AMD has underperformed peers but not for much longer

NASDAQ:AMD   แอ๊ดวานซ์ไมโครดิไวซ์
AMD seems to be the contrarian play in the semiconductor field right now so I'm going to go ahead and suggest starting a position at these levels around $90 a share. It has been outperformed by its peers to a great degree recently for no apparent reason. I assume profit-taking attributed to taking it down from nearly $100 a share.

Buy under $93.

Sell half at $110.

It will retest the $100 level, breakthrough, and hit resistance at about the $110 level from profit takers. Slight chance it has more legs than that but I'd say $110 is a fair price target for this stock.

The SMH is up 11% in the last month and a half and AMD is down nearly a percent. Easy 10% return on this trade if not 20% if it hits my estimated price target.


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