[CS] London/Tokyo Fix - PublicThe London & Tokyo Fix indicator is used to indicate the Fix levels for the two markets.
The London Fix is a daily global price set for precious metals, whereas the Tokyo Fix is the time when the benchmark rate for Japanese Yen is set. Often these times are followed with increased trading volumes and serves as good target levels for trade as price will often return to these levels.
Please note the current version needs to be set in 5m or lower timeframes for the Tokyo Fix to display correctly
Sessions [TradingFinder] New York, London, Tokyo & Sydney ForexTiming is one of the influential factors in a trader's position. This indicator categorizes transactions into three sessions (Asia, Europe, and America). Five significant trading cities (New York, London, Frankfurt, Tokyo, and Sydney) are selectable.
I recommend using the tool on a 5-minute time frame, but it is usable on all time frames.
• Trading sessions: Display or hide each trading session as needed.
• Color: Change the color of each box.
• Session time intervals: The default is based on the main working hours for each time interval and can be adjusted.
• Information table: Delete or display additional information table.
Information Table:
• Trading sessions
• Opening and closing times of each trading session
How to Use:
Initiating trading sessions involves entering with increased liquidity, and the market usually experiences significant movements. Many trading strategies are based on "time" and "session openings." This tool empowers traders to focus intensely on each time interval.
These trading sessions are crucial for all Forex, stock, and index traders:
The total price ceiling and floor in the Asia session (Tokyo and Sydney) are crucial for traders in the European session.
The European session starts with Frankfurt, and an hour later, London begins, collectively forming the European session.
The dashboard provides additional information, displaying hours based on UTC.
Customization options are considered in all sections so that everyone can apply their own settings.
Important: Default times are the most accurate for each region, and in most indicators, this time is not correctly selected. Therefore, the level of influence and time intervals are specified at the beginning of each session. If you are using another indicator, match its default time to the announced time and share the results with me in the comments.
Sessions[Lenny Kiruthu]The script below is designed to show up to 4 different trading sessions i.e. London, New York, Tokyo and Sydney sessions, it also displays the days each session is taking place in as well as two horizontal lines one for the previous days high and the other for the previous days low.
It also displays a table that shows the user the highest and lowest price for 4 different currency pairs the previous day as well as their current prices and below it a confirmation row that shows whether price is currently above, below or within yesterdays range. Note that it only states "High Broken" or "Low Broken" if the current close is above or below the lines.
What you can change
Your time zone for example GMT -4 or GMT +3
The session start and end time
The colors, border type and border width of the session ranges
Displaying the table
Ability to choose the 4 symbols to view on the table
Sessions [LuxAlgo]This indicator shows when user set sessions are active and returns various tools + metrics using the closing price within active sessions as an input. Users have the option to change up to 4 session times.
The indicator will increasingly lack accuracy when the chart timeframe is higher than 1 hour.
Enable Session: Allows to enable or disable all associated elements with a specific user set session.
Session Time: Opening and closing times of the user set session in the hh:mm format.
Range: Highlights the associated session range on the chart.
Trendline: Returns the associated session trendline on the chart.
Mean: Returns the associated session mean average on the chart.
VWAP: Returns the associated session volume weighted average price on the chart.
Ranges Settings
Range Area Transparency: Transparency of the area highlighting sessions ranges.
Range Outline: Highlights the borders of the session range area.
Range Label: Shows the session label at the mid-point of the session interval.
Show Dashboard: Enables sessions dashboard on the chart.
Advanced Dashboard: Returns more information regarding user set sessions on the dashboard.
Show Session Divider: Highlights active sessions using intervals on the bottom of the chart (this can lead to less responsive charts)
Show Daily Divider: Highlights days on the chart.
This tool is versatile and allows the user to perform a wide variety of tasks all focusing on highlighting and analyzing price movements within a specific user set session in a periodic fashion.
Significant forex trading sessions are used by default, but the users are free to choose the opening and closing time of their choices.
Using ranges can indicate which sessions returned the most volatile price movements.
Trendlines can be useful to estimate the underlying trend of a specific session, but they can also offer a quick way to see which session started a trend reversal.
The session Mean highlights the equilibrium level within a session, extrapolating these levels can provide potential support and resistances levels of interest.
Finally, users can use the sessions VWAP's for real time applications, using them as trailing supports and resistances.
Using The Advanced Dashboard
The advanced dashboard returns useful information regarding the user set sessions. Each dashboard elements are described below:
Status: Highlights whether the user set session is active (open) of inactive (closed).
Trend: Shows correlation coefficient between the session prices and a linear sequence of values. Values above 0 indicates an up-trending session, while values under 0 indicates a down-trending session. Values closer to (1, -1) indicates a more trending session.
Volume: Shows accumulated volume within the session
σ (Standard Deviation): Shows standard deviation of the session, while this value is not bounded it can be useful to compare it with the other ones to see which session was the most volatile.
Note that when a session becomes inactive the value on the dashboard will hold until the specific session becomes active again.
Market Trading Sessions (TG Fork)Visualize trading sessions opening hours of several international exchanges on a grid. Contrary to other indicators, this one automatically aligns the session with the current chart's timezone.
This is helpful for bar replay or manual backtesting, to spot patterns of correlations (this can also be used in conjunction with correlation indicators, see my other indicators).
Original indicator by Gunzo, if you like this indicator, please show the original author some love:
This indicator is also inspired by the following indicators:
ZenAndTheArtOfTrading with
UnknownUnicorn468659 with
This fork implements the following features:
Converted to PineScript v5.
Adapted default color palette to dark mode, as is the default in TradingView now.
Fix drawing issues, now the design shows as it was originally meant to be.
Fixed mistiming issue that made some sessions display with a delay compared to the real session, especially the first session was bar at the start of the session was not displayed.
Inputted the accurate timings for each session, instead of the default 0800-1600 in the original indicator.
Essentially, you can just add this indicator and it should work out of the box. If not, please let me know, and I'll try to fix it!
DatasetWeatherTokyoMeanAirTemperatureLibrary "DatasetWeatherTokyoMeanAirTemperature"
Provides a data set of the monthly mean air temperature (°C) for the city of Tokyo in Japan.
this was just for fun, no financial implications in this.
TOKYO WMO Station ID:47662 Lat 35o41.5'N Lon 139o45.0'E
the years of the data set.
Returns: array : year values.
the january values of the dataset
Returns: array\ : data values for january.
the february values of the dataset
Returns: array\ : data values for february.
the march values of the dataset
Returns: array\ : data values for march.
the april values of the dataset
Returns: array\ : data values for april.
the may values of the dataset
Returns: array\ : data values for may.
the june values of the dataset
Returns: array\ : data values for june.
the july values of the dataset
Returns: array\ : data values for july.
the august values of the dataset
Returns: array\ : data values for august.
the september values of the dataset
Returns: array\ : data values for september.
the october values of the dataset
Returns: array\ : data values for october.
the november values of the dataset
Returns: array\ : data values for november.
the december values of the dataset
Returns: array\ : data values for december.
the annual values of the dataset
Returns: array\ : data values for annual.
get the temperature values for a specific month.
idx : int, month index (1 -> 12 | any other value returns annual average values).
Returns: array\ : data values for selected month.
select_value(year_, month_)
get the temperature value of a specified year and month.
year_ : int, year value.
month_ : int, month index (1 -> 12 | any other value returns annual average values).
Returns: float : value of specified year and month.
the difference of the month air temperature (ºC) to the median of the sample.
month_ : int, month index (1 -> 12 | any other value returns annual average values).
Returns: float : difference of current month to median in (Cº)
{Gunzo} Market Trading Sessions (Tokyo, London, New York)Market Trading Sessions is a tool designed to help traders to find the best times of the day for price action trading. It displays non-overlapping visuals for the major trading sessions : Oceania, Asia, Europe, and USA.
This tool has been designed to match all the following requirements that I needed for optimal usage :
Display opening and closing of main markets
See clearly market sessions (non-overlapping colors)
Display Sydney session if wanted
Display GMT hours and days
Visually pleasing design and colors
Highly configurable
As I had trouble finding a script matching all these criteria, I created this tool and I'm sharing it with the TradingView community, hoping you will find it useful too.
Display market sessions on weekends : Display theoretical market sessions times on the weekend which can be useful for non forex markets.
Display session for Oceania\Sydney : Display "Oceania\Sydney" trading session
Display session for Asia\Tokyo : Display "Asia\Tokyo" trading session
Display session for Europe\London : Display "Europe\London" trading session
Display session for USA\New York : Display "USA\New York" trading session
Display session names : Display names of the session on the visual
Oceania color : Configurable color for the "Oceania\Sydney" sessions
Asia color : Configurable color for the "Asia\Tokyo" sessions
Europe color : Configurable color for the "Europe\London" sessions
USA color : Configurable color for the "USA\New York" sessions
Background color : Configurable color for the table background
Border color : Configurable color for the table borders
Text color : Configurable color for the table text
Header color : Configurable color for the table header (even days)
Header color (alternate) : Configurable color for the table header (odd days)
Simple Sessions## Background ##
Simple Sessions is based on the very awesome "Sessions on Chart" by Aurocks_AIF.
I really liked how the background colours worked but wanted to simplify it by removing some parts that I didn't use. I then simplified much of the code, put it into my standard template format and re-published. Hopefully the code is a bit cleaner and easier to read now.
## Usage ##
The default indicator shows the following sessions:
* Sydney in Navy
* Tokyo in Purple
* London in Green
* New York in Red
The good news is that using Green and Red for London and New York, gives a nice distinct yellow for the overlapping sessions. Sydney and Tokyo are by in similar colors by design.
By default, only London and New York show, but you may turn on Sydney and Tokyo in the settings.
## Use, Share, Like, etc #
Have fun!
-- chilts
bitpul Sessions + sma [MHMK]Background colors that show open-close of the major market sessions ( Tokyo, London, joint time, New York, free time).
I added two sma to get more confirmation for the reversal - You can hide smas
SessionsBackground colors that show open-close of the major market sessions (London, New York, Sydney, Tokyo).
Written for (UTC-4).
Sessions on ChartThis script shows the London and NY Sessions on your chart. Decided to publish it on demand for user yuan642 :D. Maybe other users may find it helpful.
Looking back on charts it can help to spot certain moves or patterns around certain Session open when high volumes enter the markets.
Forex Trading Sessions with Daylight Savings TimeV1 - Max WarrenDifferent version of the CM one but everything is configurable and easy to manage.
Daylight savings may also be toggled, I cannot automatically toggle it yet but hopefully with a pine update I will be able to.
It had the four main sessions but version two could possibly have all of them as optional toggles
Hope it is useful