⭐️ USD/CAD INFORMATION: During the early Asian trading session on Thursday, the USD/CAD continued its losing streak for the fifth consecutive day, exhibiting a negative bias around 1.3530. The decline in this currency pair could be attributed to the upward movement of Crude oil prices.
However, there was some relief for USD/CAD as better-than-expected Consumer Price Index (CPI) data from the United States (US) came out. The US CPI (YoY) increased to 3.7% from its previous rate of 3.2%, surpassing market expectations of 3.6% in August
⭐️Personal comments NOVA: The US economy shows signs of recovery, investor sentiment is optimistic about the dollar in August. This is an opportunity for price growth.
⭐️Technical analysis: Based on technical indicators EMA 34, EMA89 and support resistance areas to set up a reasonable BUY order.
⭐️NOTE: Note: Nova wishes traders to manage their capital well - take the number of lots that match your capital - Takeprofit equal to 4-6% of capital account - Stoplose equal to 2-3% of capital account - The winner is the one who sticks with the market the longest