
AAPL Entry, Volume, Target, Stop

tradepatiently ที่อัปเดต:   
NASDAQ:AAPL   บริษัท แอปเปิล
Entry: with price above 194.48
Volume: with volume greater than 85M (or 203M on the weekly chart)
Target: 203.77 area (this is an area, no guarantee it reaches this price, but you should be selling on the way up)
Stop: Depending on your risk tolerance; Based on an entry of 194.49, 189.86 gets you 2/1 Reward to Risk Ratio.

This LONG swing trade idea is not trade advice and is strictly based on my ideas and technical analysis. No due diligence or fundamental analysis was performed while evaluating this trade idea. Do not take this trade based on my idea, do not follow anyone blindly, do your own analysis and due diligence. I am not a professional trader.
Based on volume accelerating earlier in the day, I entered a position. Didn't quite get 85M in volume, but close.
Held thru earnings - not my style - hoping I don't regret it.
ปิดการเทรด: ถึงเป้าหมายการตัดขาดทุน:
Stopped out - held thru earnings : (


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