Why trading with Pine script can give you an extra month a year!
I've spent around 9/10 years trading with technical analysis.
I used to spend 2/3 hours on a weekend and easily 1/2 hours each day on the screen - that doesn't include the amount of times I'd be checking from my phones on and off throughout the day too!
So add that all up - its 620-700 hours per year.
We trade for freedom and time - not to spend that time looking at a chart.
Well, in my opinion anyway.
A month is 720 hours - so pretty much an extra month a year.
Crazy right?
Fed up, I created a systematic approach.
This video highlights how my systematic strategy works vs. how you would see the markets technically on the last GJ sell.
Pinescript makes all this easier too, I have data at the click of a button!