PBK Trend Band with EntryTrend band with background coloring of the trend.
Use 5, 15 for fast detection on EMAs
Additional arrows show under some favorable conditions.
This is work in progress, I release this version so that some good friend can make use of it.
ค่าเฉลี่ยเคลื่อนที่แบบเอกซ์โพเนนเชียล (EMA)
3xATR + EMA 260 + TP SL By Nussara (Indicator)Exponential Moving Average
Moving averages smooth the price data to form a trend following indicator. They do not predict price direction, but rather define the current direction, though they lag due to being based on past prices. Despite this, moving averages help smooth price action and filter out the noise.
N=number of days in EMA
Average True Range
Average True Range ("ATR") was introduced by J. Welles Wilder in his 1978 book New Concepts In Technical Trading Systems. ATR is a measure of volatility for a stock or index
ATR = (Previous ATR * (n - 1) + TR) / n
ATR = Average True Range
n = number of periods or bars
TR = True Range
The True Range for today is the greatest of the following:
Today's high minus today's low
The absolute value of today's high minus yesterday's close
The absolute value of today's low minus yesterday's close
3X ATR + EMA 260 Formula
1. ATR it indicates the market has a fluctuation. An indicator will check bar (High-Low) > 3 x ATR
2. EMA 260 identify the market uptrend or downtrend
- if condition (1) is true and the price closed above the EMA260 it’s an uptrend. An indicator will enter a long position.
- if condition (1) is true and the price closed below the EMA260 it’s a downtrend. An indicator will enter a short position.
Risk to Reward Ratio = 1:1.5
Stop loss = open price of entry position
This indicator is just a tool for technical analysis . It shouldn't be used as the only indication of trade because it causes you to lose your money. You should use other indicators to analyze together.
3xATR + EMA 260 + TP SL By NussaraStrategy backtest for 3X ATR + EMA 260
Exponential Moving Average
Moving averages smooth the price data to form a trend following indicator. They do not predict price direction, but rather define the current direction, though they lag due to being based on past prices. Despite this, moving averages help smooth price action and filter out the noise.
N=number of days in EMA
Average True Range
Average True Range ("ATR") was introduced by J. Welles Wilder in his 1978 book New Concepts In Technical Trading Systems. ATR is a measure of volatility for a stock or index
ATR = (Previous ATR * (n - 1) + TR) / n
ATR = Average True Range
n = number of periods or bars
TR = True Range
The True Range for today is the greatest of the following:
Today's high minus today's low
The absolute value of today's high minus yesterday's close
The absolute value of today's low minus yesterday's close
3X ATR + EMA 260 Formula
1. ATR it indicates the market has a fluctuation. An indicator will check bar (High-Low) > 3 x ATR
2. EMA 260 identify the market uptrend or downtrend
- if condition (1) is true and the price closed above the EMA260 it’s an uptrend. An indicator will enter a long position.
- if condition (1) is true and the price closed below the EMA260 it’s a downtrend. An indicator will enter a short position.
Risk to Reward Ratio = 1:1.5
Stop loss = open price of entry position
This indicator is just a tool for technical analysis . It shouldn't be used as the only indication of trade because it causes you to lose your money. You should use other indicators to analyze together.
GoldenCO Aie2 Use of GoldenCO Aie2
This market price movement trend analysis uses exponential moving average which is ema5/20/50. The purpose of using this EMA is to find out the effect of price changes that occur and the current trend of the market whether bullish or bearish.
It is suitable for short-term or long-term trading.
for short term trading, the trader uses ema5-ema20 and for long term trading the trader can use ema5-ema50 as analysis.
This indicator serves as a guide to traders in trading activities.
we hope that, by recognizing and knowing the trend of this price movement it can help traders in trading activities well and can reduce risk. May it benefit the trader.
DISCLAIMER : This is not Buy/Sell call, just sharing idea analysis for education. Trade at your own risk.
hayatguzel trendycurveENG
If we are wondering how the trendlines drawn on the hayatguzel indicator look like on the graph, we should use this indicator. Trendlines that are linear in Hg (hayatguzel) are actually curved in the graph.
"hayatguzel curve" indicator has capable of plotting horizontal levels but not trendlines in hg indicator. But "hayatguzel trendycurve" indicator has capable of plotting (on the chart) trendlines in hg.
First of all, we start by determining the coordinates from the trendlines drawn in hg. The coordinate of trendline beginings is x1,y1. In the continuation of the trendline, the coordinate of the second point taken from anywhere on the trendline is defined as x2,y2. In order to find the x1 and x2 values, the gray bar index chart must be open. After reading the values, the bar index chart can be turned off in the settings. The x coordinates of the trendlines will be the values in this gray bar index graph. You can read these coordinates from the gray numbers in the hg-trendycurve setting at the top left of the graph. The y values are the y axis values in the hg indicator.
It should be noted that the ema value in the hayatguzel trendycurve indicator must be the same as the ema value in the hg indicator.
Hayatguzel trendycurve indicator is not an indicator that can be used on its own, it should be used together with hayatguzel indicator.
Hayatguzel indikatöründe çizilen trendline'ların grafik üzerine nasıl göründüğünü merak ediyorsak bu indikatörü kullanmalıyız. Hg'de doğrusal olan trendline'lar doğal olarak grafikte eğriseller.
Hayatguzel curve indikatöründe hg'deki sadece yatay seviyeler grafiğe dökülürken bu hayatguzel trendycurve indikatörü ile hg'deki trendline'lar da grafiğe dökülebiliyor.
Öncelikle hg'de çizilen trendline'lardan koordinatları belirlemek ile işe başlıyoruz. Trendline'ların başladığı yerin koordinatı x1,y1'dir. Trendline'ın devamında trendline üzerinde herhangi bir yerden alınan ikinci noktanın koordinatı da x2,y2 olarak tanımlandı. x1 ve x2 değerlerini bulabilmek için gri bar index grafiğinin açık olması gerekmektedir. Değerleri okuduktan sonra bar index grafiği ayarlardan kapatılabilir. Trendline'ların x koordinatları bu gri renkli bar index grafiğindeki değerler olacaktır. Bu koordinatları grafikte sol üstte bulunan hg-trendycurve ayalarındaki gri sayılardan okuyabilirsiniz. y değerleri ise hg indikatöründeki y ekseni değerleridir.
Unutulmamalı ki hayatguzel trendycurve indikatöründeki ema değeri hg indikatöründeki ema değeri ile aynı olmalıdır.
Hayatguzel trendycurve indikatörü kendi başına kullanılabilecek bir indikatör olmayıp hayatguzel indikatörü ile beraber kullanılması gerekmektedir.
Vin's Playzone Strategy How it works
Playzone is a very simple system, utilizing just two exponential moving
averages. The 'Zones' in which different 'actions' should be taken is
highlighted with different colors on the chart. Calculations for the zones
are based on the relative position of price to the two EMA lines and the
relationship between the two EMAs
How to use
The basic method for using Playzone is to follow the green/red color.
Buy when bar closes in green.
Sell when bar closes in red.
Using it this way is safe but slow and is expected to have around 35-40%
accuracy, while yielding around 2-3 profit factors. The system works best
on larger time frames.
The more advanced method uses the zones to switch between different
trading system and biases, or in conjunction with other indicators.
example 1:
Buy when Yellow-Green and Bullish Divergence between price and RSI is visible,
if not Buy on Green and vise-versa
example 2:
Set up a long-biased grid and trade long only when actionzone is in green
change the bias to short when actionzone turns to te bearish side(red)
(Look at colors on a larger time frame)
"We let the market tell us what to do, Not to outguess what the market gonna do."
7 Moving Averages [Plus]Moving Averages are price based, lagging (or reactive) indicators that display the average price of a security over a set period of time. A Moving Average is a good way to gauge momentum as well as to confirm trends, and define areas of support and resistance. Essentially, Moving Averages smooth out the “noise” when trying to interpret charts. Noise is made up of fluctuations of both price and volume. Because a Moving Average is a lagging indicator and reacts to events that have already happened, it is not used as a predictive indicator but as an interpretive one for confirmations and analysis.
Bollinger Bands (BB) are a widely popular technical analysis instrument created by John Bollinger. The BB consist of a band of three lines which are plotted in relation to security prices. The line in the middle is usually a Simple Moving Average (SMA) set to a period of 20 days (the type of trend line and period can be changed by the trader; however a 20 day moving average is by far the most popular). The SMA then serves as a base for the Upper and Lower Bands which are used as a way to measure volatility by observing the relationship between the Bands and price. Typically the Upper and Lower Bands are set to two standard deviations away from the SMA (The Middle Line); however the number of standard deviations can also be adjusted by the trader.
This script shows 6 moving averages and Bollinger Bands.
- Standard MA inputs.
- MA type.
- MA period.
- MA source.
- MA resolution (time frame).
- MA Offset.
- Forecasting : forcasted prices are calculated using our MAType and MASource for the MAPeriod.
- Trail: Show only candles not included in the MA calculation.
The color of MA1 depends on the chosen strategy, by default this is the 3EMA strategy. You can also select "Pivot Point Supertrend" or "Ichimoku Trend"
Added "Parabolic Stop and Reverse (PSAR)" . The PSAR is a time and price technical analysis tool primarily used to identify points of potential stops and reverses. In fact, the SAR in Parabolic SAR stands for "Stop and Reverse". The indicator's calculations create a parabola which is located below price during a Bullish Trend and above Price during a Bearish Trend.
Added "Linear Regression Channel" which can be correctly plotted on logarithmic charts. A linear regression channel consists of a median line with 2 parallel lines, above and below it, at the same distance. Those lines can be seen as support and resistance. The median line is calculated based on linear regression of the closing prices but the source can also be set to open, high or low. The height of the channel is based on the deviation of price to the median line. Extrapolating the channel forward can help to provide a bias and to find trading opportunities.
hayatguzel curveENG
When the support resistance study is performed on the hayatguzel indicator, we see that these levels, which are actually horizontal in hayatguzel, are curvilinear when they are plotted on the chart, this is because the hayatguzel indicator uses moving average EMAs.
We can understand the chart more easily by shaping the resulting table in hayatguzel indicator in our minds more easily and seeing these horizontal levels in hayatguzel as curvilinear on the graph.
Let me explain what needs to be done with an example:
The indicator value on top of the yellow box is 13.58 and below of the yellow box of the hayatguzel indicator 5.83. The curves that will occur when we add these values to the hayatguzel curve indicator are shown in green. With the same logic, if we want to see this level, which is the upper blue resistance box on the hayatguzel indicator and coincides with the 67 level, on the graph, we enter 67 for both of the coefficients in the hayatguzel curve indicator. ( Which ema is used in hayatguzel, the same ema value must be entered in hayatguzel curve, ema200 is used in this example )
The result is that the hg curves drawn in green act as support and when the upward movement comes, the hg curve drawn in blue now passes through the 2700s. In other words, we can see that the position is in support and where its target is.
I'd like to show all this in one hayatguzel indicator, but pinescript doesn't make it possible. That's why I had to write this code separately.
Hayatguzel indikatöründe destek direnç çalışması yapıldığında aslında hayatguzel'de yatay olan bu seviyelerin grafiğe atıldığında eğrisel olduğunu görüyoruz, bunun nedeni hayatguzel indikatörünün hareketli ortalama olan ema'ları kullanmasıdır.
Hayatguzel indikatöründeki ortaya çıkan tabloyu kafamızda daha rahat şekillendirmek ve hayatguzel'de yatay olan bu seviyeleri grafik üzerinde eğrisel olarak görerek grafiğe daha çok hakim olabiliriz.
Yapılması gereken şeyi bir örnekle anlatayım:
Hayatguzel indikatöründeki sarı kutunun üstünde indikatör değeri 13.58 ve altında 5.83. Biz bu değerleri hayatguzel curve indikatörüne eklediğimiz zaman oluşacak eğriler yeşil ile gösterildi. Aynı mantıkla hayatguzel indikatöründeki üstteki mavi direnç kutusu olan ve 67 seviyesine denk gelen bu seviyeyi grafikte görmek istiyorsak hayatguzel curve indikatöründeki katsayıların ( coefficient ) ikisine de 67'yi giriyoruz. ( hayatguzel'de hangi ema kullanıldıysa hayatguzel curve'de de aynı ema değeri girilmeli, bu örnekte ema200 kullanıldı )
Burdan ne sonuç çıkıyor peki ?
Çıkan sonuç yeşil ile çizilen hg eğrilerinin destek görevi gördüğü ve yukarı doğru hareket geldiğinde mavi ile çizilen hg eğrisinin şu an 2700 lerden geçtiğidir. Yani hem pozisyonun destekte olduğunu hem de hedefinin neresi olduğunu görebiliyoruz.
Bütün bunları tek bir hayatguzel indikatörünün içinde göstermek isterdim ama pinescript bunu mümkün kılmıyor. O nedenle bu kodu ayrı olarak yazmak zorunda kaldım.
Volume Weighted Super GuppyGuppy Super EMA is a technical indicator that aims to anticipate a potential breakout in the price of an asset. The term gets its name from Daryl Guppy, an Australian financial columnist and book author who developed the concept in his book, "Trading Tactics."
It uses the exponential moving average (EMA) to capture the difference between price and value in a stock. A convergence in these factors is associated with a significant trend change.
I have added Volume Weighting for EMAs and simple workaround if there no volume data.
Moving Average Exponential with Standard Deviation BandThis is standard EMA script available on Trading View and i have just added ability to add a channel based on standard deviation. In addition to it you can enable/disable optional lines from options and it would add 50% levels of upper and under channel. I added 50% as it provide important price levels if you have right settings selected for channel factor.
world stage indexThis is an indicator that expresses the ratio of "stage1" and "stage4" of world index.
40 symbols are as follows
(Pacific Ocean)
(Eastern Europe & Middle East)
The criteria are as follows:
EMA5≧EMA20≧EMA40 : Stage1
EMA5≦EMA20≦EMA40 : Stage4
A.The sum of Stage1 was multiplied by 2.5 and drawn on a scale of 0 to 100, with yellow area
B.The Sum of Stage4 was multiplied by 2.5 and drawn on a scale of 0 to 100, with blue area.
C. The ratio of A/B was multiplied by 2.5 and drawn on a scale of 0 to 100, with red lines.
This idea is from Kojirou Kousi.
40 symbols of this script are partially different from Kojiro kousi's idea.
But he said the difference isn't matter.
ExTreeMe IndicatorThis indicator can plot of 6 time frame ema with pre-calculated length for each interval.
Additionally with EMA, it calculates 6 timeframe RSI and show green zones on the chart. Green zone can be short/mid/long term.
Short term zones(only for scalping) are decided based on first 3 EMAs. Mid term zones are decided based on first 2nd-4th EMAs. Long Term are decided on last 3 EMAs.
Mid term zones are most effective for positional trades.
Green colour is the entry zone. 2 condition will give better chance of a trendy upmove.
1. EMAs have crossover-ed recently and all are very near to each other and current price
2. Green zone appears after long consolidation.
There is other colour zone which indicates RSI is in no man's land(51-49), need to be cautious then.
Exit when white band appears.
This indicator is totally independent of current chart timeframe and stays same irrespective of which time frame you select for your chart.
Creator: DeeJay
Strategy By: Express Tree from NiftyBN
EMA 200 + Parabolic SAR + RSI + Take Profit Stop Loss By NussaraThe Parabolic SAR is a technical indicator developed by J. Welles Wilder to determine the direction that an asset is moving. The indicator is also referred to as a stop and reverse system, which is abbreviated as SAR . It aims to identify potential reversals in the price movement of traded assets.
EMA 200 ( Exponential Moving Average ) is important because it determines the overall trend, filters a trading system, and reacts faster than the 200 MA.
The relative strength index ( RSI ) is a technical indicator used in the analysis of financial markets. It is intended to chart the current and historical strength or weakness of a stock or market based on the closing prices of a recent trading period. RSI movement above 50 indicates that more traders are buying assets than selling, and are driving the price up. If the RSI moves below 50, it shows that more traders are selling than buying, and are driving the price down.
This indicator uses EMA 200, RSI and parabolic SARS.
The order will be entered when 3 conditions are true
1. First reverse point uptrend of Parabolic SAR
2. The price is close above EMA 200
3. RSI is over 50.
This indicator has a function to take profit and stop loss level.
Stop loss level = First reverse point uptrend of Parabolic SAR .
Take profit level = 1:1.5
This indicator is just a tool for technical analysis . It shouldn't be used as the only indication of trade because it causes you to lose your money. You should use other indicators to analyze together.
Bubu VWEMA & VWAPVolume Weighted Exponential Moving Average gives additional support / resistance lines to track as well as giving confidence to there respective EMAs.
A VWEMA will act much faster to volume spikes.
Intraday, Daily, and Weekly VWAPs are also shown to give more support / resistance lines to track.
The normal EMA lines (Thick ones) have colours based on a matrix calculated in the back. The Fast EMA is using 20 RSI indicators tracking how many cross above 50. The slow EMA is using 40 MACDs histograms when they cross mid point.
The VWEMA and the fill is graded on 20(fast) and 40(slow) VWEMAs crossovers.
2 EMA Meeting PointThis script will calculate when the next candle needs to close for the moving averages to cross .
If you use EMAs that are far away, the convergence point may be ridiculously far away from the chart. I recommend using ' Scale Price Chart Only ' with this script.
I think you can use this to organize your watchlists if you trade crossovers. If your cross is completely out of the chart, its symbol can be down below, because the cross is unlikely to happen in the next candle.
Good luck!
Up/Down Indicator - DurbtradeA simple but unique indicator to show ONLY whether there is an increase or a decrease in price compared to the previous value.
Also includes a customizable SMA or EMA based "Smoothing Length" variable,
allowing the indicator to show whether the SMA or the EMA of the price
is up or down compared to the previous value.
An offset option is also included if you need it.
Settings :
Personal thoughts :
I wanted to have an indicator that showed ONLY whether the price is UP or DOWN from the previous value.
My logic was that I could have a more accurate perception of general up or down trend direction
if I removed the AMOUNT of increase or decrease happening from moment to moment over time.
From there, I added the SMA/EMA "Smoothing Length" and "Smoothing Type" variables into the script.
By increasing the value of the smoothing length above 1,
the indicator act as a color-changing moving average, except without showing an actual value.
"Smooth Length" acts just like the length of any other moving average...
When the value of the "Smooth Length" is = 1, the indicator shows whether PRICE is up or down.
When the value of the "Smooth Length" is = 50, the indicator shows whether the MOVING AVERAGE with a length of 50 is up or down.
When the value of the "Smooth Type" is = 1, the indicator is SMA based.
When the value of the "Smooth Type" is = 2, the indicator is EMA based.
As you can see in the main chart above, or in the picture below, I show the indicator in 2 different ways...
The indicator on the top shows price up/down action,
and the indicator on the bottom shows the 50 SMA up/down action :
Other key points :
The indicator height can be smashed down as small as possible and still remain 100% functional...
which is very important when chart real-estate is limited.
Here is an example of my main layout setup, with the Up/Down indicator on the top left :
As you can see, it takes up very little space, but still remains fully functional.
In the example above, I have it overlayed on the left chart price panel,
with the price visibility turned off.
If it is overlayed on the price panel like so, and you want to see both the indicator and price,
simply turn the price visibility on to see both.
Since the indicator displays itself merely by changing the color of the background,
layer order has no effect, and the indicator is always drawn in the background.
The Up/Down indicator can also be used in conjunction with other candle types
that sometimes display candle color differently than standard candles, such as heikin-ashi candles.
Just take note that the colors of the indicator may not match the colors of the heikin-ashi candles.
Finally, I looked very hard to find an indicator like this on TradingView, and found absolutely nothing.
I know that it is a simple concept, but I'm honestly surprised I couldn't find anything like it.
I have been using it for awhile now, and I'm proud of the results...
therefore, I'd like to share it with the community, along with my previously published indicators,
in the hope that you find it useful!
Outro :
A) As with my previous indicators,
this one was written while keeping information, color, clarity, chart real-estate, and customization in mind.
B) It is optimized to be displayed on all display setups...
for use on your own personal television, laptop, or cellular phone screen...
and on all chart zoom levels and layout styles.
C) Please feel free to comment your thoughts, critiques, or suggestions. They are all very helpful!
D) Check out my previous pine script indicators if you like this one. They work really well together.
E) I hope that you find this script useful.
F) Enjoy!
// Durbtrade
EMA+MACDA simple script using EMA 25 and EMA 50 with MACD. Enter long when EMA 25 crossover ema 50 and MACD line > 0, enter short when EMA 50 crossover ema 25 and MACD < 0
SSL Hybrid Exit Arrow StrategyBasic concept: Use the SSL Hybrid indicator's EXIT ARROWS to determine trade entry and exit points.
Enter LONG trades on BLUE exit arrows
Enter SHORT trades on RED exit arrows
Uses up to 3 DCA orders for trade entry
Sets a stop loss
Does not set any take profit. Relies on opposing arrow to exit current position
When filters are set it affects opening of positions, but opposing arrow will always exit trades regardless of filtering options set
Additional filtering configuration:
If the SSL filter checkbox is checked, then LONG positions can only be opened when SSL1 is below the baseline lower and SHORT positions can only be opened when the SSL1 is above the baseline upper
If the QQE MOD checkbox is checked, then LONG positions can only be opened when QQE MOD histogram bars are BLUE and the QQE MOD line is ABOVE 0 and SHORT positions can only be opened when the QQE MOD histogram bars are RED and the QQE MOD line is BELOW 0
Both SSL and QQE MOD filters may be combined to give stricter filtering, however I find it often prevents entry to too many good trades
Static Gann and EMAsThis indicator gives static Gann levels for 45 degree and 225 degree. These are helpful for identifying support and resistance levels under Gann Square of 9 method. The static levels are marked out in orange and are updated till 32761 (I could not find levels beyond this to update in my script and I apologise for the same) but if someone can provide them, then I shall update them to levels beyond this.
Additionally, there are multiple EMAs to give extra information which are also helpful in identifying support and resistance levels. EMAs included are for the period of 5, 21, 50 and 200.
How to use:
Just select the indicator and enable the EMA(s) you wish to plot on the chart.
4-EMA TrendThis indicator can be used to visualize when price is above or below special exponential moving averages (8, 21, 50 and 200) that are also displayed on the chart. A green or red background is plotted then, that can be followed as a trend. You can define the amount of risk (e.g. in $) and the number of previous bars that will be used to calculate the stop loss. For the stop loss a label is shown (long or short) that displays the quantity to buy or sell for your defined risk. It is recommend to use the indicator in combination with my Stochastic & RSI (see chart) to enter trades long or short when stochastic is overbought or oversold and RSI above or below 50.
SSL Hybrid StrategyStrategy based on the SSL Hybrid indicator by Mihkel00
Designed for the purpose of back testing
Enters both long and short trades based on SSL1 crossing the baseline
Stop Loss calculated based on ATR multiplier
Option to allow moving of Stop Loss to break even on TP1
Option to turn off Stop Loss and Take Profit which will rely on indicator flip to exit from position
Take Profits configurable with up to 5 ATR multipliers and exits percentages (percentages calculated as percentages of original position size, eg. 100 tokens with 3 TPs of 20, 30, 50 would exit the same number of tokens on each TP)
SSL Hybrid Mihkel00 www.tradingview.com
SSL Hybrid + QQE StrategySSL Hybrid strategy combining QQE MOD as trade entry filter.
Rules to enter LONG:
SSL1 is under lower baseline lower
QQE histogram bar is blue
QQE line is above 0
Rules to enter SHORT:
SSL1 is under above baseline upper
QQE histogram bar is red
QQE line is below 0
Long only EMA CROSS 8/50/200 BacktestImprove EMA CROSS 8/50/200 with adjustable Exit EMA Level, and can open trade only when above EMA200