
XAUUSD:It will fall below 2000

Allen_Ex ที่อัปเดต:   
FOREXCOM:XAUUSD   ทองคำ / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ

As we expected, gold fell sharply and we once again made huge profits from it. Now, after the decline, there is a small rebound demand. You can go long first

Please be careful not to set a too large take-profit, close the order promptly when there is profit, and lock in the profit.

If the rebound is strong, it may hit near 2020, where you can try shorting, with a high probability of profit. When it falls again, there is a very high probability of falling below 2000.

I hope my analysis is helpful to you, and good luck!
If you took a long trade, you must be making money now
It is now near resistance, waiting for the U.S. session time

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