
JASMY analysis

iMoneyTeam ที่อัปเดต:   
After touching the price of 0.0444, JASMY has entered the correction and the JASMY structure has become bearish.

Considering the bearishness of the structure, the price is expected to drop to the lower range and then move towards the targets on the chart.

Closing a daily candle below the invalidation level will cause analysis.

We are looking for buy/long positions on the green range

Note that the financial market is risky, so:
Do not enter any position without confirmation and trigger.
Do not enter a position without setting a stop.
Do not enter a position without capital management.
When we reach the first TP, save some profit and try to move the stop continuously in the direction of your profit.

If you have any comments please post them, comments will help us improve our performance
It was analyzed from the price of 0.02813 and has dropped more than 15% so far.

For buy, confirmation or trigger is required

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