CBOT_MINI:YM1!   ฟิวเจอร์ส E-mini ดาวโจนส์ (5 ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ)

US30USD YM1! Dow 2021 Oct 25 Week

Market approaching previous high
Some whipsaw expected. Preference is to long when
price come to test the lower levels.

Weekly: Price advanced on lower volume. Spread has narrowed = weakness
(no change in behavior yet)
H4: UHV Upthrust bar with strength in background.
If next bar closes higher, this then can be confirmed = weakness

Strategy for Short (Test and Reject)
Strategy for Long (Test and Accept)

Entry based on price reaction to the levels on YM1!:

35645 35541
35365 35155
34854 34489
34126 33610

Remember to like and follow if you find this useful.

Have a profitable trading week ahead. YM1!



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