FX_IDC:EURUSD   ยูโร / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ
EURUSD is currently in a downtrend on the H1 chart. We sent out multiple selling opportunities in this trend. Now we expect another downside move but...

Before that we have ECB Interest Rate Decision. Those news could affect price by temporary taking price back to a higher levels.
Any of those upside moves should end below 1,1880 in order for price to remain in a downtrend.

And at this moment of price going back to the upside we could find the best risk to reward ratio trades! If price reaches 1,1800-30
and it then gives us a rejection signal then that will be a perfect entry opportunity. Before that all we're gonna be doing is wait and trade the other instruments.

In case of price continuing lower, next target is 1,1700!

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