
GBPUSD-Weekly Market Analysis-Sep19,Wk2

FX:GBPUSD   ปอนด์อังกฤษ / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ
A bearish shark looking to complete at 1.2528 on the 4-hourly chart as a trend trading opportunity and within the sell zone, I would say is a pretty good trading idea.

Looking at the 1-hourly chart, there is a buy-zone and the width of the buy zone is a good 80pips movement(don't judge the pips potential by the chart, chart are fit to screen).

My trade plan is simple, within the buy zone on the 1-hourly look for a buying opportunity of cause with my trading rules for a long opportunity, 1st target will be recent high closing price candle and extended target will be at the 4-hourly chart entry price.

What's your plan?

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