
ES! - Watching very close here! Daily 20/200ema Bearish Cross

UnknownUnicorn7216011 ที่อัปเดต:   
CME_MINI:ES1!   สัญญาซื้อขายล่วงหน้า เอส&พี 500 E-mini
ES! S&P es_mini

watching very close here. watching the daily 20ema (red)/200ema (yellow) - bearish crossover

hedged with vxx and selling vxx covered calls as usual during volatility.

if we look back at the past indicators the s&p has seen significant drops on this cross. if we get the crossover and a move up, im playing it like a bull trap.

2day 200ema was support on the russia/ukraine drop

This content is for informational, educational and entertainment purposes only. This is not in any way, shape or form financial or trading advice.

we got the bear crossover. has shown above past data would indicate this could have been a bear trap as i stated feb 27th

hedge with vxx, selling vxx covered calls. watching dxy and gold for break outs here above the 618 fib retrace

moving some btc and eth to paxg

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