OANDA:GBPUSD   ปอนด์อังกฤษ / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ
Daily view, neutral bullish
There's seems to be a bottom but if I breaks it we know it wasn't

If the 1.29500-1.28780 has a daily close below I will look to hold or put a position order at 1.2777 and target 1.222 that's only if the 1.30700-1.30200 holds bears view intact

Weekly direction and MN is bearish

Price may slip down as a accumulate I won't buy now as it looks overwhelming

If billions don't regain the 1.3 zone as a whole it might show that the MN is still on course

This is just a bias and not trade initiation related
Do like if it helps with drafting (analysis),&, choice making

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