Price Action Fluency As A Second Language: Part Two
Please watch my previously posted part one video to grasp the fundamentals. Now, let's dive into part two.
Price action fluency involves more than just technical knowledge—it requires a deep understanding of your psychological behavioral responses.
Your brain will have it as its prime objective to avoid pain. It will send signals to the eyes to ignore setups that don't perfectly align. Your eyes will only see what they want to see.
It is essential to train your eyes to recognize every failed setup. To observe every detail of each area, and identify every possible entry point for both directions. Leave no aspect overlooked.
The goal is for your brain to understand every nuance of price action intuitively and objectively. Just like when you read a book in a language you're fluent in, your brain doesn’t pause at every letter to decipher vowels, consonants, word meanings, or sentence structures. Instead, it processes a vast amount of information naturally and seamlessly. It doesn't skip letters or words out of fear; it treats every part of the language equally and objectively.
Objectivity is purity. Objectivity is clarity. Objectivity is mastery.