S/R + FVG + 3EMA + Consolidation IndicatorApex Trader Toolkit: S/R, FVG, EMAs & Consolidation
I used AI and combined 4 of my favorite trading view indicators: 3 EMA's, Consolidation detectors, FVG sessions and automatic support and resistant bands and i made it into one super indicator, the result is amazing. I will be updating this script with more powerful indicators in the future.
This comprehensive indicator brings together essential trading tools into a single, customizable view, empowering you to make informed decisions with ease. The Apex Trader Toolkit combines Support and Resistance levels, Session Fair Value Gaps (FVG), Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs), and Consolidation Zone detection. Each component can be independently toggled on or off to suit your specific trading style and chart preferences.
Key Features:
Support and Resistance Levels:
Identifies potential areas of price reversals using pivot points.
Adjustable lookback periods for fine-tuning sensitivity.
Visual cues adapt dynamically based on price action (color-coded for above/below price).
Option to use close price or high/low for pivot calculations.
"Quick" S/R levels for shorter-term analysis.
Fair Value Gaps (FVG) with Session Ranges:
Highlights imbalances in price action, indicating potential future price movement.
Bullish and bearish FVG detection.
Automatic mitigation tracking.
Daily session range markers (high and low).
3-EMA Ribbon:
Plots three customizable Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs) to visualize trend direction and potential dynamic support/resistance.
Adjustable EMA lengths.
Consolidation Zone Detection:
Identifies periods of sideways price action, highlighting potential breakout or continuation opportunities.
Adjustable minimum zone length and ATR-based range calculation.
Option to limit the historical display of consolidation zones for clarity.
Each feature of the Apex Trader Toolkit is fully customizable, allowing you to:
Enable or disable individual components via global toggle switches.
Adjust lookback periods, color schemes, and other parameters.
Tailor the indicator to your specific trading strategy and market conditions.
How to Use:
The Apex Trader Toolkit provides a multifaceted approach to market analysis. Use it to:
Identify potential entry and exit points based on Support and Resistance levels.
Anticipate future price movement using Fair Value Gap detection.
Determine trend direction and dynamic support/resistance with the 3-EMA ribbon.
Spot potential breakout opportunities with Consolidation Zone highlighting.
This indicator is for informational and educational purposes only. Trading involves risk, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Always conduct thorough research and consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
FVG Detector by SZEMEKSkrypt "FVG Detector by SZEMEK" to zaawansowany wskaźnik dla platformy TradingView, który służy do wykrywania i wizualizacji luk wartości godziwej (Fair Value Gaps, FVG) na wykresie.
Oto rozszerzony opis funkcjonalności skryptu:
Główne cechy
Wykrywanie FVG:
Skrypt identyfikuje zarówno bycze (Bullish), jak i niedźwiedzie (Bearish) luki wartości godziwej.
Użytkownik może wybrać, które typy FVG mają być wyświetlane (Bullish, Bearish, oba lub żadne).
Wizualizacja FVG:
Luki są przedstawiane jako prostokątne boxy na wykresie.
Kolor i przezroczystość boxów są konfigurowalne osobno dla FVG byczych i niedźwiedzich.
Możliwość dodania ramki do boxów FVG z osobnymi ustawieniami kolorów.
Etykiety FVG:
Opcja wyświetlania etykiet na boxach FVG.
Konfigurowalne kolory i rozmiary etykiet.
Etykiety pokazują procent wypełnienia FVG.
Dynamiczne śledzenie wypełnienia FVG:
Skrypt monitoruje, w jakim stopniu każda luka została wypełniona przez późniejsze ruchy ceny.
Stopień wypełnienia jest wizualizowany za pomocą szarego koloru nakładanego na oryginalny box FVG.
Procent wypełnienia jest aktualizowany na etykiecie.
Automatyczne usuwanie FVG:
Możliwość ustawienia progu procentowego (100%, 75%, 50% lub brak usuwania), po którego przekroczeniu FVG jest usuwany z wykresu.
Jeśli wybrano opcję "nie usuwaj", całkowicie wypełnione FVG zmieniają kolor na szary.
Ograniczenie sprawdzanych świec:
Użytkownik może określić maksymalną liczbę świec wstecz, które skrypt będzie analizował w poszukiwaniu FVG.
Optymalizacja wydajności:
Skrypt wykorzystuje tablice do przechowywania i zarządzania wykrytymi FVG, co poprawia wydajność przy dużej liczbie FVG na wykresie.
Zaawansowane funkcje
Dokładne obliczanie procentu wypełnienia FVG, uwzględniające zarówno knoty, jak i ciała świec.
Dynamiczne aktualizowanie boxów FVG i ich etykiet w czasie rzeczywistym.
Elastyczne zarządzanie pamięcią poprzez usuwanie nieaktualnych lub wypełnionych FVG.
Skrypt ten stanowi zaawansowane narzędzie do analizy technicznej, umożliwiające traderom identyfikację potencjalnych obszarów wsparcia i oporu bazujących na koncepcji luk wartości godziwej.
Quarterly Theory ICT 02 [TradingFinder] True Open Session 90 Min🔵 Introduction
The Quarterly Theory ICT indicator is an advanced analytical system built on ICT (Inner Circle Trader) concepts and fractal time. It divides time into four quarters (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4), and is designed based on the consistent repetition of these phases across all trading timeframes (annual, monthly, weekly, daily, and even shorter trading sessions).
Each cycle consists of four distinct phases: the first phase (Q1) is the Accumulation phase, characterized by price consolidation; the second phase (Q2), known as Manipulation or Judas Swing, is marked by initial false movements indicating a potential shift; the third phase (Q3) is Distribution, where price volatility peaks; and the fourth phase (Q4) is Continuation/Reversal, determining whether the previous trend continues or reverses.
🔵 How to Use
The central concept of this strategy is the "True Open," which refers to the actual starting point of each time cycle. The True Open is typically defined at the beginning of the second phase (Q2) of each cycle. Prices trading above or below the True Open serve as a benchmark for predicting the market's potential direction and guiding trading decisions.
The practical application of the Quarterly Theory strategy relies on accurately identifying True Open points across various timeframes.
True Open points are defined as follows :
Yearly Cycle :
Q1: January, February, March
Q2: April, May, June (True Open: April Monthly Open)
Q3: July, August, September
Q4: October, November, December
Monthly Cycle :
Q1: First Monday of the month
Q2: Second Monday of the month (True Open: Daily Candle Open price on the second Monday)
Q3: Third Monday of the month
Q4: Fourth Monday of the month
Weekly Cycle :
Q1: Monday
Q2: Tuesday (True Open: Daily Candle Open Price on Tuesday)
Q3: Wednesday
Q4: Thursday
Daily Cycle :
Q1: 18:00 - 00:00 (Asian session)
Q2: 00:00 - 06:00 (True Open: Start of London Session)
Q3: 06:00 - 12:00 (NY AM)
Q4: 12:00 - 18:00 (NY PM)
90 Min Asian Session :
Q1: 18:00 - 19:30
Q2: 19:30 - 21:00 (True Open at 19:30)
Q3: 21:00 - 22:30
Q4: 22:30 - 00:00
90 Min London Session :
Q1: 00:00 - 01:30
Q2: 01:30 - 03:00 (True Open at 01:30)
Q3: 03:00 - 04:30
Q4: 04:30 - 06:00
90 Min New York AM Session :
Q1: 06:00 - 07:30
Q2: 07:30 - 09:00 (True Open at 07:30)
Q3: 09:00 - 10:30
Q4: 10:30 - 12:00
90 Min New York PM Session :
Q1: 12:00 - 13:30
Q2: 13:30 - 15:00 (True Open at 13:30)
Q3: 15:00 - 16:30
Q4: 16:30 - 18:00
Micro Cycle (22.5-Minute Quarters) : Each 90-minute quarter is further divided into four 22.5-minute sub-segments (Micro Sessions).
True Opens in these sessions are defined as follows :
Asian Micro Session :
True Session Open : 19:30 - 19:52:30
London Micro Session :
T rue Session Open : 01:30 - 01:52:30
New York AM Micro Session :
True Session Open : 07:30 - 07:52:30
New York PM Micro Session :
True Session Open : 13:30 - 13:52:30
By accurately identifying these True Open points across various timeframes, traders can effectively forecast the market direction, analyze price movements in detail, and optimize their trading positions. Prices trading above or below these key levels serve as critical benchmarks for determining market direction and making informed trading decisions.
🔵 Setting
Show True Range : Enable or disable the display of the True Range on the chart, including the option to customize the color.
Extend True Range Line : Choose how to extend the True Range line on the chart, with the following options:
None: No line extension
Right: Extend the line to the right
Left: Extend the line to the left
Both: Extend the line in both directions (left and right)
Show Table : Determines whether the table—which summarizes the phases (Q1 to Q4)—is displayed.
Show More Info : Adds additional details to the table, such as the name of the phase (Accumulation, Manipulation, Distribution, or Continuation/Reversal) or further specifics about each cycle.
🔵 Conclusion
The Quarterly Theory ICT, by dividing time into four distinct quarters (Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4) and emphasizing the concept of the True Open, provides a structured and repeatable framework for analyzing price action across multiple time frames.
The consistent repetition of phases—Accumulation, Manipulation (Judas Swing), Distribution, and Continuation/Reversal—allows traders to effectively identify recurring price patterns and critical market turning points. Utilizing the True Open as a benchmark, traders can more accurately determine potential directional bias, optimize trade entries and exits, and manage risk effectively.
By incorporating principles of ICT (Inner Circle Trader) and fractal time, this strategy enhances market forecasting accuracy across annual, monthly, weekly, daily, and shorter trading sessions. This systematic approach helps traders gain deeper insight into market structure and confidently execute informed trading decisions.
Multi-Timeframe Open LinesThe Multi-Timeframe Open Lines indicator is designed to help traders visualize key price levels at the open of specific time intervals. It draws horizontal lines at the open of 5-minute, 15-minute, 30-minute, and hourly candles, extending these lines to the start of the next respective interval. Traders can now control which timeframes are displayed and how many past opening lines are shown, ensuring a clean and organized chart.
Key Features:
Customizable Lines:
5-Minute Lines: Highlight the open of every 5-minute candle, ending at the start of the next 5-minute candle.
15-Minute Lines: Highlight the open of every 15-minute candle, ending at the start of the next 15-minute candle.
30-Minute Lines: Highlight the open of every 30-minute candle, ending at the start of the next 30-minute candle.
Hourly Lines: Highlight the open of every hourly candle, ending at the start of the next hourly candle.
Each timeframe's lines can be customized in terms of color, line style, and thickness.
Toggle Options:
Easily turn on or off the display of lines for each timeframe (5m, 15m, 30m, 1h) using checkboxes in the settings.
User-Defined Limits:
Control the number of past opening lines displayed for each timeframe (5m, 15m, 30m, 1h).
Prevents chart clutter by limiting the number of visible lines.
Multi-Timeframe Analysis:
Enables traders to analyze price action across multiple timeframes simultaneously, providing a clearer picture of market structure and key levels.
User-Friendly Inputs:
Easy-to-use settings for customizing line appearance and behavior, ensuring the indicator fits seamlessly into any trading strategy.
How to Use:
Apply the indicator to your chart to visualize the open price levels for 5-minute, 15-minute, 30-minute, and hourly candles.
Use the lines as dynamic support/resistance levels or to identify potential breakout/breakdown points.
Customize the colors, styles, and the number of visible lines to match your chart theme or trading preferences.
Toggle specific timeframes on or off to focus on the most relevant price levels.
Ideal For:
Traders who use multi-timeframe analysis.
Those who rely on key price levels for decision-making.
Anyone looking to enhance their chart with clear, customizable reference lines while avoiding clutter.
Trading ChecklistTrading Checklist Indicator - Your Trading Plan Companion
A clean and efficient visual checklist to maintain trading discipline and consistency. This indicator helps traders follow their trading plan systematically by providing an easy-to-use checklist of key confirmation points.
- Visual checklist with clear green/red status indicators
- Clean, non-intrusive interface
- Real-time status updates
- Easy toggle controls for each item
Key Checkpoints:
1. HTF Structure Analysis
2. Order Flow Confirmation
3. SD/OB/FVG (HTF POI) Identification
4. Liquidity Grab Verification
5. Reversal Alignment Check
Final Confirmations:
- Trade Validity Check
- POI & Stop Loss Safety
- Set and Forget Status
How to Use:
1. Add the indicator to your chart
2. Use the Settings panel to toggle each condition
3. Green dots indicate confirmed conditions
4. Red dots show pending confirmations
5. Verify all conditions before executing trades
Note: This indicator helps maintain trading discipline but should be used alongside proper technical and fundamental analysis.
Tags: #TradingChecklist #RiskManagement #TradingPlan #Trading #Technical #Strategy #Discipline
Midnight Opening Ranges[TDL]Midnight Opening Range Indicator for TradingView
The Midnight Opening Range Indicator as taught by Micheal J. Huddleston is a powerful tool designed for traders who want to analyze price action during the critical midnight to 00:30 timeframe. This indicator highlights the opening range for both the current day and previous days, providing valuable insights into market behavior during this specific period. It also calculates and displays deviations from the opening range, as well as allows for custom opening prices to be set, making it highly adaptable to your trading strategy.
Key Features:
Today's Opening Range (00:00 - 00:30):
The indicator plots the high and low of the price range between 00:00 and 00:30 for the current day.
This range is highlighted on the chart, making it easy to identify the initial market movement and potential support/resistance levels.
Previous Days' Opening Ranges:
The indicator also displays the opening ranges for previous days, allowing you to how price reacts off of previous days ranges not just todays.
This feature helps in identifying patterns or recurring behaviors in the market in which price uses this range and previous days ranges throughout the trading day.
Deviations from the Opening Range:
The indicator calculates and plots deviations from the opening range, both above and below the high and low of the range.
These deviations can be used to identify potential breakout or reversal points, giving you an edge in anticipating market moves.
Custom Opening Prices:
The indicator allows you to set custom opening prices, which can be useful if you want to analyze the market based on a specific reference point rather than the default midnight opening.
This feature is particularly useful for traders who follow alternative trading sessions or have specific entry criteria.
Customizable Visuals:
The indicator offers customizable colors and styles for the opening range, deviations, and custom opening prices, allowing you to tailor the visual representation to your preferences.
How to Use:
Identify Key Levels: Use the highlighted opening range to identify key support and resistance levels for the day.
Monitor Deviations: Watch for price movements beyond the opening range deviations to spot potential breakouts or reversals.
Previous Range Data: Use previous days to identify areas of potential AMD.
Set Custom Prices: Adjust the custom opening price to align with your trading strategy or session preferences.
Ideal For:
Day Traders: Perfect for traders who focus on the early hours of the market to capture initial momentum.
Swing Traders: Useful for identifying key levels that could influence price action over several days.
Algorithmic Traders: Can be integrated into automated trading systems to trigger trades based on the opening range and deviations.
The Midnight Opening Range Indicator is an essential tool for any trader looking to gain an edge in the market by focusing on the critical midnight to 00:30 timeframe. With its ability to highlight opening ranges, calculate deviations, and accommodate custom opening prices, this indicator provides a comprehensive view of market behavior during this pivotal period. Whether you're a day trader, swing trader, or algorithmic trader, this indicator will help you make more informed trading decisions.
One Trading Setup for Life ICT [TradingFinder] Sweep Session FVG🔵 Introduction
ICT One Trading Setup for Life is a trading strategy based on liquidity and market structure shifts, utilizing the PM Session Sweep to determine price direction. In this strategy, the market first forms a price range during the PM Session (from 13:30 to 16:00 EST), which includes the highest high (PM Session High) and lowest low (PM Session Low).
In the next session, the price first touches one of these levels to trigger a Liquidity Hunt before confirming its trend by breaking the Change in State of Delivery (CISD) Level. After this confirmation, the price retraces toward a Fair Value Gap (FVG) or Order Block (OB), which serve as the best entry points in alignment with liquidity.
In financial markets, liquidity is the primary driver of price movement, and major market participants such as institutional investors and banks are constantly seeking liquidity at key levels. This process, known as Liquidity Hunt or Liquidity Sweep, occurs when the price reaches an area with a high concentration of orders, absorbs liquidity, and then reverses direction.
In this setup, the PM Session range acts as a trading framework, where its highs and lows function as key liquidity zones that influence the next session’s price movement. After the New York market opens at 9:30 EST, the price initially breaks one of these levels to capture liquidity.
However, for a trend shift to be confirmed, the CISD Level must be broken.
Once the CISD Level is breached, the price retraces toward an FVG or OB, which serve as optimal trade entry points.
Bullish Setup :
Bearish Setup :
🔵 How to Use
In this strategy, the PM Session range is first identified, which includes the highest high (PM Session High) and lowest low (PM Session Low) between 13:30 and 16:00 EST. In the following session, the price touches one of these levels for a Liquidity Hunt, followed by a break of the Change in State of Delivery (CISD) Level. The price then retraces toward a Fair Value Gap (FVG) or Order Block (OB), creating a trading opportunity.
This process can occur in two scenarios : bearish and bullish setups.
🟣 Bullish Setup
In a bullish scenario, the PM Session High and PM Session Low are identified. In the following session, the price first breaks the PM Session Low, absorbing liquidity. This process results in a Fake Breakout to the downside, misleading retail traders into taking short positions.
After the Liquidity Hunt, the CISD Level is broken, confirming a trend reversal. The price then retraces toward an FVG or OB, offering an optimal long entry opportunity.
The initial take-profit target is the PM Session High, but if higher timeframe liquidity levels exist, extended targets can be set.
The stop-loss should be placed below the Fake Breakout low or the first candle of the FVG.
🟣 Bearish Setup
In a bearish scenario, the market first defines its PM Session High and PM Session Low. In the next session, the price initially breaks the PM Session High, triggering a Liquidity Hunt. This movement often causes a Fake Breakout, misleading retail traders into taking incorrect positions.
After absorbing liquidity, the CISD Level breaks, indicating a shift in market structure. The price then retraces toward an FVG or OB, offering the best short entry opportunity.
The initial take-profit target is the PM Session Low, but if additional liquidity exists on higher timeframes, lower targets can be considered.
The stop-loss should be placed above the Fake Breakout high or the first candle of the FVG.
🔵 Setting
CISD Bar Back Check : The Bar Back Check option enables traders to specify the number of past candles checked for identifying the CISD Level, enhancing CISD Level accuracy on the chart.
Order Block Validity : The number of candles that determine the validity of an Order Block.
FVG Validity : The duration for which a Fair Value Gap remains valid.
CISD Level Validity : The duration for which a CISD Level remains valid after being broken.
New York PM Session : Defines the PM Session range from 13:30 to 16:00 EST.
New York AM Session : Defines the AM Session range from 9:30 to 16:00 EST.
Refine Order Block : Enables finer adjustments to Order Block levels for more accurate price responses.
Mitigation Level OB : Allows users to set specific reaction points within an Order Block, including: Proximal: Closest level to the current price. 50% OB: Midpoint of the Order Block. Distal: Farthest level from the current price.
FVG Filter : The Judas Swing indicator includes a filter for Fair Value Gap (FVG), allowing different filtering based on FVG width: FVG Filter Type: Can be set to "Very Aggressive," "Aggressive," "Defensive," or "Very Defensive." Higher defensiveness narrows the FVG width, focusing on narrower gaps.
Mitigation Level FVG : Like the Order Block, you can set price reaction levels for FVG with options such as Proximal, 50% OB, and Distal.
Demand Order Block : Enables or disables bullish Order Block.
Supply Order Block : Enables or disables bearish Order Blocks.
Demand FVG : Enables or disables bullish FVG.
Supply FVG : Enables or disables bearish FVGs.
Show All CISD : Enables or disables the display of all CISD Levels.
Show High CISD : Enables or disables high CISD levels.
Show Low CISD : Enables or disables low CISD levels.
🔵 Conclusion
The ICT One Trading Setup for Life is a liquidity-based strategy that leverages market structure shifts and precise entry points to identify high-probability trade opportunities. By focusing on PM Session High and PM Session Low, this setup first captures liquidity at these levels and then confirms trend shifts with a break of the Change in State of Delivery (CISD) Level.
Entering a trade after a retracement to an FVG or OB allows traders to position themselves at optimal liquidity levels, ensuring high reward-to-risk trades. When used in conjunction with higher timeframe bias, order flow, and liquidity analysis, this strategy can become one of the most effective trading methods within the ICT Concept framework.
Successful execution of this setup requires risk management, patience, and a deep understanding of liquidity dynamics. Traders can enhance their confidence in this strategy by conducting extensive backtesting and analyzing past market data to optimize their approach for different assets.
Scalping trading system based on 4 ema linesScalping Trading System Based on 4 EMA Lines
This is a scalping trading strategy built on signals from 4 EMA moving averages: EMA(8), EMA(12), EMA(24) and EMA(72).
- Time frame: H1 (1 hour).
- Trading assets: Applicable to major currency pairs with high volatility
- Risk management: Use a maximum of 1-2% of capital for each transaction. The order holding time can be from a few hours to a few days, depending on the price fluctuation amplitude.
Trading rules:
Determine the main trend:
Uptrend: EMA(8), EMA(12) and EMA(24) are above EMA(72).
Downtrend: EMA(8), EMA(12) and EMA(24) are below EMA(72).
Trade in the direction of the main trend** (buy in an uptrend and sell in a downtrend).
Entry conditions:
- Only trade in a clearly trending market.
- Wait for the price to correct to the EMA(24).
- Enter a buy order when the price closes above the EMA(24).
- Place a stop loss below the bottom of the EMA(24) candle that has just been swept.
- Wait for the price to correct to the EMA(24).
- Enter a sell order when the price closes below the EMA(24).
- Place a stop loss above the top of the EMA(24) candle that has just been swept.
Take profit and order management:
- Take profit when the price moves 20 to 40 pips in the direction of the trade.
Use Trailing Stop to optimize profits instead of setting a fixed Take Profit.
- Do not trade within 30 minutes before and after the announcement of important economic news, as the price may fluctuate abnormally.
Additional filters:
To increase the success rate and reduce noise, this strategy uses additional conditions:
1. The price is calculated only when the candle closes (no repaint).
2. When sweeping through EMA(24), the price needs to close above EMA(24).
3. The closing price must be higher than 50% of the candle's length.
4. **The bottom of the candle sweeping through EMA(24) must be lower than the bottom of the previous candle (liquidity sweep).
Alert function:
When the EMA(24) sweep conditions are met, the system will trigger an alert if you have set it up.
- Entry point: The closing price of the candle sweeping through EMA(24).
- Stop Loss:
- Buy Order: Place at the bottom of the sweep candle.
- Sell Order: Place at the top of the sweep candle.
This strategy is designed to help traders identify profitable trading opportunities based on trends. However, no strategy is 100% guaranteed to be successful. Please test it thoroughly on a demo account before using it.
2022 Model ICT Entry Strategy [TradingFinder] One Setup For Life🔵 Introduction
The ICT 2022 model, introduced by Michael Huddleston, is an advanced trading strategy rooted in liquidity and price imbalance, where time and price serve as the core elements. This ICT 2022 trading strategy is an algorithmic approach designed to analyze liquidity and imbalances in the market. It incorporates concepts such as Fair Value Gap (FVG), Liquidity Sweep, and Market Structure Shift (MSS) to help traders identify liquidity movements and structural changes in the market, enabling them to determine optimal entry and exit points for their trades.
This Full ICT Day Trading Model empowers traders to pinpoint the Previous Day High/Low as well as the highs and lows of critical sessions like the London and New York sessions. These levels act as Liquidity Zones, which are frequently swept prior to a market structure shift (MSS) or a retracement to areas such as Optimal Trade Entry (OTE).
Bullish :
Bearish :
🔵 How to Use
The ICT 2022 model is a sophisticated trading strategy that focuses on identifying key liquidity levels and price movements. It operates based on two main principles. In the first phase, the price approaches liquidity zones and sweeps critical levels such as the previous day’s high or low and key session levels.
This movement is known as a Liquidity Sweep. In the second phase, following the sweep, the price retraces to areas like the FVG (Fair Value Gap), creating ideal entry points for trades. Below is a detailed explanation of how to apply this strategy in bullish and bearish setups.
🟣 Bullish ICT 2022 Model Setup
To use the ICT 2022 model in a bullish setup, start by identifying the Previous Day High/Low or key session levels, such as those of the London or New York sessions. In a bullish setup, the price usually moves downward first, sweeping the Liquidity Low. This move, known as a Liquidity Sweep, reflects the collection of buy orders by major market participants.
After the liquidity sweep, the price should shift market structure and start moving upward; this shift, referred to as Market Structure Shift (MSS), signals the beginning of an upward trend. Following MSS, areas like FVG, located within the Discount Zone, are identified. At this stage, the trader waits for the price to retrace to these zones. Once the price returns, a long trade is executed.
Finally, the stop-loss should be set below the liquidity low to manage risk, while the take-profit target is usually placed above the previous day’s high or other identified liquidity levels. This structure enables traders to take advantage of the upward price movement after the liquidity sweep.
🟣 Bearish ICT 2022 Model Setup
To identify a bearish setup in the ICT 2022 model, begin by marking the Previous Day High/Low or key session levels, such as the London or New York sessions. In this scenario, the price typically moves upward first, sweeping the Liquidity High. This move, known as a Liquidity Sweep, signifies the collection of sell orders by key market players.
After the liquidity sweep, the price should shift market structure downward. This movement, called the Market Structure Shift (MSS), indicates the start of a downtrend. Following MSS, areas such as FVG, found within the Premium Zone, are identified. At this stage, the trader waits for the price to retrace to these areas. Once the price revisits these zones, a short trade is executed.
In this setup, the stop-loss should be placed above the liquidity high to control risk, while the take-profit target is typically set below the previous day’s low or another defined liquidity level. This approach allows traders to capitalize on the downward price movement following the liquidity sweep.
🔵 Settings
Swing period : You can set the swing detection period.
Max Swing Back Method : It is in two modes "All" and "Custom". If it is in "All" mode, it will check all swings, and if it is in "Custom" mode, it will check the swings to the extent you determine.
Max Swing Back : You can set the number of swings that will go back for checking.
FVG Length : Default is 120 Bar.
MSS Length : Default is 80 Bar.
FVG Filter : This refines the number of identified FVG areas based on a specified algorithm to focus on higher quality signals and reduce noise.
Types of FVG filters :
Very Aggressive Filter: Adds a condition where, for an upward FVG, the last candle's highest price must exceed the middle candle's highest price, and for a downward FVG, the last candle's lowest price must be lower than the middle candle's lowest price. This minimally filters out FVGs.
Aggressive Filter: Builds on the Very Aggressive mode by ensuring the middle candle is not too small, filtering out more FVGs.
Defensive Filter: Adds criteria regarding the size and structure of the middle candle, requiring it to have a substantial body and specific polarity conditions, filtering out a significant number of FVGs.
Very Defensive Filter: Further refines filtering by ensuring the first and third candles are not small-bodied doji candles, retaining only the highest quality signals.
🔵 Conclusion
The ICT 2022 model is a comprehensive and advanced trading strategy designed around key concepts such as liquidity, price imbalance, and market structure shifts (MSS). By focusing on the sweep of critical levels such as the previous day’s high/low and important trading sessions like London and New York, this strategy enables traders to predict market movements with greater precision.
The use of tools like FVG in this model helps traders fine-tune their entry and exit points and take advantage of bullish and bearish trends after liquidity sweeps. Moreover, combining this strategy with precise timing during key trading sessions allows traders to minimize risk and maximize returns.
In conclusion, the ICT 2022 model emphasizes the importance of time and liquidity, making it a powerful tool for both professional and novice traders. By applying the principles of this model, you can make more informed trading decisions and seize opportunities in financial markets more effectively.
Auto Wyckoff Schematic [by DanielM]This indicator is designed to automatically detect essential components of Wyckoff schematics. This tool aims to capture the critical phases of liquidity transfer from weak to strong hands, occurring before a trend reversal. While the Wyckoff method is a comprehensive and a very nuanced approach, every Wyckoff schematic is unique, making it impractical to implement all its components without undermining the detection of the pattern. Consequently, this script focuses on the essential elements critical to identifying these schematics effectively.
Key Features:
Swing Detection Sensitivity:
The sensitivity of swing detection is adjustable through the input parameter. This parameter controls the number of past bars analyzed to determine swing highs and lows, allowing users to fine-tune detection based on market volatility and timeframes.
Pattern Detection Logic:
Accumulation Schematic:
Detects consecutive lower swing lows, representing phases like Selling Climax (SC) and Spring, which often precede a trend reversal upward. After the final low is identified, a higher high is detected to confirm the upward trend initiation.
Labeled Key Points:
SC: Selling Climax, marking the beginning of the accumulation zone.
ST: Secondary Test during the schematic.
ST(b): Secondary Test in phase B.
Spring: The lowest point in the schematic, signaling a final liquidity grab.
SOS: Sign of Strength, confirming a bullish breakout.
The schematic is outlined visually with a rectangle to highlight the price range.
Distribution Schematic:
Detects consecutive higher swing highs, which indicate phases such as Buying Climax (BC) and UTAD, often leading to a bearish reversal. After the final high, a lower low is detected to confirm the downward trend initiation.
Labeled Key Points:
BC: Buying Climax, marking the beginning of the distribution zone.
ST: Secondary Test during the schematic.
UT: Upthrust.
UTAD: Upthrust After Distribution, signaling the final upward liquidity grab before a bearish trend.
SOW: Sign of Weakness, confirming a bearish breakout.
The schematic is visually outlined with a rectangle to highlight the price range.
Simplification for Practicality: Due to the inherent complexity and variability of Wyckoff schematics, the indicator focuses only on the most essential features—liquidity transfer and key reversal signals.
Limitations: The tool does not account for all components of Wyckoff's method (e.g., minor phases or nuanced volume analysis) to maintain clarity and usability.
Unique Behavior: Every Wyckoff schematic is different, and this tool is designed to provide a simplified, generalized approach to detecting these unique patterns.
Golden Time ErfanThe "Golden Time" Indicator is a custom-built TradingView tool designed to assist traders by highlighting two critical trading time windows: the New York session open and a specific strategy-based time known as Golden Time.
CANDLE RANGE THEORY (H1 Only)Hello traders.
This indicator identifies CRT candles
-Each candle is a range.
-Each candle has its own po3.
-Focus on specific times of the day. By recognizing the importance of time and price, we can capture high-quality trades. Together with HTF PD array, Look for 4-hour candles forming at specific times of the day. (1am - 5am - 9am EST)
-After the 1st candle, wait for the 2nd candle to clear the high/low of the 1st candle and then close inside the 1st candle range at a specific time (1-5-9) and look for entries in the LTF
Why choose 1 5 9 hours EST?
### **1. 1:00 AM (EST)**
- **Trading Session:** This is the time between the Tokyo (Asian) session and the Sydney (Australian) session. The Asian market is very active.
- **Characteristics:**
- Liquidity: Moderate, as only the Asian market is active.
- Volatility: Pairs involving JPY (Japanese Yen), AUD (Australian Dollar), and NZD (New Zealand Dollar) tend to have higher volatility.
- Trading Opportunities: Suitable for traders who like to trade trends or news in the Asian region.
- **Note:** Volatility may be lower than the London or New York session.
### **2. 5:00 AM (EST)**
- **Trading Session:** This is the time near the end of the Tokyo session and the London (European) session is about to open.
- **Characteristics:**
- Liquidity: Starts to increase due to the preparation of the European market.
- Volatility: This is the time between two trading sessions, there can be strong fluctuations, especially in major currency pairs such as EUR/USD, GBP/USD.
- Trading opportunities: Suitable for breakout trading strategies when liquidity increases.
- **Note:** The overlap between Tokyo and London can cause sudden fluctuations.
### **3. 9:00 AM (EST)**
- **Trading sessions:** This time is within the London session and near the beginning of the New York session.
- **Characteristics:**
- Liquidity: Very high, as this is the period between the two largest sessions – London and New York.
- Volatility: Extremely strong, especially for major currency pairs such as EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY.
- Trading opportunities: Suitable for both news trading and trend trading, as this is the time when a lot of economic data is released (usually from the US or the European region).
- **Note:** High volatility can bring big profits, but also comes with high risks.
### **Summary of effects:**
- **1 AM (EST):** Moderate volatility, focusing on Asian currency pairs.
- **5 AM (EST):** Increased liquidity and volatility, suitable for breakout trading.
- **9 AM (EST):** High volatility and high liquidity, the best time for Forex trading.
==> How to trade, when the high/low of CRT is swept, move to LTF to wait for confirmation to enter the order
Only sell at high level and buy at discount price.
Find CE at specific important time. Trading CRT with HTF direction has better win rate.
The more inside bars, the higher the probability.
Place a partial and Move breakeven at 50% range.
Do a backtest and post your chart.
Hidden SMT Divergence ICT 01 [TradingFinder] HSMT SMC Technique🔵 Introduction
Hidden SMT Divergence, an advanced concept within the Smart Money Technique (SMT), identifies discrepancies between correlated assets by focusing on their closing prices.
Unlike the standard SMT Divergence, which uses high and low prices for analysis, Hidden SMT Divergence uncovers subtle signals by examining divergences based on the assets' closing values.
These divergences often highlight potential reversals or trend continuations, making this technique a valuable tool for traders aiming to anticipate market movements.
This approach applies across various markets and asset classes, including :
Indices : NASDAQ:NDX vs. TVC:SPX vs. FX:US30 .
Volatility Measures : FOREXCOM:XAUUSD vs. TVC:VIX (Volatility Index).
By identifying divergences within these asset groups, traders can gain actionable insights into potential market reversals or shifts in trend direction. Hidden SMT Divergence is particularly effective for pinpointing subtle market signals that traditional methods may overlook.
Bullish Hidden SMT Divergence : This divergence emerges when one asset forms a higher low, while the correlated asset creates a lower low in terms of their closing prices. It often signals weakening downward momentum and a potential reversal to the upside.
Bearish Hidden SMT Divergence : This occurs when one asset establishes a higher high, while the correlated asset forms a lower high based on their closing prices. It typically reflects declining upward momentum and a probable shift to the downside.
🔵 How to Use
The Hidden SMT Divergence indicator provides traders with a systematic approach to identify market reversals or trend continuations through divergences in closing prices between two correlated assets.
🟣 Bullish Hidden SMT Divergence
Bullish Hidden SMT Divergence occurs when the closing price of the primary asset forms a higher low, while the correlated asset creates a lower low. This pattern indicates weakening downward momentum and signals a potential reversal to the upside.
After identifying the divergence, confirm it using additional tools like support levels, volume trends, or indicators such as RSI and MACD. Enter a buy position as the price shows signs of reversal near support zones, ensuring proper risk management by placing a stop-loss below the support level.
Bearish Hidden SMT Divergence
Bearish Hidden SMT Divergence is identified when the closing price of the primary asset forms a higher high, while the correlated asset creates a lower high. This divergence suggests a weakening uptrend and a likely reversal to the downside.
Validate the signal by examining resistance levels, declining volume, or complementary indicators. Consider entering a sell position as the price starts declining from resistance levels, and set a stop-loss above the resistance zone to limit potential losses.
🔵 Setting
Second Symbol : Select the secondary asset to compare with the primary asset. By default, "XAUUSD" (Gold) is used, but it can be customized to any stock, cryptocurrency, or currency pair.
Divergence Fractal Periods : Defines the number of past candles considered for identifying divergences. The default value is 2, but traders can adjust it for greater precision.
Bullish Divergence Line : Displays a dashed line connecting the points of bullish divergence.
Bearish Divergence Line : Shows a similar line for bearish divergence points.
Bullish Divergence Label : Marks areas of bullish divergence with a "+SMT" label.
Bearish Divergence Label : Highlights bearish divergences with a "-SMT" label.
Chart Type : Choose between Line or Candle charts for enhanced visualization.
🔵 Conclusion
Hidden SMT Divergence offers traders a refined method for identifying market reversals by analyzing closing price discrepancies between correlated assets. Its ability to uncover subtle divergences makes it an essential tool for traders who aim to stay ahead of market trends.
By integrating this technique with other technical analysis tools and sound risk management, traders can enhance their decision-making process and capitalize on market opportunities with greater confidence.
Hidden SMT Divergence’s focus on closing prices ensures more precise signals, helping traders refine their strategies across various markets, including Forex, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies.
Its open-source nature allows for customization and verification, providing transparency and flexibility to suit diverse trading needs. Hidden SMT Divergence stands as a powerful addition to the arsenal of any trader seeking to unlock hidden opportunities in dynamic financial markets.
FVG Chain (Consecutive Fair Value Gaps / Imbalances)This indicator detects fair value gaps that are created out of the touch of older fair value gaps, hence creating an "FVG chain".
It counts +1 for the chain whenever a new price leg's FVG is touched.
You can use the current FVG Chain count, as well as the high, low, and price leg high/low of the current FVG as input source in external indicators. Check the data window to see the plot values.
How FVGs are detected:
Bullish: The low of the current confirmed bar is above the high of 2 bars back.
Bearish: The high of the current confirmed bar is below the low of 2 bars back.
A bullish FVG chain is broken if:
The current FVG's price leg low is broken.
The previous bar closed below the FVG, and the current confirmed bar closed below the previous bar.
A bearish FVG chain is broken if:
The current FVG's price leg high is broken.
The previous bar closed above the FVG, and the current confirmed bar closed above the previous bar.
ICTProTools | ICT Insight - Market Environment🚀 INTRODUCTION
The Market Environment Indicator provides traders with an essential contextual framework for analyzing price movements. Built on the principles of ICT (Inner Circle Trader) and Smart Money Concepts (SMC), this tool offers a structured view of how institutional players drive markets through liquidity manipulation and price level interactions. By defining the market environment, the indicator helps traders focus on the most relevant price zones, reducing distractions and enhancing decision-making.
At its core, the Interbank Dealing Range (IBDR) creates a clear structure of protected highs/lows and Premium/Discount zones , highlighting key areas for potential price reactions. This framework gives traders a lens to interpret market behavior and concentrate on meaningful liquidity zones and price action. The indicator helps traders navigate the market with precision, spotting significant opportunities while filtering out market noise. Indeed, the IBDR isn't always easily identifiable, and not every move will form a distinct dealing range.
This indicator goes beyond mere price levels… It reveals the larger market context in which prices evolve. By mastering this environment, traders can align their strategies with institutional logic and make well-informed decisions.
The Interbank Dealing Range (IBDR) is a crucial concept within the ICT methodology that helps traders identify the market environment across multiple timeframes, specifically the premium and discount zones. The IBDR delineates areas where traders have the potential to buy low and sell high.
Its extremes are defined by the sweep of both buy-side and sell-side liquidity . These levels indicate the boundaries within which price is expected to evolve . Understanding these boundaries allows traders to determine where it is appropriate to enter or exit trades.
The primary goal of utilizing the IBDR is to capitalize on price movements by buying at discounted levels and selling at premium levels. This strategy aligns with the fundamental principle of trading: to buy at lower prices and sell at higher prices, maximizing profit potential.
By visualizing the IBDR on your charts, you can gain valuable insights into the prevailing market conditions and make informed trading decisions that align with the institutional approach to buying and selling.
This chart illustrates the Interbank Dealing Range (IBDR) applied to the US100 index, displaying two from different timeframes: a 1-hour (1h) IBDR on the left and a 30-minute (30m) IBDR on the right. This multi-timeframe view provides essential context for price action analysis.
The 1h IBDR could here function as the primary reference range, establishing key boundaries (High and Low) for price movement. Within this range, the Equilibrium (midpoint) separates the Premium zone (above) from the Discount zone (below). The 0.25 and 0.75 levels add further precision by subdividing these zones.
Price action then flows between these zones, creating and targeting liquidity at higher and lower levels through Relative Equal Highs and Lows. A strong upward movement into the deeper level of the Premium Zone captures high-side liquidity (with a notable reaction at the FVG on the left), forming a secondary 30m IBDR. After this liquidity sweep, the remaining liquidity is on the low side. Price then reverses downward toward it. Here, the 30m IBDR would suggest a confirmation for a potential sell entry by targeting the IBDR lows.
The relationship between the broader 1h IBDR, the more detailed 30m IBDR, and all related levels creates a powerful analytical framework. The larger timeframe provides context, while the smaller one reveals specific trading opportunities by providing entry confirmations.
IBDR Metrics: Adjust the timeframe and sensitivity for calculating the IBDR so traders can adapt the indicator to both short-term intraday movements and longer-term trends.
Premium/Discount Zones: Customize the levels such as 0, 0.5, 1, and other levels like 0.25 and 0.75 by default and their displayed colors and associated labels.
Alerts: Configure the alerts for Premium/Discount zones, High/Low breaks, and new IBDR, ensuring traders are kept up to date on key market events.
The Market Environment indicator serves as a powerful tool for analyzing and navigating market structure through liquidity zones. It helps identify optimal buy and sell areas while aligning with the institutional logic of major market players. While its features provide a valuable edge, it’s essential to remember that none should be used on its own, and many more factors go into being a profitable trader.
ICTProTools | ICT Insight - Momentum Structures🚀 INTRODUCTION
The Momentum Structures Indicator builds upon the principles of ICT (Inner Circle Trader) and Smart Money Concepts (SMC) to give traders a clearer view of market dynamics. These methods reveal how institutional trading activity shapes price movements, particularly through different types of market liquidity.
The indicator is designed to provide traders with advanced insights into market dynamics by focusing on key price imbalances and higher-timeframe structures . By combining these elements, the indicator allows users to analyze price behavior across multiple timeframes, helping them anticipate potential liquidity pools and price reversals. The emphasis on price imbalances and liquidity zones makes it a versatile tool for both intraday and longer-term strategies, providing critical insights for understanding market cycles and potential turning points.
Imbalance Bar Colors / Zones
Imbalances are fundamental components of the ICT methodology, highlighting areas where price accelerates, creating gaps that may indicate a lack of liquidity . These voids often point to potential reversal or continuation zones in the price action.
An imbalance typically arises when supply and demand are out of balance, resulting in a gap between price levels. Traders keep a close eye on these gaps, as they could present opportunities to enter trades when the price revisits them , as they suggest a strong institutional interest.
We can notice two types of imbalances… A Fair Value Gap (FVG) usually forms from three consecutive candles, defining the space between the wicks of the first and last candle. Conversely, a Volume Imbalance (VI) occurs when a gap appears between the opening and closing prices of two consecutive candles. When these imbalances align with FVGs, they offer a well-rounded framework for assessing market strength.
By analyzing both FVGs and VIs together, traders can gain valuable insight into potential price movements and better evaluate the likelihood of continuation or reversal.
This chart illustrates the Fair Value Gaps (FVG) and Volume Imbalances (VI) within the GBPUSD price action. The FVG Bar Color and FVG Zone represent the same Fair Value Gaps, and similarly, the VI Bar Color and VI Zone display the same Volume Imbalances. They highlight areas where rapid price movements have created gaps in the market. These gaps indicate potential zones for trade entries or exits as the price may return to fill them. As we can see on the chart, the major part of imbalances created has already been filled. They constitute really interesting Point of Interest (POI).
The 50% FVG line marks the midpoint of the gap, which is often considered an important level for price action. A clear example appears in the Bearish FVG on the top left, where price first filled it below the midline, creating a small reaction. The price then liquidated this "fake mitigation" by moving just above the midline before beginning its significant downward movement. This demonstrates the crucial role of imbalances and how precisely price interacts with them.
Traders can use this information to identify potential buying or selling opportunities based on the interaction of price with these gaps and volume imbalances, aiding in the development of their trading strategies.
PO3 Candles (Power of Three)
The Power of Three is a critical concept in the ICT methodology that analyzes Higher Timeframe (HTF) candles focusing on the opening price, high wick, low wick, and closing price. This framework helps traders understand the current market cycle, in three phases , and its trading implications.
Accumulation Phase: In this initial phase, the price consolidates around the opening price as the market gathers liquidity. This often signals that larger players are positioning for the next move.
Manipulation Phase: Represented by the candle wicks, this phase indicates the extreme points where liquidity grabs often occur. Observing these wicks helps traders identify the end of the accumulation phase and potential turning points.
Distribution Phase: The candle body reflects a decisive price movement in one direction , following accumulation and manipulation. Traders align with the direction of this phase to capture the “real candle move”.
Our indicator provides you with the valuable capability to integrate the True Day Range, as defined by ICT. This concept, rooted in institutional logic, defines a trading day as starting at 00:00 New York time. You can customize it to match your trading style and analysis needs.
You can also overlay imbalances (FVG and VI) directly onto PO3 Candles, seamlessly combining imbalance detection with high-timeframe price action. This approach gives you a sharper market perspective, uncovering potential turning points with greater clarity.
In summary, PO3 Candles help traders assess the market structure and identify cycle positions on HTF candles, enabling them to make more strategic trading decisions, which allows for better entry and exit timing, avoiding traps, and seizing the best opportunities to capture significant market moves.
This chart illustrates the application of the Power of Three concept to EURUSD price action, highlighting key phases of market behavior.
In this example, we observe the Daily candles, where a significant Bullish imbalance appears from previous days, forming a Fair Value Gap (FVG). Additionally, there’s a small Volume Imbalance (VI) at the candle's opening, signaling liquidity that the price needs to fill.
Now, focusing on the Weekly candle, we can clearly identify its phases. First, there's an accumulation phase around the opening price, which, as shown by the Daily candles, took some time to develop. Then, the manipulation phase occurs, signaled by the upper wick of the Weekly candle, which liquidates the previously created accumulation. It’s time to look for a potential selling position... Finally, the price falls, beginning to form its bearish body and completing the real move of the week.
This framework allows traders to better understand the market structure and make informed decisions based on the current cycle.
Standard Deviation (STD)
The Standard Deviation (STD) is a concept within the ICT methodology that focuses on identifying periods of consolidation within the market. Specifically, it examines the Central Bank Dealers Range (CBDR) , which occurs between 13:00 and 23:00 New York time. During this period, the market often exhibits consolidation , creating an environment where price action stabilizes before making significant moves.
This consolidation forms the basis of the Standard Deviation (STD) concept. This is based on the idea that the volatility observed during this consolidation phase can be used to anticipate future market volatility. Once this consolidation is identified, the STD framework duplicates the established range both above and below the consolidation area.
As price approaches these duplicated levels, it offers traders critical information on where to anticipate potential reactions. If the price nears the upper boundary of the consolidation, it suggests a potential reversal point, indicating an opportunity to consider selling. Conversely, if the price approaches the lower boundary, it may signal an opportunity to look for buying positions . This duplication could enable traders to determine potential high and low points for the trading day or week for example.
Finally, the Standard Deviation (STD) concept provides a valuable framework for identifying potential key reaction points in the market by leveraging consolidation within the CBDR. By duplicating these ranges, traders can anticipate significant price movements and refine their strategies.
This chart illustrates the Standard Deviation (STD) concept applied to EURUSD price action. The highlighted areas in blue indicate high duplications and low duplications derived from the consolidation identified during the Central Bank Dealing Range (CBDR), marked by the dark gray rectangle.
The high duplications represent potential resistance levels, suggesting areas where the price may encounter selling pressure, while the low duplications signify potential support levels, indicating where buying interest could emerge.
The annotations emphasize how price reacts at these duplicated levels, showing the critical role of the STD in determining where price movements may stall or reverse. In this example, the price responded perfectly to both an upward and a downward duplication, confirming that these levels could represent the day's high and low, an observation validated here. This highlights the precision of price movements, with the price stopping exactly at the full duplication levels (but we can not that the price could also have paused at the midline levels, indicated by the dashed gray lines).
This visualization helps traders anticipate potential reactions and align their strategies with market dynamics, ensuring informed decision-making based on established price behavior.
Imbalance Bar Colors / Zones: Choose to display FVGs, VIs, or both, with customizable color settings. Choose to extend zones or set them to be removed when mitigated.
PO3 Candles: Customize the PO3 Candles for different timeframes (Daily, Weekly, Monthly), including the calculation Mode (Classic or True Day Range) and timezone associated, and set your body, border, and wick preferred colors. The Imbalance Bar Color and FVG Zones can also be displayed on these HTF candles, as they are configured in their settings.
STD: Select the timeframe on which to base it and configure the number of duplications and midline settings. You can also define the time range and timezone related to consolidation detection, giving you control over when and where the STD should apply.
The Momentum Structures Indicator combines the core principles of ICT and Smart Money Concepts to provide traders with advanced tools for understanding market dynamics. By focusing on key elements like imbalances and liquidity zones, it offers a comprehensive framework for analyzing price behavior. This indicator empowers traders to identify key market phases, anticipate potential reversals, and refine their entry and exit points with precision. While its features provide a valuable edge, it’s essential to remember that none should be used on its own and many more factors go into being a profitable trader.
ICTProTools | ICT Insight - Time & Price Zones🚀 INTRODUCTION
The Time and Price Zones indicator builds upon the foundational concepts of ICT (Inner Circle Trader) and Smart Money Concepts (SMC). These methodologies analyze the behavior of institutional traders (known as "smart money") by focusing on liquidity, key price levels, and market timing.
Liquidity refers to areas with high concentrations of pending orders (stops, take-profits, entries) in the market. Large institutions efficiently need to execute their massive orders without causing excessive slippage. To achieve this, they strategically create and exploit liquidity pools by driving the price toward areas where retail traders cluster their positions.
Then, through "liquidity grabs" or "stop hunts,” institutions accumulate or distribute positions at optimal prices . This strategy allows them to fill large orders with minimal market impact, typically clearing out retail traders' positions before the price reverses.
This indicator helps traders apply these principles by merging time-based and price-based analysis tools for better market understanding. By combining high-impact sessions like Kill Zones with pivotal price markers such as Previous Highs and Lows, traders can see where institutional activity intersects with liquidity pools, improving their decision-making.
This powerful combination allows users to monitor market dynamics in real time, helping them spot sentiment shifts and identify crucial turning points more effectively.
Kill Zones
Kill Zones are critical periods of the trading day characterized by heightened institutional activity, resulting in increased liquidity and significant price movements. By recognizing these zones, you can strategically focus your efforts on the most advantageous moments for trading.
The Asian Session , which runs from 5 PM to 1 AM New York time, serves as an essential liquidity provider before the onset of more volatile trading periods. This session is intricately linked to the Smart Money Tool (SMT - See below), as the highs and lows established during this period provide foundational liquidity levels. You can set alerts when these levels are breached , allowing you to stay informed without constant chart monitoring and make timely trading decisions.
Transitioning into the London Kill Zone from 2 to 5 AM New York time marks the beginning of the European session, often associated with increased volatility. Following this, the New York Kill Zone , occurring from 7 to 10 AM , sees significant overlap between the London and New York sessions, where liquidity flows intensify and frequently correlate with notable price reversals. Finally, the London Close from 10 to 12 PM signifies the end of the European session, often ending the day with a retracement in the daily range.
Thanks to the timezone you can select relative to a region, Kill Zones will automatically adapt to time changes throughout the year and between different brokers , ensuring accurate Kill Zone timings without manual adjustments.
Incorporating our advanced Kill Zones indicator into your trading strategy gives you unparalleled insights and enhanced functionality. With integrated alerts for breaches of key levels, you can stay informed and ready to act without the need for constant chart monitoring, allowing you to focus on executing your trading strategies effectively.
We can see on this chart the identified Kill Zones during the trading day on EURUSD , including the Asian Session in gray, which tends to consolidate slightly (creating liquidity), the London Kill Zone in orange, which tends to move fast, often taking Asian quickly, the New York Kill Zone in green, with always a lot of movements, and the London Close in blue, seeming rather to retrace.
The midline indicates the 50% mark of the session, serving as a reference point for potential price reactions. Additionally, the highs and lows established during the Asian Session are linked to the Smart Money Tool (SMT) and can trigger alerts when breached. Here, you could have received an alert when Asian Low (marked AL) and Asian High (marked AH) were swept.
Previous & Open Levels
Previous and Open levels are key elements in ICT methodology, showing important price points from major timeframes (Daily, Weekly, Monthly). These levels (Previous High, Low, Open, and their separators) help traders understand price dynamics and anticipate market shifts.
The Previous levels connect directly to the Smart Money Tool (SMT - See below) as they provide foundational liquidity levels. In ICT methodology, previous are levels where many traders place their Stop Loss, thus creating liquidity. This helps you understand potential market reactions and whether prices will likely continue their trend or reverse.
You’ll be instantly notified whenever the price interacts with any of these Previous levels. This means you can stay informed about critical market movements without the need to monitor your charts constantly.
The indicator also displays Opening prices and includes separators for daily, weekly, and monthly levels, offering a clear market overview.
Open levels can act as simplified indicators of Premium and Discount Zones. To be above the opening price can be considered as the Premium Zone , where the market offers higher prices, typically suitable for selling opportunities. Conversely, to be below this price can be considered as the Discount Zone , where prices are relatively lower, offering potential buying opportunities.
These visual elements help you identify crucial market zones that reflect both past price action and current market dynamics.
Our indicator offers you the exclusive ability to integrate the True Day Range, as described by ICT. Based on institutional logic, this concept defines the trading day starting at 00:00 New York time. You can adapt this flexible feature to match your trading style and analysis needs.
By incorporating our advanced Previous levels indicator into your trading arsenal, you gain powerful insights and enhanced functionality.
The chart above displays key Previous and open levels on EURUSD , including the Month, Week, and Day lines, along with separators for enhanced clarity. All levels are based on the True Day Range Mode. The notes indicate significant price points, highlighting how the price interacts with these important levels, which helps us to understand it…
We can start with the biggest liquidity, the Previous Month. In this example, we can see the PMH, and the price seems to have used this level as a reversal point. The PM levels are indeed significant liquidity zones. We can observe the creation of wicks that interact with this level, signaling a liquidity grab.
Following this, the price drops quickly before rebounding, creating a liquidity range, that will probably be liquidated then… This is why it rises again to form what is now the PDH (Previous Day High), using it as liquidity (inducement) while using the PWH (Previous Week High) as a rebound level. The PWH is indeed a High Resistance (HR) area since there is only a few liquidity at this point thanks to the liquidity grab. The price has no reason to move higher.
Looking ahead, we can forecast that the price may continue its decline, potentially targeting lower liquidity levels. There is likely additional liquidity beneath the current range, particularly near the PDL (Previous Day Low) and PWL (Previous Week Low).
Additionally, we can note that at this point, the price was above the D.O.P (Daily Open) and W.O.P (Weekly Open), areas where selling would be more favorable. The price reacts significantly around these levels, creating large wicks, demonstrating their importance.
SMT Dashboard (Smart Money Tool)
The Smart Money Tool (SMT) is a powerful concept within the ICT methodology that enables you to compare various assets based on liquidity uptake from significant price levels.
By utilizing the SMT, you can analyze any asset , whether it’s a currency pair, stock, cryptocurrency, or other financial instruments. The dashboard helps you identify the strongest and weakest assets by analyzing their interactions with critical liquidity levels and identifying divergences , including those related to the Previous Month, Previous Week, Previous Day, and Asian Session Highs and Lows. By doing so, he identifies the most bullish symbol. It will therefore tend to rise more easily, or at least fall less, than the other one.
The SMT includes alert functionality that notifies you whenever a new SMT is created or has changed , allowing you to stay informed about which asset is currently the strongest. This means you can react promptly to market changes without constantly monitoring your charts.
Additionally, since the SMT relies on the Previous levels, it is influenced by the selected mode, whether based on traditional Previous levels or the True Day Range . This flexibility ensures that you are using the most relevant information available for your trading decisions. Asian High and Asian Low levels are also calculated according to the schedules configured in the Kill Zones section.
In summary, the Smart Money Tool displays the strongest and weakest assets based on liquidity uptake, providing you with clear information on which asset to prioritize, so you can maximize your potential profits. By incorporating this concept into your approach, you align your decisions with prevailing market dynamics, offering you unparalleled insights and features tailored to enhance your trading strategy.
This chart displays the Smart Money Tool (SMT) dashboard on the GBPUSD symbol, which compares the liquidity uptake for EURUSD and GBPUSD pairs. The indicator shows that both Previous Month's and Week's High and Low were taken for both pairs. However, the Asian High (AH) has been breached on GBPUSD but not on EURUSD, while the Asian Low (AL) has been taken by EURUSD. As a result, GBPUSD is identified as the stronger asset, indicating that traders should focus on buying opportunities with GBPUSD rather than EURUSD. This analysis helps traders prioritize the best symbol for their strategies based on the most relevant liquidity divergences.
Kill Zones: Customize the display options for the Asian (with lines), London, New York, and London Close Kill Zones. Configure timezone options, midlines, and color preferences.
Previous & Open Levels: Adjust how Previous High/Low levels, Open and separators are displayed. Select between Classic or True Day Range Mode based on your trading preferences.
SMT: Choose the correlated assets for the SMT comparison and select which liquidity (Monthly, Weekly, Daily, Asian) to use and display. Configure settings like liquidity sweeps and strongest pair emojis.
Alerts: Configure alerts for key events such as the Asian High/Low or Previous Levels liquidity sweep, and SMT divergences.
The Time and Price Zones indicator offers a practical and insightful approach to market analysis by combining major principles of ICT and Smart Money Concepts into a cohesive tool. It empowers traders to understand key price levels, liquidity dynamics, and institutional activity with ease. By helping traders avoid being the liquidity of the market and instead align with institutional flows, the indicator can significantly enhance performances. While its features provide a valuable edge, it’s essential to remember that none should be used on its own and many more factors go into being a profitable trader.
MichaelSuperTimeFrame is a powerful multi-timeframe tool designed to help traders identify key price levels by dynamically plotting the highest and lowest values for a user-defined timeframe. Whether you’re a scalper, day trader, or swing trader, this indicator simplifies multi-timeframe analysis and enhances your decision-making process by providing clear and actionable insights.
Customizable Timeframe: Select any timeframe (e.g., hourly, 4-hour, daily) to view high and low levels.
Dynamic Updates: Automatically adjusts to reflect the latest highs and lows for the chosen timeframe.
Clear Visual Markers: Highlights critical support and resistance levels with clean lines and labels.
Multi-Purpose Utility: Suitable for identifying potential breakout levels, stop-loss placements, and price reversals.
How It Works:
Select your desired timeframe in the settings.
The script fetches and plots the high and low prices for the specified timeframe directly on your chart.
Green lines and labels indicate the high levels, while red lines and labels indicate the low levels.
How to Use It:
Trend Analysis: Identify potential breakout zones by observing price interaction with the plotted levels.
Support/Resistance: Use the levels as key support and resistance zones for trade entries or exits.
Stop Placement: Safely place stops above/below key levels based on the timeframe’s context.
Why It's Unique:
MichaelSuperTimeFrame stands out by combining simplicity and flexibility, allowing traders to seamlessly integrate multi-timeframe analysis into their strategies. Its clear visual representation eliminates chart clutter, making it a valuable addition to any trader’s toolkit.
This script is designed for educational purposes and is not a trading signal provider. Past performance of any method or indicator is not indicative of future results. Always perform your own analysis before making trading decisions.
16. SMC Strategy with SL - low TimeframeOverview
The "SMC Strategy with SL - low Timeframe" is a comprehensive trading strategy that uses key concepts from Smart Money Theory to identify favorable areas in the market for buying or selling. This strategy takes advantage of price imbalances, support and resistance zones, and swing highs/lows to generate high-probability trade signals.
The key features of this strategy include:
Swing High/Low Analysis: Used to determine the Premium, Equilibrium, and Discount Zones.
Order Block Integration: An added layer of confluence to identify valid buy and sell signals.
Trend Direction Confirmation: Using a Simple Moving Average (SMA) to determine the overall trend.
Entry and Exit Rules: Based on price position relative to key zones and moving average, along with optional stop-loss and take-profit levels.
Detailed Description
Swing High and Swing Low Analysis
The script calculates Swing High and Swing Low based on the most recent price highs and lows over a specified look-back period (swingHighLength and swingLowLength, set to 8 by default).
It then derives the Premium, Equilibrium, and Discount Zones:
Premium Zone: Represents potential resistance, calculated based on recent swing highs.
Discount Zone: Represents potential support, calculated based on recent swing lows.
Equilibrium: The midpoint between Swing High and Swing Low, dividing the price range into Premium (above equilibrium) and Discount (below equilibrium) areas.
Zone Visualization
The strategy plots the Premium Zone (resistance) in red, the Discount Zone (support) in green, and the Equilibrium level in blue on the chart. This helps visually assess the current price relative to these important areas.
Simple Moving Average (SMA)
A 50-period Simple Moving Average (SMA) is added to help identify the trend direction.
Buy signals are valid only if the price is above the SMA, indicating an uptrend.
Sell signals are valid only if the price is below the SMA, indicating a downtrend.
Entry Rules
The script generates buy or sell signals when certain conditions are met:
A buy signal is triggered when:
Price is below the Equilibrium and within the Discount Zone.
Price is above the SMA.
The buy signal is further confirmed by the presence of an Order Block (recent lowest price area).
A sell signal is triggered when:
Price is above the Equilibrium and within the Premium Zone.
Price is below the SMA.
The sell signal is further confirmed by the presence of an Order Block (recent highest price area).
Order Block
The strategy defines Order Blocks as recent highs and lows within a look-back period (orderBlockLength set to 20 by default).
These blocks represent areas where large players (smart money) have historically been active, increasing the probability of the price reacting in these areas again.
Trade Management and Trade Direction
The user can set Trade Direction to either "Long Only," "Short Only," or "Both." This allows the strategy to adapt based on market conditions or trading preferences.
Based on the Trade Direction, the strategy either:
Closes open trades that are against new signals.
Allows only specific directional trades (either long or short).
Stop-loss levels are defined based on a fixed percentage (stop_loss_percent), which helps to manage risk and minimize losses.
Exit Rules
The strategy uses stop-loss levels for risk management.
A stop-loss price is set at a fixed percentage below the entry price for long positions or above the entry price for short positions.
When the price hits the defined stop-loss level, the trade is closed.
Liquidity Zones
The script identifies recent Swing Highs and Lows as potential liquidity zones. These are levels where price could react strongly, as they represent areas of interest for large traders.
The liquidity zones are plotted as crosses on the chart, marking areas where price may encounter significant buying or selling pressure.
Visual Feedback
The script uses visual markers (green for buy signals and red for sell signals) to indicate potential entries on the chart.
It also plots liquidity zones to help traders identify areas where stop hunts and liquidity grabs might occur.
Monthly Performance Dashboard
The script includes a performance tracking feature that displays monthly profit and loss metrics on the chart.
This dashboard allows the trader to see a visual representation of trading performance over time, providing insights into profitability and consistency.
The table shows profit or loss for each month and year, allowing the user to track the overall success of the strategy.
Key Benefits
Smart Money Concepts (SMC): This strategy incorporates SMC principles like order blocks and liquidity zones, which are used by institutional traders to determine potential market moves.
Zone Analysis: The use of Premium, Discount, and Equilibrium zones provides a solid framework for determining where to enter and exit trades based on price discounts or premiums.
Confluence: Signals are not taken in isolation. They are confirmed by factors like trend direction (SMA) and order blocks, providing greater trade accuracy.
Risk Management: By integrating stop-loss functionality, traders can manage their risks effectively.
Visual Performance Metrics: The monthly and yearly performance dashboard gives valuable feedback on how well the strategy has performed historically.
Practical Use
Buy in Discount Zone: Traders would be looking to buy when the price is discounted relative to its recent range and is above the SMA, indicating an overall uptrend.
Sell in Premium Zone: Conversely, traders would be looking to sell when the price is at a premium relative to its recent range and below the SMA, indicating an overall downtrend.
Order Block Confirmation: Ensures that buying or selling is supported by historical price behavior at significant levels, providing confidence that the market is likely to react at these areas.
This strategy is designed to help traders take advantage of price inefficiencies and areas where institutional traders are likely to be active, increasing the odds of successful trades. By leveraging Smart Money concepts and strong technical confluence, it aims to provide high-probability trade setups.
Silver Bullet ICT Strategy [TradingFinder] 10-11 AM NY Time +FVG🔵 Introduction
The ICT Silver Bullet trading strategy is a precise, time-based algorithmic approach that relies on Fair Value Gaps and Liquidity to identify high-probability trade setups. The strategy primarily focuses on the New York AM Session from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM, leveraging heightened market activity within this critical window to capture short-term trading opportunities.
As an intraday strategy, it is most effective on lower timeframes, with ICT recommending a 15-minute chart or lower. While experienced traders often utilize 1-minute to 5-minute charts, beginners may find the 1-minute timeframe more manageable for applying this strategy.
This approach specifically targets quick trades, designed to take advantage of market movements within tight one-hour windows. By narrowing its focus, the Silver Bullet offers a streamlined and efficient method for traders to capitalize on liquidity shifts and price imbalances with precision.
In the fast-paced world of forex trading, the ability to identify market manipulation and false price movements is crucial for traders aiming to stay ahead of the curve. The Silver Bullet Indicator simplifies this process by integrating ICT principles such as liquidity traps, Order Blocks, and Fair Value Gaps (FVG).
These concepts form the foundation of a tool designed to mimic the strategies of institutional players, empowering traders to align their trades with the "smart money." By transforming complex market dynamics into actionable insights, the Silver Bullet Indicator provides a powerful framework for short-term trading success
Silver Bullet Bullish Setup :
Silver Bullet Bearish Setup :
🔵 How to Use
The Silver Bullet Indicator is a specialized tool that operates within the critical time windows of 9:00-10:00 and 10:00-11:00 in the forex market. Its design incorporates key principles from ICT (Inner Circle Trader) methodology, focusing on concepts such as liquidity traps, CISD Levels, Order Blocks, and Fair Value Gaps (FVG) to provide precise and actionable trade setups.
🟣 Bullish Setup
In a bullish setup, the indicator starts by marking the high and low of the session, serving as critical reference points for liquidity. A typical sequence involves a liquidity grab below the low, where the price manipulates retail traders into selling positions by breaching a key support level.
This movement is often orchestrated by smart money to accumulate buy orders. Following this liquidity grab, a market structure shift (MSS) occurs, signaled by the price breaking the CISD Level—a confirmation of bullish intent. The indicator then highlights an Order Block near the CISD Level, representing the zone where institutional buying is concentrated.
Additionally, it identifies a Fair Value Gap, which acts as a high-probability area for price retracement and trade entry. Traders can confidently take long positions when the price revisits these zones, targeting the next significant liquidity pool or resistance level.
Bullish Setup in CAPITALCOM:US100 :
🟣 Bearish Setup
Conversely, in a bearish setup, the price manipulates liquidity by creating a false breakout above the high of the session. This move entices retail traders into long positions, allowing institutional players to enter sell orders.
Once the price reverses direction and breaches the CISD Level to the downside, a change of character (CHOCH) becomes evident, confirming a bearish market structure. The indicator highlights an Order Block near this level, indicating the origin of the institutional sell orders, along with an associated FVG, which represents an imbalance zone likely to be revisited before the price continues downward.
By entering short positions when the price retraces to these levels, traders align their strategies with the anticipated continuation of bearish momentum, targeting nearby liquidity voids or support zones.
Bearish Setup in OANDA:XAUUSD :
🔵 Settings
Refine Order Block : Enables finer adjustments to Order Block levels for more accurate price responses.
Mitigation Level OB : Allows users to set specific reaction points within an Order Block, including: Proximal: Closest level to the current price. 50% OB: Midpoint of the Order Block. Distal: Farthest level from the current price.
FVG Filter : The Judas Swing indicator includes a filter for Fair Value Gap (FVG), allowing different filtering based on FVG width: FVG Filter Type: Can be set to "Very Aggressive," "Aggressive," "Defensive," or "Very Defensive." Higher defensiveness narrows the FVG width, focusing on narrower gaps.
Mitigation Level FVG : Like the Order Block, you can set price reaction levels for FVG with options such as Proximal, 50% OB, and Distal.
CISD : The Bar Back Check option enables traders to specify the number of past candles checked for identifying the CISD Level, enhancing CISD Level accuracy on the chart.
🔵 Conclusion
The Silver Bullet Indicator is a cutting-edge tool designed specifically for forex traders who aim to leverage market dynamics during critical liquidity windows. By focusing on the highly active 9:00-10:00 and 10:00-11:00 timeframes, the indicator simplifies complex market concepts such as liquidity traps, Order Blocks, Fair Value Gaps (FVG), and CISD Levels, transforming them into actionable insights.
What sets the Silver Bullet Indicator apart is its precision in detecting false breakouts and market structure shifts (MSS), enabling traders to align their strategies with institutional activity. The visual clarity of its signals, including color-coded zones and directional arrows, ensures that both novice and experienced traders can easily interpret and apply its findings in real-time.
By integrating ICT principles, the indicator empowers traders to identify high-probability entry and exit points, minimize risk, and optimize trade execution. Whether you are capturing short-term price movements or navigating complex market conditions, the Silver Bullet Indicator offers a robust framework to enhance your trading performance.
Ultimately, this tool is more than just an indicator; it is a strategic ally for traders who seek to decode the movements of smart money and capitalize on institutional strategies. With the Silver Bullet Indicator, traders can approach the market with greater confidence, precision, and profitability.
Fair Value Gaps Advanced [smart-money-indicators]This indicator is a tool to support the "SMC" strategy.
This indicator does not provide entry or exit signals.
This indicator is a tool to mark key price areas.
This indicator is a tool to mark key time areas.
This indicator is particularly distinguished by its high customizability of tools,
setting it apart from the indicators currently available on the TradingView platform.
This Fair Value Gaps or Imbalance Indicator marks liquidity areas using boxes.
Fair Value Gaps are created in high-momentum conditions, leaving an area that, in theory and as supported by backtesting, tends to be revisited.
The following settings can be configured:
Show only one-sided Gaps
- Only Fair Value Gaps formed by three consecutive bullish or bearish candles are displayed.
Extend Fair Value Gap
-The box is extended to the current candle.
Draw Mid Line
- A 50% line of the Fair Value Gap is drawn.
Extend Mid Line
-The midline is extended to the current candle.
Remove filled Fair Value Gap
-Filled Fair Value Gaps are removed.
Enable inverse Fair Value Gap
- When a bullish Fair Value Gap is broken, it creates a bearish resistance area.
- When a bearish Fair Value Gap is broken, it creates a bullish support area.
-Display Last X active Buyside Fair Value Gaps
-Display Last X active Sellside Fair Value Gaps
-Display Last X active Buyside Inverse Fair Value Gaps
-Display Last X active Sellside Inverse Fair Value Gaps
Easy SMT Panel [smart-money-indicators]This indicator is the ultimate tool for identifying divergences between two instruments.
This indicator does not provide entry or exit signals.
This indicator is a tool to mark key price areas.
This indicator is a tool to mark key time areas.
This indicator is particularly distinguished by its high customizability of tools,
setting it apart from the indicators currently available on the TradingView platform.
No more annoying switching between instruments across two layout windows! Depending on the instrument in the main window, specify which instrument should be displayed in the panel!
It's up to you to decide the criteria for determining divergences, as this indicator highlights the following key areas using lines and boxes:
Structure Breaks:
- Bearish Change of Character
- Bearish Break of Structure
- Bullish Change of Character
- Bullish Break of Structure
Premium / Discount Area:
- Premium / Discount area of the current range, since the last Change of Character or Break of Structure
Liquidity Areas:
- Asia Session (during or after the session)
- London Session (during or after the session)
- New York Session (during or after the session)
- London Close Session (during or after the session)
- Session Quarters
- Central Banks Dealer Range
How can I use or interpret these areas?
Structure Breaks:
- Has Instrument 1 experienced a structure break at a high/low, but Instrument 2 has not? This could indicate a divergence!
Liquidity Areas:
- Has Instrument 1 already broken a session high/low, but Instrument 2 has not? This could indicate a divergence!
Ultimate SMC [smart-money-indicators] This indicator is a tool to support the "SMC" strategy.
This indicator does not provide entry or exit signals.
This indicator is a tool to mark key price areas.
This indicator is a tool to mark key time areas.
This indicator is particularly distinguished by its high customizability of tools,
setting it apart from the indicators currently available on the TradingView platform.
Moreover, unlike other "SMC indicators," this one does NOT use pivot points to identify Change of Character (ChoCh) or Break of Structure (BoS).
The following key areas are marked with lines or boxes:
Structure Breaks:
- Bearish Change of Character
- Bearish Break of Structure
- Bullish Change of Character
- Bullish Break of Structure
Premium/Discount Zone:
- Premium/Discount area of the current range, since the last ChoCh or BoS
Potential Buy/Sell Zones (including historical or mitigated):
- Bullish orderblocks
- Bearish orderblocks
Momentum Indicators:
- Bullish Fair Value Gaps
- Bearish Fair Value Gaps
How can I use or interpret these areas?
Structure Breaks:
- If the indicator shows bullish structure breaks in the form of ChoCh or BoS, it indicates a bullish trend.
- If the indicator shows bearish structure breaks in the form of ChoCh or BoS, it indicates a bearish trend.
Premium/Discount Zone:
- If the price is in the premium zone, it indicates that the current price is "expensive," and you should look for sell signals.
- If the price is in the discount zone, it indicates that the current price is "cheap," and you should look for buy signals.
Order Blocks:
- Bearish order blocks indicate strong selling pressure in that area, and you can look for sell signals.
- Bullish order blocks indicate strong buying pressure in that area, and you can look for buy signals.
Momentum Indicators:
- Bullish Fair Value Gaps that form after the creation of an order block may indicate strong buying pressure and confirm a bullish trend.
- Bearish Fair Value Gaps that form after the creation of an order block may indicate strong selling pressure and confirm a bearish trend.