
USD/ZAR Possble Bullish Break - Descending Wedge

FX:USDZAR   ดอลล่าร์สหรัฐ / แรนด์แอฟริกาใต้
For demonstration and education purposes. As we study descending wedge formations in market structure, you may do so by Google search of "Descending Wedge Forex" we see this trade idea could be a possibility. Depending on how the daily candle closes, we may also have the makings of a bullish tweezer bottom (Google search that as well). Watch for bullish breakout from triangle, possible retest and continuation up. This could give us a minimum 400 pip bull run, and possibly the formation of a right shoulder is beginning. Use your confluences, study and trade at your own risk. Always use proper risk management.



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