BATS:AMD   แอ๊ดวานซ์ไมโครดิไวซ์
I'm sure when I first posted how high my forecast for AMD was most of you scoffed at it. Well, look at where we are now. I still feel we are targeting the 1.382 next @ $193.30. This isn't a requirement though as you can see, we are in the target box. When we hit the top, we will start our wave iv retrace which will bring us to the $150-$160 area before raising again to the low $200's for v of 3. One step at a time though.

MACD has already made a new high for this move up confirming the count. When we do top, I will try to sneak in a couple of puts for the retrace but won't push it. I don't like counter trend trading especially during a wave 3. This week should be interesting to say the least.

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Bonam Fortunam,



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