CME_MINI:NQ1!   ฟิวเจอร์ส E-mini NASDAQ 100

NAS100 USD NQ1! NASDAQ 2022 SEP 12 Week

Last week Scenario 1 long at support of 12018 proved profitable,
an exhibition of the 3 TF's minor demand.
Caution: Long trap observed by the low volume up bar, do not
chase long.

Possible scenarios:
1) Short opportunity if:
market goes up on narrow bars + closes are
near to each other, then market retraced lower, attempts previous
high and gets rejected
2) Long on support of 11930-12085 // 12405

Weekly = Ave vol up bar close toward high = minor demand
Daily = Friday's bar went up on very low volume = weakness
H4: Observation of market going up on average and low volume =

Price reaction levels:
Short on Test and Reject | Long on Test and Accept

13587 13200 12735-12823
12405 12085 11930

Remember to Like and Follow if you find this useful.
Have a profitable trading week ahead.


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