Correlation Indicator (Pearson Index) The correlation indicator measures the strength and direction of the relationship between two financial assets using the Pearson Index. Correlation values range from +100 to -100, where: +100 indicates perfect positive correlation, meaning the two assets tend to move in the same direction. -100 indicates perfect...
This indicator helps to find spreads between cryptocurrencies, assess their correlation, spread, z score and atr z score. The graphs are plotted as a percentage. Because of the limitation in pine tradingview for 5000 bars a period was introduced (after which a new starting point of the graph construction will be started), if you want it can be disabled The...
This script lets you chart a spread of a maximum of 3 tickers (one of them being the ticker in the main chart). Y axis is the currency amount of the spread, that is calculated by this formula: Y = PnL = quantity * price * handleValue Y is calculated for each ticker specified, and the sum of Ys obtained is plotted. this way it is possible to view the PnL of the...
This script helps you discern the relative change of each leg in a two-legged spread over a given period. The main plot is a difference in log return over the number of bars identified by the "lag" parameter. E.g. if "lag" is 10 and leg one has increased 3% over the past ten bars, while leg two has only increased 1%, the plot value is 2%. The main plot is also...
Alternative & UPDATED version of my previous indicator for spread trading. This indicator can work pretty well also with other indices or correlated assets such as nasdaq100 and dax40. The spikes from one side of the channel or the orizzontal lines signal a possible entry signal for a spread trading strategy.
This script gives you the ratio between the Nasdaq 100 and the Dow 30 (nas100/dow30). The RSI helps you understand when one of the two indices is overbought or oversold compared to the other one. This indicator is supposed to be of help for the strategy called spread trading, which consists in shorting an asset and buying the other one.
The goal of this study is to produce information about the average size of candles in the given time frame. This can be used to help dial in your market making bot spreads.
This indicator shows the percent change between the highs and the lows (or optionally the open and close) of each candle. You may also set a low and a high percent threshold to better highlight the candles that exceed your desired spread percent. Red signifies low spread, green is high spread - these are unrelated to the color of the candle body. There is also the...
The Cointegration strategy is to short the outperforming instrument and go long on the underperforming instrument whenever the temporary correlation weakens which means one instrument going up and another going down. Here, instead of two different instruments two timeframes of the same instrument are used, lower and higher.
This indicator is designed for use with Profit Trailer's SPREAD strategies. The user can select either EMA or SMA averages and input their own buy value settings. It incorporates trailing values, either manual trailing values or automatically calculated values based on volatility.