FX:GBPUSD   ปอนด์อังกฤษ / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ
The GBPUSD broke down from yesterday's consolidation at 1.2280 due to the DXY strength.

As the price currently consolidates along the 61.8% fib retracement level (1.2225), the easy trend-following setup would be for a continuation of the downside toward the support level of 1.2160 and trendline, if the DXY continues to strengthen.

However, an alternative view to consider would be for a retracement on the GBPUSD, to retest the resistance level and 38.2% fib retracement level (1.2290), especially given that the UK GDP data was released today at 0.2%, slightly higher than forecasted.

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