6O+ pips so far but price hasn't even started to move yet.

FX:EURCAD   ยูโร / ดอลลาร์แคนนาดา
Last week Friday, i posted a signal on here and some traders here are still swimming in profits even though it isn't as expected yet but still, something is better than nothing.

What i don't quite understand though is the fact that price is still consolidating, it hasn't broken out of the zone it has been in for close to 2 weeks now but we still will keep waiting, this sell will continue in no time because price needs to sell to our OB at that rectangle i marked out below then it's reaction to the OB will determine if we will close our positions or leave it to run right after the OB below gives us a breaker.

If we are given the breaker, we should aim for 5OO - 6OO pips in total before the end of next week hopefully !.


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