OANDA:SPX500USD   ดัชนี S&P 500

SPx looks bouncing from their support zone it was a monthly low

The direction of the S&P500 Index is reversed and stabilized at the bullish zone, by the condition stabilizing above 4310 and 4346
So, while above 4310 will reach 4336, and above 4347 will reach 4391
Otherwise, should stable under 4310 to get 4270,

So the next bearish area will start when the price can stabilize under the support zone to reach 4270 to get 4177 and 4060

Pivot Price 4310
Resistance prices: 4336 & 4391 & 4442
Support prices: 4292 & 4270 & 4222

The moving range will be between 4294 and 4347

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