
GOLD (XAUUSD): Wave Analysis & Cycles. What You May Miss:

FX:XAUUSD   ทองคำ / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ

Since 2018 Gold is trading in a sharp bullish trend.
For the last two years period, we see almost 80% net growth.

Of course, it wasn't just a single move without corrections.
What I have noticed analyzing a weekly chart, is that market makers on gold prefer kind of "harmonic" correction cycles.

The last two bullish waves were initiated after a 15% price correction.
And you know what:
27th's November this year's low gives us a 15% price correction.

And what do we see afterward? Relatively strong bullish move on a daily with multiple breakouts of resistances.
It looks like it may lead to a major weekly wave initiation.
So our long term bias is bullish.

What do you think about this correction pattern?
Is it a valid observation?

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