
XAUUSD: Next week's gold view

HectorBrown1 ที่อัปเดต:   
FOREXCOM:XAUUSD   ทองคำ / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ
Late gold view: The lower support is this week's low near 1810, no matter when it can be long. The upper resistance is near the high point of 1849 this week, and once the market effectively breaks 1849, there will be a rebound, and it is estimated that it will rise to 1880. If 1849 is blocked, gold will double dip or fall back. The daily line dipped to 1810 on Friday, and peaked at around 1835 in the evening, still very much in line with expectations.
The daily line closed long under the shadow of the Yang line, the trend on Monday to rebound mainly. Daily support near 1820, touching can be long.
If you are confused about trading, please join me, I believe you will have a great harvest!
Good night
Affected by the Palestinian-Israeli conflict over the weekend, gold is high today, once on the 1850 station is not recommended to blindly chase more, the news market is often poor continuity, timeliness is short.

If you are in a trading quagmire, then I will be the person you can trust!For a free signal send me a message:



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