
When high volatility is needed

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BINANCE:ETHUSDT   Ethereum / TetherUS
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(ETHBTC 1W Chart)
What you need to look at on the ETHBTC chart is whether it has an uptrend.

Whether or not there is upward force is judged by where it is located on the overall chart and whether it has risen above important support and resistance areas.

Currently, ETH is located near the high point, but it appears to be resisting in the volume profile section formed at the high point.

What we can tell from these movements is that they have the power to rise, but they can be interpreted as being constrained by the upward trend.

So, we see that it needs to rise above 0.079552 to continue this constrained uptrend.


(ETHUSDT 1M chart)
One thing to keep an eye on from the current chart is the movement of StochRSI on the HA SRRC indicator.

It means that StochRSI is unable to get out of the oversold zone and is trying to fall again.

When StochRSI breaks out of the oversold zone, it is necessary to check which zone is receiving support and resistance.

(1W chart)
The most important support and resistance zone in the current price range is 1340.12.

Whether it can rise above 1340.12 and receive support is expected to determine whether it can continue its mid- to long-term upward trend.

(1D chart)
What matters from the current price position is whether it can rise above the MS-Signal by holding the price above 1198.26.

Because if that happens, it is more likely to turn into a short-term uptrend.

However, since HA-High is located at the 1549.89 point, volatility that shakes up and down must occur, causing HA-High to fall.

If not, it is expected that there will be many restrictions on continuing the short-term uptrend.

Therefore, what is needed in ETH right now is great volatility.

We need to see if this volatility can occur around the upcoming December 29th.

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** All descriptions are for reference only and do not guarantee profit or loss in investment.

** If you share this chart, you can use the indicators normally.

** The MRHAB-T indicator includes indicators that indicate points of support and resistance.

** HA SRRC indicators are displayed as StochRSI (line), RSI (columns), and CCI (bgcolor).
** The CCI indicator is displayed in the overbought section (CCI > +100) and oversold section (CCI < -100).

(Short-term Stop Loss can be said to be a point where profit or loss can be preserved or additional entry can be made by split trading. This is a short-term investment perspective.)

(ETHUSDTPERP 1h chart)
'LONG' when supported by M-Signal on 1D chart
'SHORT' at resistance at 5EMA on 1D chart

Accordingly, it is possible to enter a position depending on whether it is supported or resisted at 1221.21.

[Example of exchange chart setup]





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