PerformerTired of spending time chasing down top performing sector(s) of the day? With this indicator, it automatically shows you the top two performing sectors for the market's open trading day. Why only two? This is because most people would rather focus their trading only the top one or two performing sector/stock(s) of the trading day and you really need only one good trade to make your money for the trading day. Also, why clutter up your chart with a big information window showing the entire list of sectors? This script is free for all to use and was designed to be non-cluttering for those who like to keep their charts clean. You can tuck this indicator in one of any of the 4 corners of your charting window for that clean look. This script features two things:
- Shows the top two performing sectors (the first 2 lines of the Information Window; there's no option to remove this, as this is the intention of having this indicator - if one of the sectors doesn't work out for you, there's usually another sector, so that's why we have the top 2)
- The last line (3rd line) shows the ticker symbol of the current stock/security you're looking at, along with the relative volume (this relative volume follows my own formula and will not match any other relative volume's found elsewhere - you can hide or show this from the settings menu)
What was removed from the original design?
Parts of this script contains the old original leftover code I disabled where the original idea was to also show you the top performing stock within the absolute top performing sector; however, I ran into a snag in getting this to work properly. I think it's a limitation issue, as well as preventing scripters from unintentionally causing a performance hit on the client and/or server side. Upon running into this issue, I then decided on, how about randomly showing a few tickers for the top performing sector, but also ran into an issue where I didn't like how it behaved. In any case, those who aren't new to the stock market should somewhat have many of these ticker symbols memorized, as well as know (or at least have an idea) a few ticker symbols in the various stock sectors. Again, this extra feature has been disabled and many parts of the original code cleaned up (or disabled) to reduce any unnecessary performance hits (for this published release). Even though this additional feature was removed/disabled from this public release, you can however, utilize the relative volume to help you figure out if the stock/security you're currently looking at is below, at or above the normal average volume. Typically, if you see a high relative volume in a particular stock/security, you know that there's a lot of trading activity with that stock/security for the day, so it's worth keeping that stock/security on your watchlist.
* Please note that this script is in its early beta stage and there could be bugs. This is being provided as is and the information provided by this script is meant for informational/entertainment purposes only. As always, please use proper due-diligence and not 100% relying on a single indicator for your trading.
Tick LiteTick Lite is our solution to issues caused by indicator processing restrictions.
Our original Tick Plus Indicator was too powerful and had to be split into 2 indicators to guarantee we are giving you the fastest live tick data through it.
You can use Tick Lite with "Tick Plus" for the entire Tick Plus System, or you can use it on its own if you prefer.
Tick Lite displays the Tick Chart along with our Market Sync Indicator.
The Tick chart displays a candlestick TICK chart for your chosen exchange and keeps track of the current day's high tick and low tick. Drawn behind these are our Key Reversal Zones.
Market Sync Indicator
This is a small but powerful indicator that analyzes the inflow and outflow of each exchange's underlying securities. When all the markets are in harmony, it will print a green or red symbol below the tick chart.
Alerts can be set with these signals to take advantage of the system across tickers.
Note: A gray readout indicates that every market is not moving in the same direction at that moment.
We recommend using this indicator with our "Tick Plus" Indicator for the entire Tick Plus System.
All of the default settings are our recommended settings.
Please check the Author Instructions Below for how to gain access to our indicators.
Double CCIWith this variant of the CCI indicator you have 2 CCIs. I call it convenience the fast and the slow.
The slow one has the default period of 20. The fast one has a lower value and will therefore also change his direction much faster.
I don't use this as a decisive indicator, but the fast one does indicate where the standard CCI might go and so you are already prepared for the decisive moment.
I've added a zero line so you can visually track whether the buyers or the sellers are predominant.
Between 0 and +100, as well as between 0 and -100 there is still a battle between buyers and sellers and it is better to wait a little longer before entering a trade.
From +100 to +250 I have colored the zone green; here the buyers are winning and it is a confirmation that you can safer enter the BUY.
From -100 to -250 it's colored red; here the sellers are firmly winning and it is a confirmation to go into a SELL.
Most values are adjustable via the settings and can be switched on or off.
This indicator is not intended to be used as the sole decision element, but rather to fine-tune your entry and exit points . Maybe wait a little longer than you normally would, but then be able to step in at the right time that there is enough volume in your desired direction.
Good luck with it and I would love feedback.
Thank you Tradingview-community.
Candle Strength IndicatorThe candle strength indicator depicts the average strength of the price action by evaluating bullish vs bearish candles.
The scale is relative to price fluctuation and the size of the candles for the particular ticker / market, so there are no significant levels.
A cross on the zero line would generally indicate a change in trend / sentiment.
This indicator may be useful as a filter for entries and use in confluence with other indicators.
CHART BTC [KFOO VIP]Helps you follow the behavior of currency pairs during the momentary speculation
EuroDollar Curve Implied 3M RateChart shows the Eurodollar futures prices latest prices from Sep 22 onwards. Display logic based on LongFiats code. This needs to be readjusted manually every 3 months whenever the front-month expires. Good tool to see where professional eurodollar futures think interest rates will be over the next few years. Check regularly as sentiment changes.
Time Machine█ OVERVIEW
This script is designed to display future and current time resistance levels based on multiple techniques such as candle behaviors and count and some significant financial times according to Gann and more.
Each chart consists of an X-Axis ( time ) and a Y-Axis ( price ). Price can travel up and down giving you both support and resistance levels, on the other hand, time only travels forward which is why they are called time resistance levels.
Time resistance happens at multiple significant places. Have you noticed that when a triangle breaks north or south that the tip of the triangle acts as time resistance level where something happens ? Many patterns and techniques are designed
to detect and these levels through patters, candle behavior and more. This script aims to assist in detecting these levels ahead of time or at candle opens . This is a very important point. A signal of time resistance can be displayed at candle open
or ahead of time. both of these cases mean that the time resistance is confirmed. These resistance levels are rated on a scale from 0 to 3 and this scale could change and more filtering could be applied in the future to make this script
even more powerful. I would say this is a functional beta version ( v0.5 ) that could be improved upon and that's what I intend to do. scroll down to see if there are any other upgrades to this script. Each time frame has its own time resistance levels. Future levels could appear at any point;
for example, if there are no future time resistance levels within the next 6 days -lets say,- this does not mean that one doesn't appear tomorrow. A regular check would give you an edge in this script. Of course this is something that can be improved in the near future. This script does not reprint ( confirmed data does not change ) but more future data can be added no previous data.
█ Future Plans and upgrades to this script may include :
1. Adding more astro influencers into the script.
2. Fine tuning the script a bit more to filter unwanted noise.
3. Adding toggle switches for users to select from. ( toggle between multiple techniques )
and more! feel free to let me know what you'd like to see!
█ How to use :
1. Put the script on your chart
give the script a few seconds and you should be set.
This script is coded as an addon to the Gann ToolBox package/scripts.
FOMC AnnouncementsThis indicator plots vertical lines at the scheduled times of US Federal Reserve's FOMC Meeting Announcements. Usually, that time or the 24 hours before and after could see big moves in markets. You can change those dates and times in the settings, and could use the indicator option "Add this indicator to entire layout" if you want to easily reflect that across all panes of a layout. Those lines will show on any symbol you switch to, saving you time and effort of drawing them manually.
CryptoCurrency Short X-RayIndicator to show the data on short sellers for cryptocurrencies. Color coded as the following:
Orange=Shortsellers are Shorting
Blue =Shortsellers are Covering
Red =Others are Selling
Green =Others are Buying
Includes lines to show the range that shortsellers have recently (within the last 1024 bars) been operating in to give indication on how extended they are, along with 25%, 50%, and 75% levels inbetween. Do not rely exclusively on this indicator as this can change wildly depending on the situation at hand, and be sure to select the short data in the settings that matches the ticker you're trading.
Order Blocks Indicator By ForexBee V.1
What are Order Blocks:
Order blocks in forex refer to the collection of orders of big banks and institutions in forex trading. The big banks do not just open a buy/sell order but distribute a single order into a check of blocks to maximize the profit potential. These chunks of orders are called order blocks in trading.
Types of order blocks
Order blocks are categorized into two types in trading based on order types.
Bullish order block
Bearish order block
Bullish order block
When a bullish impulsive wave forms after the break of a ranging market structure or block, it indicates the formation of a bullish order block.
When the price returns to the order block zone, we’ll open buy orders to trade with institutions.
Bearish order block
When a bearish impulsive wave forms after the break of price range or block, a bearish order block forms. We’ll open sell orders from the bearish order block zone when the price returns to this zone in the future.
How to draw an order block zone in trading?
To draw an order block, you should first learn to identify the chart’s price range or price block.
In the next step, mark the highest point and the lowest point of the price range
Draw a horizontal zone meeting the high and low of the order block zone. This will act as an order block zone.
Point-in-time Relative Volume OscillatorShows relative volumetric strength of a trend.
The column bars show relative strength in percentage.
The color is based on the change in strength in comparison to the previous bar.
The EMA is used to determine if one should enter/exit or stay.
Combo Z ScoreObjective:
Can we use both VIX and MOVE relationships to indicate movement in the SPY? VIX (forward contract on SPY options) correlations are quite common as forward indicators however MOVE (forward contract on bonds) also provides a slightly different level of insight
Using the Z-Score of VIX vs VVIX and MOVE vs inverted VIX (there is no M of Move so we use inverted Vix as a proxy) we get some helpful indications of potential future moves. Added %B to give us some exposure to momentum. Toggle VIX or MOVE.
If anyone has a better idea of inverted Vix to proxy forward interest in MOVE let me know.
Binance Futures Swap-Spot Basis LabelNote: This script will only work with Binance Futures Symbols
This script calculates the basis between the Binance Future and Binance Spot market for the coin you are currently viewing and paints a label on the chart which displays the percentage difference between future and spot. If the future is trading below the spot market the text will be red indicating backwardation and if the future is trading above spot, it will be green indicating contango. Please note this script will only work on Binance perps against Binance spot. The script will change based on what perp you are looking at, no inputs are required.
Binance Big Open Interest Delta Change v2 Note: This script will only work properly with Binance Futures symbols.
This script simply looks at the open interest for the symbol you are currently viewing and determines if a large change in open interest has occurred, which triggers a background color alert.
It does this by comparing the absolute value of the range of the current open interest bar with a simple average (length set by user) of the past x range. The user also determines what is considered a 'large' change in open interest by setting a multiplier with which the current range must exceed compared to the average range in order to trigger an alert.
If the change in open interest is an increase in OI, the alert is blue, and if the change in open interest is a decrease, the alert is orange.
The open interest ticker that is used for calculation is derived by adding the current ticker and "_OI" so that it auto changes each time you switch to a new Binance futures contract.
RSI - S&P Sector ETFsThe script displays RSI of each S&P SPDR Sector ETF
XLB - Materials
XLC - Communications
XLE - Energy
XLF - Financials
XLI - Industrials
XLK - Technology
XLP - Consumer Staples
XLRE - Real Estate
XLU - Utilities
XLV - Healthcare
XLY - Consumer Discretionary
It is meant to identify changes in sector rotation, compare oversold/overbought signals of each sector, and/or any price momentum trading strategy applicable to a trader.
Auto Fibonacci Retracement - Real-Time (Expo)█ Fibonacci retracement is a popular technical analysis method to draw support and resistance levels. The Fibonacci levels are calculated between 2 swing points (high/low) and divided by the key Fibonacci coefficients equal to 23.6%, 38.2%, 50%, 61.8%, and 100%. The percentage represents how much of a prior move the price has retraced.
█ Our Auto Fibonacci Retracement indicator analyzes the market in real-time and draws Fibonacci levels automatically for you on the chart. Real-time fib levels use the current swing points, which gives you a huge advantage when using them in your trading. You can always be sure that the levels are calculated from the correct swing high and low, regardless of the current trend. The algorithm has a trend filter and shifts the swing points if there is a trend change.
The user can set the preferred swing move to scalping, trend trading, or swing trading. This way, you can use our automatic fib indicator to do any trading. The auto fib works on any market and timeframe and displays the most important levels in real-time for you.
█ This Auto Fib Retracement indicator for TradingView is powerful since it does the job for you in real-time. Apply it to the chart, set the swing move to fit your trading style, and leave it on the chart. The indicator does the rest for you. The auto Fibonacci indicator calculates and plots the levels for you in any market and timeframe. In addition, it even changes the swing points based on the current trend direction, allowing traders to get the correct Fibonacci levels in every trend.
█ How does the Auto Fib Draw the levels?
The algorithm analyzes the recent price action and examines the current trend; based on the trend direction, two significant swings (high and low) are identified, and Fibonacci levels will then be plotted automatically on the chart. If the algorithm has identified an uptrend, it will calculate the Fibonacci levels from the swing low and up to the swing high. Similarly, if the algorithm has identified a downtrend, it will calculate the Fibonacci levels from the swing high and down to the swing low.
The levels allow for a quick and easy understanding of the current Fibonacci levels and help traders anticipate and react when the price levels are tested. In addition, the levels are often used for entries to determine stop-loss levels and to set profit targets. It's also common for traders to use Fibonacci levels to identify resistance and support levels.
Traders can set alerts when the levels are tested.
Copyright by Zeiierman.
The information contained in my Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems does not constitute financial advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities of any type. I will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information.
All investments involve risk, and the past performance of a security, industry, sector, market, financial product, trading strategy, backtest, or individual's trading does not guarantee future results or returns. Investors are fully responsible for any investment decisions they make. Such decisions should be based solely on an evaluation of their financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.
My Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems are only for educational purposes!
Daily Short Volume RatioThe short volume ratio is the number of shares sold short divided by the average daily volume and is used to indicate sentiment. In its most basic form, short volume ratio above 0.5 indicates more folks are shorting the stock while a short volume ratio below 0.5 indicates more folks are buying the stock. Short volume and total volume data is collected daily from FINRA for the NYSE and the NASDAQ exchange and represents lit markets. Daily short and total volume is calculated after the exchanges close so will lag by a day on the chart.
This indicator displays the short volume ratio for the last 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 days and includes a smoothing function (def: off) to better visualize trends.
The indicator also includes the ability to view the short volume ratio for the last day for a reference ticker (def: SPY) to compare with total market sentiment.
Thanks to those before me for providing ideas and code.
Socrate's Bottom FinderENGLISH :
Hi everybody,
This indicator will give you the market bottoms with remarkable accuracy.
/!\ Be aware that the indicator cannot know the current economic situation and that in the event of a major crisis, it can signal a market bottom despite the decline not being over. /!\
How to read it ?
It is composed of two visual sections:
- The first section materialized by the white line is a "treshhold" which gives the current trend of the week. It is used to filter most of the "fake signals"
- The second section, materialized by a green and red band, gives the strength of the price trend. If for example the trend is rather bullish, this bar will turn green, the opposit will produce red. An "opportunity" signal will appear when the optimal conditions are met to define a market bottom. Before an opportunity signal there will always be an "Surrender" signal, wich means the trend has weakened and the bottom is near in time.
Special Recommandation :
- The best results are on 1W, 3D, 1D. The indicator work on lower TF but it's not his purpose and you may drop significantly your W/L rate.
- Avoid stocks/crypto with poor stability in the very long time, a good hint is to look after thoses who mostly are above SMA200 on weekly TF.
- Avoid cyclical stock, as they tend to bounce up and down way to often.
Please do your own diligence. Trading may conduct you to loose capital.
Apply your own trading strategy :)
Salut tout le monde,
Cet indicateur vous donnera les creux du marché avec une précision remarquable.
/!\ Sachez que l'indicateur ne peut pas connaître la situation économique actuelle et qu'en cas de crise majeure, il peut signaler un creux de marché même si la baisse n'est pas terminée. /!\
Comment le lire ?
Il est composé de deux sections visuelles :
- La première section matérialisée par la ligne blanche est un « seuil » qui donne la tendance actuelle de la semaine. Il est utilisé pour filtrer la plupart des "faux signaux"
- La deuxième section, matérialisée par une bande verte et rouge, donne la force de la tendance des prix. Si par exemple la tendance est plutôt haussière, cette barre deviendra verte, l'inverse produira du rouge. Un signal "d'opportunité" apparaîtra lorsque les conditions optimales seront réunies pour définir un creux de marché. Avant un signal d'opportunité, il y aura toujours un signal "Abandon", ce qui signifie que la tendance s'est affaiblie et que le creux est proche dans le temps.
Recommandations spéciales :
- Les meilleurs résultats sont sur 1W, 3D, 1D. L'indicateur fonctionne sur des TF plus faibles mais ce n'est pas son but et vous risquez de faire chuter considérablement votre ratio de W/L.
- Évitez les stocks/crypto avec une faible stabilité sur le long terme, un bon indice est de cibler ceux qui sont majoritairement (dans leur historique) au-dessus de leur SMA200 en TF hebdomadaire.
- Prioriser les actifs de type "HyperGrowth", l'indicateur fonctionne moins bien avec les cycliques
Veuillez faire vos propres recherches en parallèle. Le trading pouvant vous conduire à perdre du capital.
Appliquez à cet indicateur votre propre stratégie :)
dize Multi-Timeframe Power IndexHi Trader,
the "Power Index" indicator is one part of our holistic approach to identifying trading setups. It is one of many indcators of our dize indicator package and should always be used in conjunction with the other dize indicators.
💡 What is the Power Index?
The "Power Index" indicator is our approach to measuring the volatility of an asset. It comes with multi-timeframe support, which helps to filter out bad trades. The indicator has a "Sensitivity" parameter that specifies how many historic candles should be looked at when calculating. The graph is a cloud colored according to historical volatility. This makes it possible to estimate at a glance how much risk and volatility currently prevail in the market.
💡 How to use it?
By using the integrated settings you will be able to configure the power index for your market. Firstly, you should find the "Sensitivity" which best reflects your markets volatility. If you wish, you can also use the indicator on a different timeframe, than the one displayed on your chart. That can help to filter out noise and get a better perspective on what is happening on a bigger timeframe.
Let's have a look how we can use the Power Index to filter out noise on a lower timeframe:
In the above picture, both chart and power index run on the same timeframe. The Power Index calculates according to the selected timeframe and gives solid information.
If we zoom out on the power index by selecting a higher timeframe, we get the big picture and can easily identify low volatility, which might increase our chances on finding a good trading setup.
The above example is one of many use cases for the power index indicator.
🔓 To gain access to this indicator, please read the signature field.
dize Market SentimentHi Trader,
the "Market Sentiment" indicator is one part of our holistic approach to identifying trading setups. It is one of many indcators of our dize indicator package and should always be used in conjunction with the other dize indicators.
💡 What is the Market Sentiment indicator?
The Market Sentiment indicator is a trend-following indicator. It visually divides our chart into three phases that are familiar to every trader - uptrend, downtrend and sideways movement. The visualization allows us to determine very quickly which phase is currently active. The indicator generates buy and sell signals for trend changes, which can be precisely matched to the asset using various filters.
💡 How to use it?
The "Lookback"-parameter indicates how many candlesticks are considered for trend development. The "Sensitivity" parameter indicates how much noise we allow in the trend calculation.
In addition to changing the technical details, the indicator also includes input settings for the visual appearance. Colors for the three sentiment phases, as well as colors for the buy and sell labels can be set, making it easy to customize the indicator to suit your personal preferences.
Let's have a look:
Looking at the above example, we can clearly see how the market sentiment indicator could be beneficial to our trading. It created a "Buy" signal on the 10th October 2020 at 11297.0 USD, moving all the way up to 55705.5 USD on 19th April 2021, where it generated a "Sell" and then dropping back down to 35392.0 USD on the 25th July 2021 to create another "Buy".
Of course, the indicator should not be used as a standalone buy and sell signal generator. It has to be used wisely in conjunction with other indicators and potential risk management tools. But this example shows how the indicator can bring value to your chart.
🔓 To gain access to this indicator, please read the signature field.
dize Top & BottomsHi Trader,
the "Tops & Bottoms" indicator is one part of our holistic approach to identifying trading setups. It is one of many indcators of our dize indicator package and should always be used in conjunction with the other dize indicators.
💡 What is the Tops & Bottoms indicator?
The "Tops and Bottoms" indicator is a momentum indicator that gives us clues as to when a market might turn around or how intact the current trend is. When calculating, we use statistical methods that provide us with indications of abnormal market behavior.
The indicator comes with Multi-Timeframe support, which makes it easy to get an overview on what is happening on other timeframes.
💡 How to use it?
The indicator has one calculation parameter. The "Sensitivity" parameter specifies how many candles are considered in the calculation. The resolution parameter instead tells the indicator on which timeframe it should be calculated. Please be aware, that the selected timeframe should always be higher than the displayed chart timeframe.
The upper and lower visual bands of the indicator act as a threshold to detect abnormal market behavior.
Furthermore, the appearance of the indicator can be changed using the selected colors.
Let's have a look:
Using the indicator on the same timeframe:
Using the indicator on a higher timeframe:
🔓 To gain access to this indicator, please read the signature field.
Multiple MA's (Nephew_Sam_)Plots upto 6 moving averages on your charts with and option to choose between EMA, SMA and RMA
You can choose to display the moving averages as either lines or a background and a custom gradient-like color for each MA + different colors for bull and bear momentum.