COMEX:GC1!   สัญญาซื้อขายล่วงหน้าทองคำ

GC1! Gold 2021 Aug 16 Week

Last week, Gold was kind to react per strategies provided.
Hope you have profited from it,
Weekly: Very High Volume Climatic Up Bar = Strength has appeared
Daily: UHV Selling Climax + rejection of lower price + Demand = Strength
H4: UHV Climatic closing above middle + healthy volume on ascend = strength.

Strategy for Short (if prices tested and resisted):
1) 1789
2) 1808
3) 1837

Strategy for Long:
Don't be late worm and chase the uptrend.
Prefer to long at these levels if tested and supported
1) 1757 - 1765
2) 1740
3) 1718
4) 1678

Remember to follow and like if you find this useful.
Have a profitable week ahead.



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