Amrullah Deep Liquidity for S&P 500Amrullah Deep Liquidity (ADL)
Amrullah Deep Liquidity (ADL) is a high profit factor strategy based on models designed by Muhd Amrullah.
Choosing your trading pair that you are planning to backtest
Check that you have been given access to Amrullah Deep Liquidity (ADL). Select SPX500USD with the default 4H time frame. Once done, open Indicators > Invite-Only Scripts > Amrullah Deep Liquidity %.
Choosing your initial capital that you want to begin backtesting
Go to Settings > Properties > Initial Capital and type in the amount of capital you're starting with. For the SPX500USD trading pair, the initial capital is denominated in USD.
Adjusting your equity at risk until the trades match your risk profile and comfort level
Go to Inputs > Equity Risk and adjust the value you are comfortable with. To analyse performance, you also want to choose the Start Year, Start Month and Start Date. Select lower equity risk for trades that you intend to take without the use of leverage. You can select an equity risk from 0.001 to 0.05 or all the way to 1.
Finding the time frame with the highest profit factor
Profit factor is defined as the gross profit a strategy makes across a defined period of time divided by its gross loss. You may choose to scroll through other time frames to find better models. You can select a different time frame from 1 min to 1H or all the way to 1M. Once you find the model you desire, you are encouraged to check that the model has a backtested profit factor of >3.5. You can then begin looking through the Performance Summary to find other detailed statistics.
Analysing the equity curve from the Amrullah Deep Liquidity (ADL) strategy
A green equity curve indicates that the trades are accumulating profits. A red equity curve indicates that the trades are accumulating losses. A healthy equity curve is one that is green and grows steadily to the right and upward direction.
Analysing the display arrows on the chart
Amrullah Deep Liquidity (ADL) tells you when to take a trade and how much to put in a trade. ADL can do this as the model identifies inventory risk in traders and market makers in the chosen market. On your Tradingview chart, ADL will display an arrow that tells you when to enter a trade. You can also see the amount to trade beside the arrow.
Opting for a trial
Yes you may opt for a trial which has limited availability.
The author's background and experience
My career in software and deep learning development spans across more than 5 years. At work, I lead a team to solve core computer vision tasks for large companies. I continually read all kinds of computer science books and papers, and follows progress on tools used in financial markets.
Trend former ver stockTrend Former's stock version service indicator.
It is designed to be printed on daily and three-day bars.
Market characteristics require longer breathing than coin in position.
For further details, we will gradually increase the upload.
트랜드 포머의 주식버전 서비스 지표입니다.
일봉과 3일봉에서 출력되도록 설계 되어 있습니다.
마켓 특성상 포지션에서 코인보다는 더 긴 호흡을 요구합니다.
추가적인 자세한 설명은 점차 업로드를 늘려가도록 하겠습니다.
[astropark] Trend Is Your Friend V3 [alarms]Dear Followers,
today another awesome Swing and Scalping Trading Strategy indicator, runnable on a bot , which works great on High Timeframes (1D is suggested) but also on lower ones (just write me in order to help you find correct settings) and even better on 1m Renko chart!
If you are a scalper, you will love suggested entries for fast profit. You can run it on 1h timeframe (below is not suggested, there is "no-trend" below 1h!) if you are used to scalp trading and close each trade whenever you feel happy (a proper trailing stop strategy is suggested anyway).
This is not an evolution of "Trend Is Your Friend V1" or V2 , but a twin sister or the "Trend Is Your Friend V1" indicator you can see here below
and twin sister or the "Trend Is Your Friend V2" indicator you can see here below
This strategy differs for the engine used as basis, but has the same usage settings:
enable/disable signals on chart
enable/disable showing trend cloud
enable/disable bar coloring based on trend
enable/disable background coloring based on trend
edit trend period length (direct message me in order to help you fine best settings)
edit a smart variant option to enhance the trend cloud on your chart
enable/disable an option to smart enter trade
This strategy only trigger 1 buy or 1 sell. In order to get notified when a signal is triggered, you need to use the "alarms" version of this indicator.
Strategy results are calculated on the timeframe from December 2012 to now, so on 8 years, using 10000$ as initial capital and working at 1x leverage (so no leverage at all! If you like to use leverage, be sure to use a safe option, like 3x or 5x at most in order to have liquidation price very far).
This is not the "Holy Grail", so use a proper risk management strategy.
This script will let you set all notifications you may need in order to be alerted on each triggered signals.
The one for backtesting purpose can be found by searching for the astropark's "trend is your friend v3" and then choosing the indicator with "strategy" suffix in the name, or you can find here below
This is a premium indicator , so send me a private message in order to get access to this script.
[astropark] Trend Is Your Friend V3 [strategy]Dear Followers,
today another awesome Swing and Scalping Trading Strategy indicator, runnable on a bot , which works great on High Timeframes (1D is suggested) but also on lower ones (just write me in order to help you find correct settings) and even better on 1m Renko chart!
If you are a scalper, you will love suggested entries for fast profit. You can run it on 1h timeframe (below is not suggested, there is "no-trend" below 1h!) if you are used to scalp trading and close each trade whenever you feel happy (a proper trailing stop strategy is suggested anyway).
This is not an evolution of "Trend Is Your Friend V1" or V2 , but a twin sister or the "Trend Is Your Friend V1" indicator you can see here below
and twin sister or the "Trend Is Your Friend V2" indicator you can see here below
This strategy differs for the engine used as basis, but has the same usage settings:
enable/disable signals on chart
enable/disable showing trend cloud
enable/disable bar coloring based on trend
enable/disable background coloring based on trend
edit trend period length (direct message me in order to help you fine best settings)
edit a smart variant option to enhance the trend cloud on your chart
enable/disable an option to smart enter trade
This strategy only trigger 1 buy or 1 sell. In order to get notified when a signal is triggered, you need to use the "alarms" version of this indicator.
Strategy results are calculated on the timeframe from December 2012 to now, so on 8 years, using 10000$ as initial capital and working at 1x leverage (so no leverage at all! If you like to use leverage, be sure to use a safe option, like 3x or 5x at most in order to have liquidation price very far).
This is not the "Holy Grail", so use a proper risk management strategy.
This script will let you backtest how the indicator will perform on any chart you may test. Of course results will be very different depending on the chart and timeframe you will open. I tested a lot of charts and always you can find a combination that keep this strategy in profit on swing trading style (and this means that if you can have a daily look at the chart you can always manage to maximize your profit on each trade!)
The alarms version of this indicator, which will let you set all notifications you may need in order to be alerted on each triggered signals, can be found by searching for the astropark's "trend is your friend v3" and then choosing the indicator with "alarms" suffix in the name.
This is a premium indicator , so send me a private message in order to get access to this script.
[astropark] Trend Is Your Friend V2 [alarms]Dear Followers,
today another awesome Swing and Scalping Trading Strategy indicator, runnable on a bot , which works great on High Timeframes (1D is suggested) but also on lower ones (just write me in order to help you find correct settings) and even better on 1m Renko chart!
If you are a scalper, you will love suggested entries for fast profit. You can run it on 1h timeframe (below is not suggested, there is "no-trend" below 1h!) if you are used to scalp trading and close each trade whenever you feel happy (a proper trailing stop strategy is suggested anyway).
This is a twin sister or the "Trend Is Your Friend V1" indicator you can see here below
This strategy differs for the engine used as basis, but has the same usage settings:
enable/disable signals on chart
enable/disable showing trend cloud
enable/disable bar coloring based on trend
enable/disable background coloring based on trend
edit trend period length (you have to increase it if you go on lower timeframes or you go on FOREX/Stocks market, direct message me in order to help you fine best settings)
This strategy only trigger 1 buy or 1 sell. In order to get notified when a signal is triggered, you need to use the "alarms" version of this indicator.
Strategy results are calculated on the timeframe from January 2015 to now, so on 5 years, using 10000$ as initial capital and working at 1x leverage (so no leverage at all! If you like to use leverage, be sure to use a safe option, like 3x or 5x at most in order to have liquidation price very far).
This is not the "Holy Grail", so use a proper risk management strategy.
This script will let you set all notifications you may need in order to be alerted on each triggered signals.
The one for backtesting purpose can be found by searching for the astropark's "trend is your friend" and then choosing the indicator with "strategy" suffix in the name, or you can find here below
This is a premium indicator , so send me a private message in order to get access to this script.
[astropark] Trend Is Your Friend V2 [strategy]Dear Followers,
today another awesome Swing and Scalping Trading Strategy indicator, runnable on a bot , which works great on High Timeframes (1D is suggested) but also on lower ones (just write me in order to help you find correct settings) and even better on 1m Renko chart!
If you are a scalper, you will love suggested entries for fast profit. You can run it on 1h timeframe (below is not suggested, there is "no-trend" below 1h!) if you are used to scalp trading and close each trade whenever you feel happy (a proper trailing stop strategy is suggested anyway).
This is a twin sister or the "Trend Is Your Friend V1" indicator you can see here below
This strategy differs for the engine used as basis, but has the same usage settings:
enable/disable signals on chart
enable/disable showing trend cloud
enable/disable bar coloring based on trend
enable/disable background coloring based on trend
edit trend period length (you have to increase it if you go on lower timeframes or you go on FOREX/Stocks market, direct message me in order to help you fine best settings)
This strategy only trigger 1 buy or 1 sell. In order to get notified when a signal is triggered, you need to use the "alarms" version of this indicator.
Strategy results are calculated on the timeframe from January 2015 to now, so on 5 years, using 10000$ as initial capital and working at 1x leverage (so no leverage at all! If you like to use leverage, be sure to use a safe option, like 3x or 5x at most in order to have liquidation price very far).
This is not the "Holy Grail", so use a proper risk management strategy.
This script will let you backtest how the indicator will perform on any chart you may test. Of course results will be very different depending on the chart and timeframe you will open. I tested a lot of charts and always you can find a combination that keep this strategy in profit on swing trading style (and this means that if you can have a daily look at the chart you can always manage to maximize your profit on each trade!)
The alarms version of this indicator, which will let you set all notifications you may need in order to be alerted on each triggered signals, can be found by searching for the astropark's "trend is your friend v2" and then choosing the indicator with "alarms" suffix in the name.
This is a premium indicator , so send me a private message in order to get access to this script.
[astropark] Trend Is Your Friend V1 [alarms]Dear Followers,
today another awesome Swing and Scalping Trading Strategy indicator, runnable on a bot , which works great on High Timeframes (1D is suggested) but also on lower ones (just write me in order to help you find correct settings) and even better on 1m Renko chart!
If you are a scalper, you will love suggested entries for fast profit. You can run it on 1h timeframe (below is not suggested, there is "no-trend" below 1h!) if you are used to scalp trading and close each trade whenever you feel happy (a proper trailing stop strategy is suggested anyway).
This strategy let's you edit following settings:
enable/disable signals on chart
enable/disable showing trend cloud
enable/disable bar coloring based on trend
enable/disable background coloring based on trend
enable a special option to enhance trend cloud on FOREX/Stocks charts (optional)
edit trend period length (you have to increase it if you go on lower timeframes, like 1h)
This strategy only trigger 1 buy or 1 sell. In order to get notified when a signal is triggered, you need to use the "alarms" version of this indicator.
Strategy results are calculated on the timeframe from August 2017 to now, so on almost 2 years and half, using 10000$ as initial capital and working at 1x leverage (so no leverage at all! If you like to use leverage, be sure to use a safe option, like 3x or 5x at most in order to have liquidation price very far).
This is not the "Holy Grail", so use a proper risk management strategy.
This script will let you set all notifications you may need in order to be alerted on each triggered signals.
The one for backtesting purpose can be found by searching for the astropark's "trend is your friend" and then choosing the indicator with "strategy" suffix in the name, or you can find here below
This is a premium indicator , so send me a private message in order to get access to this script.
[astropark] Trend Is Your Friend V1 [strategy]Dear Followers,
today another awesome Swing and Scalping Trading Strategy indicator, runnable on a bot , which works great on High Timeframes (1D is suggested) but also on lower ones (just write me in order to help you find correct settings) and even better on 1m Renko chart!
If you are a scalper, you will love suggested entries for fast profit. You can run it on 1h timeframe (below is not suggested, there is "no-trend" below 1h!) if you are used to scalp trading and close each trade whenever you feel happy (a proper trailing stop strategy is suggested anyway).
This strategy let's you edit following settings:
enable/disable signals on chart
enable/disable showing trend cloud
enable/disable bar coloring based on trend
enable/disable background coloring based on trend
enable a special option to enhance trend cloud on FOREX/Stocks charts (optional)
edit trend period length (you have to increase it if you go on lower timeframes, like 1h)
This strategy only trigger 1 buy or 1 sell. In order to get notified when a signal is triggered, you need to use the "alarms" version of this indicator.
Strategy results are calculated on the timeframe from August 2017 to now, so on almost 2 years and half, using 10000$ as initial capital and working at 1x leverage (so no leverage at all! If you like to use leverage, be sure to use a safe option, like 3x or 5x at most in order to have liquidation price very far).
This is not the "Holy Grail", so use a proper risk management strategy.
This script will let you backtest how the indicator will perform on any chart you may test. Of course results will be very different depending on the chart and timeframe you will open. I tested a lot of charts and always you can find a combination that keep this strategy in profit on swing trading style (and this means that if you can have a daily look at the chart you can always manage to maximize your profit on each trade!)
The alarms version of this indicator, which will let you set all notifications you may need in order to be alerted on each triggered signals, can be found by searching for the astropark's "trend is your friend" and then choosing the indicator with "alarms" suffix in the name.
This is a premium indicator , so send me a private message in order to get access to this script.
Auto-fibsAutomatically plots Fibonacci Retracement levels.
Uses the all time high (ATH) for a specified number of days back, and the lowest value since the ATH, to plot the levels.
BEST Supertrend CCIHello traders
Today I present you a Supertrend not based on candle close but based on a CCI (Commodity Channel Index)
How does it work?
Bull event: CCI crossing over the 0 line
Bear event: CCI crossing below the 0 line
When the event is triggered, the script will plot the Supertrend as follow
UP Trend = High + ATR * Factor
DOWN Trend = Low - ATR * Factor
This is an alternative of the classical Supertrend based on candle close being above/beyond the previous Supertrend level.
Hope you'll enjoy it and it will improve your trading making you a better trader
Candlesticks ANN for Stock Markets TF : 1WHello, this script consists of training candlesticks with Artificial Neural Networks (ANN).
In addition to the first series, candlesticks' bodies and wicks were also introduced as training inputs.
The inputs are individually trained to find the relationship between the subsequent historical value of all candlestick values 1.(High,Low,Close,Open)
The outputs are adapted to the current values with a simple forecast code.
Once the OHLC value is found, the exponential moving averages of 5 and 20 periods are used.
Reminder : OHLC = (Open + High + Close + Low ) / 4
First version :
Script is designed for S&P 500 Indices,Funds,ETFs, especially S&P 500 Stocks,and for all liquid Stocks all around the World.
NOTE: This script is only suitable for 1W time-frame for Stocks.
The average training error rates are less than 5 per thousand for each candlestick variable. (Average Error < 0.005 )
I've just finished it and haven't tested it in detail.
So let's use it carefully as a supporter.
Best regards !
BEST Algorithm Builder STOCKSHello traders 👋
1. Every trial request access has to be done through my website.
2. My website URL is in this script signature at the very bottom (you'll have to scroll down a bit and going past the long description) and in my profile status available here: Daveatt profile status
3. Many video tutorials explaining clearly how all our indicators work are available on our website > guides section and also on website forum + Youtube
4. You may also contact me directly for more information regarding the trading method included in the indicator or how to access it
II. Forewords
(Screenshot based on $FCEL - FUELCELL ENERGY Inc.)
This indicator is for the SWING traders looking for fixed entries based on our proprietary trading method. It's a nice complement to any intraday method
We've been working on it for months and releasing now for our subscribers.
We mostly trade the US stocks with it due to personal preference but it's working also with other international stocks.
All stocks sectors (tech, aerospace, food, energy, financial, healthcare, ...) are eligible.
We've seen quite great signals with penny stocks/biotech/tech stocks.
III. Optimized system for lowering risk/capturing most of the opportunities
We worked hard on reducing the risk as much as we could.
The built-in hard-exit (also called invalidation) system does a huge job in exiting a position way before a Stop Loss will get hit
IV. Trade Manager and compatible with dynamic alerts
It includes :
- our proprietary method with fixed entries
- a hard exit system (built-in stop-loss)
- multiple options for user-defined stop-loss/take-profit settings (price value, distance in pips, percentage, trailing, ...)
- 🔔 Compatible with dynamic alerts 🔔
Dynamic alerts are bringing automated trading to a whole new level. The third-party solutions capturing TradingView alerts are able to use them.
- Algorithmic Supports and Resistances used as safeguards and take profit zones
Final words
We made it as simple as we could (to be honest it's a very simple system for the end-user) - even with several hundreds of calculations in the indicator.
Please hit me up for any questions/feedback/comments
Become the BEST trader you deserve to be
Trendy Bar Trend ColorTrendy Bar Trend Color
Inspired by trend candlestick charts on other trading platforms. Changes bar colors to stay in trend much like Heikin Ashi candles without the ATR price distortion. This is done by comparing the HL2 and/or Open-Close values of current candlestick to the prior candlestick.
Live Mini Terminal 6 : Major U.S Indices Change DataThis script displays relative data changes occurring in the adjustable period and/or adaptive automatic period in US Major Indices.
It was inspired by the data terminals used by commercial traders.
Period selection can be adjusted in the menu.
This script uses the adaptive period algorithm used by Autonomous LSTM and Relativity scripts.
Or you can set the period manually from the menu.
For more information about adaptive period this script uses:
This script works only for 1 day (1D) and 1 week (1W) time frames.
The most efficient time frame is 1 week (1W) because of different time-zones .
Value changes on a percentage basis (%)
Recently, due to increasing interest, the NQNACE index has been added.
Index descriptions are printed on the information panel.
Sentiment NYSE ARCA and AMEX indices added.
SP1! : S&P 500 Futures Index
DJI : Dow Jones Industrial Average Index
NDX : Nasdaq 100 Index
RUT : Russell 2000 Index
NYA : NYSE Composite Index
OSX : PHLX Oil Service Sector Index
HGX : PHLX Housing Sector Index
UTY : PHLX Utility Sector Index
SOX : PHLX Semiconductor Sector Index
SPSIBI : S&P Biotechnology Select Industry Index
XNG : NYSE ARCA Natural Gas Index
SPGSCI : S&P Goldman Sachs Commodity Index
XAU : PHLX Gold and Silver Sector Index
SPSIOP : S&P Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Select Industry Index
GDM : NYSE ARCA Gold Miners Index
DRG : NYSE ARCA Pharmaceutical Index
TOB : NYSE ARCA Tobacco Index
DFI : NYSE ARCA Defense Index
NWX : NYSE ARCA Networking Index
XCI : NYSE ARCA Computer Technology
XOI : AMEX Oil Index
XAL : AMEX Airline Index
NQNACE : Nasdaq Yewno North America Cannabis Economy Index
The script can be used as an indicator by putting it under the chart as shown above.
It is necessary to enlarge to see clearly.
Since it is not often looked at,such use is the best method for healthy interpretation.
Live Mini Terminal 2 : Relative USD Based Stock Markets Change This script displays relative data changes occurring in the adjustable period and/or adaptive automatic period in various stock markets.
It was inspired by the data terminals used by commercial traders.
Period selection can be set in the menu.
This script uses the adaptive period algorithm used by Autonomous LSTM and Relativity scripts.
Or you can set the period manually from the menu.
For more information about adaptive period this script uses:
This script works only for 1 day (1D) and 1 week (1W) time frames.
The most efficient time frame is 1 week because of different time-zones (1W) .
Value changes on a percentage basis (%)
Stock exchange values are calculated in dollar terms.
Due to the advantage of movement, future data were chosen instead of spot values on the required instruments.
Usa : S&P 500 Futures
Japan: Nikkei 225 Futures
England: United Kingdom (FTSE) 100
Australia: Australia 200
Canada: S&P / TSX Composite
Switzerland: Swiss Market Index
New Zealand: NZX 50 Index
China: SSE Composite (000001)
Denmark: OMX Copenhagen 25 Index
Hong-Kong: Hang Seng Index Futures
India: Nifty 50
Norway: Oslo Bors All Share Index
Russia: MOEX Russia Index
Sweden: OMX Stockholm Index
Singapore: Singapore 30
Turkey: BIST 100
South Africa: South Africa Top 40 Index
Spain: IBEX 35
France: CAC 40
Italy: FTSE MIB Index
Netherlands: Netherlands 25
Germany : DAX
The script can be used as an indicator by putting it under the chart as shown above.
It is necessary to enlarge to see clearly.
Since it is not often looked at,such use is the best method for healthy interpretation.
Volume per Price rate on chart
This indicator measures the change in price with volume.
"X" is displayed when the price movement is too large for the volume.
If the price movement is small, display a label.
You may be deceived if price movements are large relative to volume.
If price movements are small relative to volume, you may be collecting.
ATR CHANNEL .2Channel based on 100MA & daily ATR / volatility - whole point is to warn and show you where not to participate. Signals can be considered as higher probability trades, short term reversal type scalps - especially effective at FX and stock trading
So TrendSpotter uses multiple indicators to catch trend moves as they happen. All you have to do it follow the entries when 2 green or red arrows appear, you enter the move.
Basically it has a few rules.
1.I trade the 1 min time-frame
2.The background turns Red ( Short ) or Green ( Long ) when the stock is going that direction.
3. Wait until the Psar is under for Long and over for Short.
4. Wait until the second Green for Long or Red for Short Arrow to appear. You are getting in on the end of the first one.
Here's my profile on with all the explanations of how to use it. It can be used for FOREX and CRYPTO also.
Check out my videos to see it's not that complicated.
If you have any questions please contact me.
ZoneBand (@Mido_yuiya)Bollinger band is converted to EMA , and support and resistance bands are made into regions
[LunaOwl] 樂活投資:價格通道 (LOHAS Investor - PriceChannel)- Introduction -
Price channel is an ancient strategy, which is very convenient for office workers. since most people no time do it.
so they are suitable for simple strategies. There are several conditions to become a "LOHAS Investor" -
1) set moderate ROI expectations.
- 設定溫和的投資報酬率期望。
2) use appropriate stock selection methods to build portfolios and reduce single error rates.
- 使用適當的選股方式建立投資組合,減少單一股票失誤率。
3) simple trade strategy, executed regularly.
- 使用簡單的策略規律執行。
4) wealth accumulates over time and learns every day.
- 財富依靠時間積累,每天勤學新知。
PpSignal RSI Bands Version 2This the mtf Rsi on the chart version
look at the picture and you can understand everything.
You have on the chart the middle line 50 overbought 70 and oversold lever 30 , like the oscillator in bellow out the chart.
we added Bollinger band 20, 1 and qqe move average, rsi on the chart (green and red line with circles), Heiken Ashi rsi style and rsi offset move average (yellow color).
Enjoy it
PpSignal RSI MTF 3.19This Rsi oscillator have a donichian channel en middle move average included.
have got a QQE or atr move average.
Show new high and new low according to the pivot point.
Show Rsi divergence.
MTF option.
SAMURAI SWORDSamurai Sword is an add on tool for Ninja Scalper and the next evolution of the Trend Trade Indicator.
It auto plots the fib retracement to speed up target acquisition support and resistance areas based on the formula to increase the success rate of trade entry and exits.
None of this is to be taken as investment advice but rather Edutainment and infotainment