OANDA:XAUUSD   ทองคำ / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ
End of day update from us here at KOG:

Decent days trading here at Camelot, numerous targets bit completed including EU, Silver, Gold, CJ and Oil to name a few. As we suggested in one of the scenarios in the KOG report we were looking for the price to target the higher resistance levels where we had an Excalibur target waiting. This target has now been completed and we're seeing a minor reaction in price, which is what we anticipated. We would say now, to look for a retest of the resistance, and if it holds to look for lower support as a potential target. The first resistance level is the one that needs to break for this to go lower!

As always, trade safe.


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🟡 Disclaimer: Not financial advice. For educational purposes only.

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