TVC:SILVER   สัญญาการซื้อขายส่วนต่างแร่เงิน (ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ / ออนซ์)
Congratulations to everyone who was with me in this position. TP№1 - hit. I continue to stay in. and wait for the realization of TP2. Who those who didn't enter, I showed 2 entry points in the chart. First: price starts squeezing, makes a breakout, and retest (entry point after that). Second: the price will drop on zone 25.6. There is a good time to buy.
Write below who opened a position with me and write in the comments all your questions and instruments analysis of which you want to see.

Friends, push the like button, write a comment, and share with your mates - that would be the best THANK YOU.

P.S. I personally will open entry if the price will show it according to my strategy.
Always make your analysis before a trade

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