
Looking for a short trade set up on GBPUSD

SteveNixon ที่อัปเดต:   
FX:GBPUSD   ปอนด์อังกฤษ / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ
Provided the dollar continues to push up then I'm looking for a short trade set up on this pair. The GBP is taking a beating recently due to difficult Brexit negotiations - with the Conservative Party conference taking place (Sunday Monday Tuesday) any party divisions may push the pound down. Added to any strength in the Dollar this may be a nice trade this week.

IF: We get a trade set up
THEN: Open a short trade
TARGET: Previous low

NB: Good news could push this pair up so make sure you have a short set up before entering and keep an eye on the news at the same time as the chart

This is not investment advice

Steve Nixon
Trainer & Mentor
Possible flag developing - I want to see a well developed flag before risking my money.
As predicted



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