FX_IDC:EURUSD   ยูโร / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ
This week we will be looking for new selling opportunities on EURUSD.
For now, the main and preferred option is to see another rise to the 1.1640-1680 zone and from these levels, we can expect a reversal.

However if we have a drop in price today, we will look for entries at a lower levels.

We expect a breakout of 1.1525 and continuation of the downside move.
DO NOT rush with the entry, but wait for rejection from the area and confirmation.

In case of any questions, make sure to ask!

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❓ If you got questions: t.me/Semkov
💡 If you want to know on what basis we make our entries, get in here: t.me/trendlinefreetrade

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