
BITCOIN - Continues Live Stream -- 16/6/2019 -- one step ahead!!

UGTraders ที่อัปเดต:   
In this idea, we will do a continues live stream of the market moves, we will post EVERY POSSIBLE MOVE THAT WE COULD PREDICT, so you can be one step a head of market!!

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Currently, BTCUSD stands in front of minor resistance level, the brown trend STILL have some time to flip over, you could confirm that it's ended up by penetration the brown trendline....

Under any means the market should NOT break the support level shown on the graph..

till now, still natural!
Till still natural, you could confirm the ending of the brown trend by breaking the trendline drawn on the chart

The market was able to break the support level, and we're in the bears side

Bitcoin will target the latest support level, stay bearish !!

ปิดการเทรด: ถึงเป้าหมายการตัดขาดทุน


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