TVC:GOLD   สัญญาการซื้อขายส่วนต่างทองคำ (ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ / ออนซ์)
Are you curious about the current price of gold? Below are my observations on today's gold prices: Currently, gold is trading at a relatively high level, with an increase of nearly 15 USD compared to the same time yesterday, and it is trading around 1937.11 USD/ounce due to a rapid decrease in the US dollar.

Investors are also waiting for some important economic data to be released this week. These include employment data and workers' income... These factors influence the Fed's decisions.

Meanwhile, the Chinese yuan has experienced significant fluctuations due to negative signals from China's economy and the government's intensive measures to rescue it. This has caused the US dollar to rise sharply, resulting in an impact on gold.

I wish you the best of luck <3
Earlier this week, China decided to cut taxes on the stock market and extend tax exemptions for real estate transactions to revive the capital market and the country's real estate market.
Good luck and many big wins
In other precious metals markets, silver prices rose 1.9% to $24.71 per ounce. Platinum prices rose 1.5% to $978.45, the highest level in a month.
The gold market continues to have a strong uptrend and has touched the level of 1947 USD/ounce.



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