represents the profitability of sales after production costs. A margin exceeding 25.0% indicates strong pricing power and effective cost management, crucial for maintaining profitability while adapting to changing consumer demands. High gross margins are indicative of a company’s ability to control costs and price products competitively.
9. Net Margin > 10.0%
Relevance: Net Margin measures overall profitability after all expenses. A margin above 10.0% highlights the company’s ability to maintain strong profit levels, ensuring financial health and stability. This is essential for sustaining operations and investing in new opportunities, reflecting the company's efficiency in converting revenue into actual profit.
10.Return on Equity (ROE) > 15.0%
Relevance: ROE indicates how effectively a company uses equity to generate profits. An ROE above 15.0% signifies strong shareholder value creation. This metric is key for evaluating long-term performance in the consumer discretionary sector, where investor returns are closely tied to the company’s ability to innovate and grow. High ROE demonstrates effective management and profitable use of equity capital.
Interpreting the Buffett Quality Score
0-4 Points: Indicates potential weaknesses across multiple financial areas, warranting further investigation and risk assessment.
5 Points: Suggests average performance based on sector-specific criteria, indicating a need for cautious optimism.
6-10 Points: Signifies strong financial health and quality, meeting or exceeding most performance thresholds, making the company a potentially attractive investment.
The Buffett Quality Score provides a structured approach to evaluating financial health and performance. By focusing on these essential financial metrics, stakeholders can make informed decisions, identifying companies that are well-positioned to thrive in the competitive and economically sensitive consumer discretionary sector.
Disclaimer: The Buffett Quality Score serves as a tool for financial evaluation and analysis. It is not a substitute for professional financial advice or investment recommendations. Investors should conduct thorough research and seek personalized guidance based on individual circumstances.
Buffett Quality Score [Consumer Staples]Evaluating Consumer Staples Companies with the Buffett Quality Score
In the world of consumer staples, where stability and consistent performance are paramount, the Buffett Quality Score provides a comprehensive framework for assessing financial health and quality. This specialized scoring system is tailored to capture key aspects that are particularly relevant in the consumer staples sector, influencing investment decisions and strategic evaluations.
Selected Financial Metrics and Criteria
1. Gross Margin > 25.0%
Relevance: Consumer staples companies often operate in competitive markets. A Gross Margin exceeding 25.0% signifies efficient cost management and pricing strategies, critical for sustainable profitability amidst market pressures.
2. Net Margin > 5.0%
Relevance: Net Margin > 5.0% reflects the ability of consumer staples companies to generate bottom-line profits after accounting for all expenses, indicating operational efficiency and profitability.
3. Return on Assets (ROA) > 5.0%
Relevance: ROA > 5.0% measures how effectively consumer staples companies utilize their assets to generate earnings, reflecting operational efficiency and resource utilization.
4. Return on Equity (ROE) > 10.0%
Relevance: ROE > 10.0% indicates efficient capital deployment and shareholder value creation, fundamental for sustaining growth and competitiveness in the consumer staples industry.
5. Current Ratio > 1.5
Relevance: Consumer staples companies require strong liquidity to manage inventory and operational expenses. A Current Ratio > 1.5 ensures sufficient short-term liquidity to support ongoing operations.
6. Debt to Equity Ratio < 1.0
Relevance: With the need for stable finances, a Debt to Equity Ratio < 1.0 reflects prudent financial management and reduced reliance on debt financing, essential for long-term sustainability.
7. Interest Coverage Ratio > 3.0
Relevance: Consumer staples companies with an Interest Coverage Ratio > 3.0 demonstrate their ability to comfortably meet interest obligations, safeguarding against financial risks.
8. EPS One-Year Growth > 5.0%
Relevance: EPS growth > 5.0% indicates positive momentum and adaptability to changing market dynamics, crucial for consumer staples companies navigating evolving consumer preferences.
9. Revenue One-Year Growth > 5.0%
Relevance: Consistent revenue growth > 5.0% reflects market adaptability and consumer demand, highlighting operational resilience and strategic positioning.
10. EV/EBITDA Ratio < 15.0
Relevance: The EV/EBITDA Ratio < 15.0 reflects favorable valuation and earnings potential relative to enterprise value, offering insights into investment attractiveness and market competitiveness.
Interpreting the Buffett Quality Score
0-4 Points: Signals potential weaknesses across critical financial areas, warranting deeper analysis and risk assessment.
5 Points: Indicates average performance based on sector-specific criteria.
6-10 Points: Highlights strong financial health and quality, aligning with the stability and performance expectations of the consumer staples industry.
The Buffett Quality Score for consumer staples provides investors and analysts with a structured approach to evaluate and compare companies within this sector. By focusing on these essential financial metrics, stakeholders can make informed decisions and identify opportunities aligned with the stability and growth potential of consumer staples businesses.
Disclaimer: The Buffett Quality Score serves as a tool for financial evaluation and analysis. It is not a substitute for professional financial advice or investment recommendations. Investors should conduct thorough research and seek personalized guidance based on individual circumstances.
Buffett Quality Score [Materials]The Buffett Quality Score tailored for the Materials sector aims to assess the financial strength and quality of companies within this industry. Each selected financial ratio is strategically chosen to align with the unique characteristics and challenges prevalent in the Materials sector.
Selected Financial Ratios and Criteria:
1. Asset Turnover > 0.8
Relevance: In the Materials sector, efficient asset utilization is crucial for productivity and profitability. A high Asset Turnover (>0.8) indicates effective management of resources and operational efficiency.
2. Current Ratio > 1.5
Relevance: Materials companies often require adequate liquidity to manage inventory and operational expenses. A Current Ratio > 1.5 ensures sufficient short-term liquidity to support ongoing operations and investments.
3. Debt to Equity Ratio < 1.0
Relevance: Given the capital-intensive nature of Materials projects, maintaining a low Debt to Equity Ratio (<1.0) signifies prudent financial management with reduced reliance on debt financing, essential for stability amid industry fluctuations.
4. Gross Margin > 25.0%
Relevance: Materials companies deal with varying production costs and market pricing. A Gross Margin exceeding 25.0% reflects effective cost management and pricing strategies, critical for profitability in a competitive market.
5. EBITDA Margin > 15.0%
Relevance: Strong EBITDA margins (>15.0%) indicate robust operational performance and profitability, essential for sustaining growth and weathering industry-specific challenges.
6. Interest Coverage Ratio > 3.0
Relevance: The Materials sector is subject to market cyclicality and commodity price fluctuations. An Interest Coverage Ratio > 3.0 ensures the company's ability to service debt obligations, safeguarding against financial risks.
7. EPS One-Year Growth > 5.0%
Relevance: EPS growth > 5.0% demonstrates the company's ability to generate sustainable earnings amidst industry dynamics, reflecting positive investor sentiment and potential future prospects.
8. Revenue One-Year Growth > 5.0%
Relevance: Materials companies require consistent revenue growth (>5.0%) to support expansion initiatives and capitalize on market opportunities, indicative of operational resilience and adaptability.
9. Return on Assets (ROA) > 5.0%
Relevance: ROA > 5.0% showcases efficient asset utilization and profitability, essential metrics for evaluating performance and competitive positioning within the Materials industry.
10. Return on Equity (ROE) > 10.0%
Relevance: ROE > 10.0% reflects effective capital deployment and shareholder value creation, crucial for sustaining long-term growth and investor confidence in Materials sector investments.
Score Interpretation:
0-4 Points: Signals potential weaknesses across critical financial aspects, requiring in-depth analysis and risk assessment.
5 Points: Represents average performance based on sector-specific criteria.
6-10 Points: Indicates strong financial health and quality, demonstrating robustness and resilience within the demanding Materials industry landscape.
Development and Context:
The selection and weighting of these specific financial metrics underwent meticulous research and consideration to ensure relevance and applicability within the Materials sector. This scoring framework aims to provide actionable insights for stakeholders navigating investment decisions and evaluating company performance in the Materials industry.
Disclaimer: This information serves as an educational resource on financial evaluation methodology tailored for the Materials sector. It does not constitute financial advice or a guarantee of future performance. Consult qualified professionals for personalized financial guidance based on your specific circumstances and investment objectives.
Buffett Quality Score [Energy]The Buffett Quality Score for the Energy sector is designed to meticulously evaluate the financial health and quality of companies operating within this dynamic industry. Each selected financial ratio is specifically chosen based on its relevance and significance within the Energy sector context.
Selected Financial Ratios and Criteria:
1. Return on Assets (ROA) > 5%
Relevance: In the Energy sector, where asset-intensive operations are common (e.g., oil exploration and infrastructure), a robust ROA above 5% indicates efficient asset utilization, crucial for profitability.
2. Debt to Equity Ratio < 1.0
Relevance: Energy companies often require substantial capital for projects and operations. A low Debt to Equity Ratio (<1.0) suggests prudent financial management with less reliance on debt financing, vital in a capital-intensive industry vulnerable to economic cycles.
3.Interest Coverage Ratio > 3.0
Relevance: Given the capital-intensive nature of Energy projects, maintaining a healthy Interest Coverage Ratio (>3.0) ensures the company's ability to service debt obligations, particularly important during periods of economic volatility affecting commodity prices.
4. Gross Margin % > 25%
Relevance: Energy companies face varying production costs and pricing pressures. A Gross Margin exceeding 25% reflects efficient cost management and pricing power, critical in mitigating volatility in commodity prices.
5. Current Ratio > 1.5
Relevance: Energy projects often require substantial working capital. A Current Ratio > 1.5 indicates sufficient liquidity to cover short-term obligations, essential for operational continuity in an industry susceptible to market fluctuations.
6. EBITDA Margin % > 15%
Relevance: Energy companies must manage operating costs effectively. An EBITDA Margin > 15% signifies strong operational efficiency and profitability, crucial for sustaining growth amidst market uncertainties.
7. Altman Z-Score > 2.0
Relevance: The Energy sector experiences cyclical downturns and price volatility. An Altman Z-Score > 2.0 indicates financial stability and resilience, vital for weathering industry-specific challenges.
8. EPS Basic One-Year Growth % > 5%
Relevance: Energy companies' earnings growth is closely tied to commodity prices and market demand. EPS growth > 5% indicates positive momentum and adaptability to industry shifts.
9. Revenue One-Year Growth % > 5%
Relevance: Energy companies operate in a dynamic market influenced by geopolitical factors and global demand. Revenue growth > 5% reflects market adaptability and expansion potential.
10. Piotroski F-Score > 6
Relevance: Fundamental strength is paramount in the Energy sector, characterized by capital-intensive projects. A Piotroski F-Score > 6 highlights solid operational and financial performance, critical for long-term sustainability.
Score Interpretation:
0-4 Points: Indicates potential weaknesses across critical financial areas, necessitating closer scrutiny.
5 Points: Suggests average performance based on industry-specific criteria.
6-10 Points: Signifies strong overall financial health and quality, aligning with the demanding requirements of the Energy sector.
Development and Context:
The selection and weighting of these specific financial metrics underwent rigorous industry-specific research to ensure their applicability and reliability within the unique operational environment of the Energy sector. This scoring framework aims to provide actionable insights for stakeholders navigating the complexities of Energy industry investments and operations.
Disclaimer: This information serves as an educational resource on financial evaluation methodology tailored for the Energy sector. It does not constitute financial advice or a guarantee of future performance. Consult qualified professionals for personalized financial guidance based on your specific circumstances and investment objectives.
Black-Scholes Model CalculatorOverview
The Black-Scholes Model Calculator TradingView Indicator is an advanced tool designed for options traders to calculate key Greek values, including Theta, Gamma, Delta, Rho, and Vega. By integrating this indicator into your TradingView charts, you can perform sophisticated options analysis, enhance your understanding of options pricing, and make more informed trading decisions.
Key Features
1. Comprehensive Greeks Calculation:
Theta : Measure the sensitivity of the option's price to the passage of time, helping you understand time decay.
Gamma : Determine the rate of change of Delta, providing insights into how Delta will change as the underlying asset price moves.
Delta : Calculate the sensitivity of the option's price to changes in the price of the underlying asset.
Rho : Evaluate the sensitivity of the option's price to changes in interest rates.
Vega : Assess the sensitivity of the option's price to changes in implied volatility.
2. User Input Parameters :
Strike Price : Enter the strike price of the option to tailor the calculations to your specific option.
Days Remaining : Input the number of days remaining until the option's expiration, providing accurate time-based calculations.
Implied Volatility (IV) : Specify the implied volatility for both call and put options to reflect market expectations.
3. Visual and Analytical Insights :
Display the calculated Greek values directly on your TradingView chart for quick reference and analysis.
Clear and intuitive presentation of the data, making it easy to interpret and apply to your trading strategy.
How to Use
1. Insert Strike Price : Start by entering the strike price of the option you are analyzing. This is essential for calculating the Greeks accurately.
2. Days Remaining : Input the number of days left until the option's expiration. This factor is crucial for determining Theta and other time-sensitive Greeks.
3. Implied Volatility (IV) : Provide the implied volatility values for both call and put options. This input is vital for calculating Vega and assessing how changes in volatility affect option prices.
Enhanced Options Trading : Gain a deeper understanding of how different factors affect option pricing by using the calculated Greeks.
Strategic Planning : Utilize the Greek values to formulate and adjust your options trading strategies based on time decay, price movements, interest rate changes, and volatility shifts.
Risk Management : Improve your risk management by understanding the potential changes in option prices and adjusting your positions accordingly.
Practical Application
1. Theta Management : Monitor Theta to understand how time decay is impacting your option positions, especially for short-term trades.
2. Gamma and Delta Adjustments : Use Gamma and Delta to hedge your positions and manage the risk associated with price movements in the underlying asset.
3. Rho Considerations : Evaluate Rho to factor in interest rate changes, which can be particularly useful in long-term options trading.
4. Vega Analysis : Analyze Vega to assess the impact of volatility changes and adjust your strategies in volatile market conditions.
The Black-Scholes Model Calculator TradingView Indicator is an indispensable tool for any serious options trader. By providing precise calculations of Theta, Gamma, Delta, Rho, and Vega, it empowers you to make more informed trading decisions, manage risks effectively, and optimize your options trading strategies. Integrate this indicator into your TradingView setup to take your options trading to the next level.
Johnny's Trend Lines, Supports and ResistancesInspired and based on ismailcarlik's Trend Lines, Supports and Resistances.
Additions include an overall upgrade to Pinescript v5, changes in the way resistance and support levels are calculated, improved visual queues, and additional customization options.
This indicator is meticulously crafted to provide traders with visual tools for identifying trend lines, support, and resistance levels, enhancing the decision-making process in trading activities.
Features and Functionality
Trend Lines: The indicator allows users to enable or disable trend lines, adjust the number of points to check for establishing a trend, and set parameters for trend validation, including the maximum violation and exceptions for the last bars.
Support and Resistance: It offers tools to identify and visualize key support and resistance levels based on recent pivot points. This includes adjustable parameters for the maximum violations allowed and the exclusion of recent bars from the analysis.
Pivot Points: Users can define the pivot length for calculating highs and lows, which helps in marking significant pivot points that are instrumental in trend analysis.
Alerts and Notifications: The indicator is equipped with customizable alerts for trend line breaches and pivot point formations, which can be set to trigger at different frequencies based on user preference.
How It Works
Input Flexibility: Users can adjust various settings like the length of trend lines and pivot points, enabling or disabling specific features like marking pivots, and managing alert settings directly from the indicator’s input panel.
Dynamic Analysis: By analyzing the price action relative to the calculated trend lines and pivot points, the indicator dynamically identifies potential trend reversals, continuations, and significant price levels.
Visualization: It plots trend lines and marks support and resistance levels directly on the chart, with options to extend these lines and add labels for better clarity. Violated trend lines can be visually differentiated by changing their style and width.
Practical Application
Trend Line Strategy: Traders can use the trend lines to determine the strength of the current market trend and to spot potential reversal points.
Support and Resistance Strategy: By marking where the price has historically faced resistance or found support, traders can plan entry and exit points, set stop-loss orders, or identify breakout opportunities.
Pivot Points Strategy: Pivot points serve as vital indicators for intraday trading or long-term trend analysis, providing insights into potential support and resistance levels.
Customization and Alerts
Custom Alerts: Traders can set alerts for when the price crosses trend lines or when new support or resistance levels are formed, helping them stay informed of critical market movements without having to continuously monitor the charts.
Visual Customization: Users can personalize the appearance of trend lines and labels, choosing from a variety of colors and styles to match their chart setup or preferences.
"Johnny's Trend Lines, Supports and Resistances" is an essential tool for traders who rely on technical analysis, offering detailed insights and real-time updates on market conditions, trend strength, and potential price barriers.
Growth/Delcline IndexAbout:
The Growth/Decline Index is a "parabolic sar" based indicator that mainly has two functions. The first function is to display when price growth or price decline will occur by displaying increases or decreases of the GDI and inflection points. The second function is to rate a stock's performance based on how high or low the digits display the GDI. If the digits read positively, high values then the stock is expected to have growth, and if the digits read negatively, low values then the stock is expected to decline. Remember when looking at the GDI you want to look at both long (yearly) and short(daily) readings to get a better confirmation of trend. The GDI also has short(orange), medium(blue), long(red), readings. The reason why there are three readings is to try to pinpoint buy or selling signals to try to maximize profit. Here is an example of ticker MSFT. As you can see MSFT is reaching long values up to 19! That means that the stock is still in long term growth.
Or how about PEGY having consistent negative values after 2021:
No matter the stock GDI will always be there to help you identify trends, and stock rating.
Want to trade short term? Easy, look at you short values and determine if they are increasing or decreasing.
Be advised:
Please stay in caution when reading the GDI.
Be advised:
The GDI is a new indicator and further behavior analysis such as concave up/down, inflection points, cross over points, divergence/convergence, and minimized/maximized points has to be taken into consideration in order to confirm more precise trends. Also remember that the GDI is a trend tracker and cannot pre identify sudden, large jumps or drops.
values for buying: -15 and above
values for short selling -15 and below
What to look for:
Good dips can be found when the medium (blue) line cross from the top downward to the long (red) line and short (orange line) is minimized. (Please keep a look for long term trends)
Or when the short (orange) line has crossed from the top downward to both medium(blue) and long(red) lines.
Remember that this may not be 100% of the case looking for convergence and divergence between the blue and red lines also helps as well as the stock rating and also checking for both long term and short-term readings.
Good peaks can be found when the orange line has greatly exceeded the blue line and has peaked. (also looking at the trend of the blue line helps)
More things can be added and modified to the GDI to make it a cutting-edge indicator.
Have fun. :)