Price should pull back to 1.238

MDSADI ที่อัปเดต:   
FX_IDC:GBPUSD   ปอนด์อังกฤษ / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ
The recent support of 1.238 which was broken would soon be tested possibly by this Friday to see if its now the new resistance

Its like catching a knife now longing this, but if you look at monthly you would see 1.21-1.22 levels are places where strong bounces seen in the past
Price actually tested 1.20 level, which is a strong monthly support level. If it closes below and gets to 1.19 the longs would be invalidated

Picking a bottom on pound has been tough, but we all know it can reverse pretty fast as clouds starts to move over the brexit deal dilemma



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