FX:GBPAUD   ปอนด์อังกฤษ / ดอลลาร์ออสเตรเลีย

hey guys,

I posted a trading plan for GBPAUD with a h&s trade 14th of April.
+150 pips were made on that trade and now we see the same pattern forming.

we still are trading above a major trendline and the neckline is based on absolutely the same level as the before mentioned setup.

my trading plan is the following:
I have an alert above 1.973.
we need a 4h candle close above the underlined neckline for a confirmed breakout.
then we will buy the pair on a pullback expecting the continuation to 1.987 as the initial target.

in case of a bearish continuation below the head level, bias will switch to bearish!

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