
The best trades always seem to be the ones you never take...

HunterBean ที่อัปเดต:   
Tried this set up out with fuji film because Nikki told me she was interested in their stock... I didn't like the price at the time and drew up some fibs from low to high on the weekly as it would've been a long term investment. Entry would've been at the 61.8 fib and the 100% fib. Crazy that I never took these positions as I didn't think much of it, but just look at the precision. I guess you'd say I'm a little bit long on FujiFilm lol. The best trades always seem to be the ones you never take
Also If you're wondering why I knew there would be a flash crash to the $36 dollar region or ~100% fibonacci region. was because of one thing, MANIPULATION. I knew some wall street big shot was going to get his slice of the pie at
~$36.50 because that spot is so key in making the best ROI. Always look out for manipulation


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