
USDJPY can soon break the high, trend continuation

Yelli_trades ที่อัปเดต:   
FX:USDJPY   ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ / เยนญี่ปุ่น
USDJPY is sustaining bullish structure, zones and accumulation-reaccumulation models on different timeframes. Looking for trend continuations.

☝️Disclaimer: ALL ideas here are for EDUCATIONAL and MARKETING purposes only, not a financial advice, NOT A SIGNAL. I share my view on the market and search for like-minded traders. YOUR TRADES ARE YOUR COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY. Everything here should be treated as trading in a simulated environment.

👉I believe that "right or wrong" mentality is a fundamental flaw of any beginner. In reality, a trader is right only when he executes the system and follows his rules, and he's wrong only when he's taking random setups. A trader should find a system he's willing to work with long-term, hindsight test, backtest and then execute live, then refine until perfection.



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