Volume Weighted Market Mean 3.0 [Dia]150924 - v3.0
This script is a complete rewrite of the previous version here .
It gathers market data from up to 8 different Bitcoin exchange pairs (8 is maximum due to script limitations).The influence of each single exchange can be customized individually, default is 50% for 0-fee exchanges, 10% for futures and 100% for all others. For each single exchange a standard deviation from the composite mean price and a average price range are determined. To make data from exchanges with different liquidity comparable, all single exchange price ranges are normalized to the range of the composite mean price. To make data from exchanges with different fee structure (= exchanges that constantly trade at a premium / discount) comparable, all single exchange prices are corrected by their respective standard deviations. To account for trade volume, all price data is weighted by the current candles volume.
- optional Heikin Ashi candle display
- optional EMAs
- lots of switches to play around with ;-)
DecisionPoint Volume Swenlin Trading Oscillator [LazyBear]This is the volume version of "DecisionPoint Breadth Swenlin Trading Oscillator"
DecisionPoint Swenlin Trading Oscillator can be used to identify short-term tops and bottoms. You can read about the interpretation of the signals (& gotchas) in the link below.
I have added support for NYSE / NASD / AMEX and also a combined mode. You can specify custom advancing/declining volume symbols too.
More Info:
List of my public indicators:
List of my app-store indicators:
Having both Swenlin Breadth and Volume oscillators help spot the divergences quickly:
DecisionPoint Breadth Swenlin Trading Oscillator [LazyBear]DecisionPoint Swenlin Trading Oscillator can be used to identify short-term tops and bottoms. This is a breadth indicator. STO is designed to be calculated using either issues or volume, I will post a follow up indicator that makes use of volume.
You can read about the interpretation of the signals (& gotchas) in the link below.
I have added support for NYSE / NASD / AMEX and also a combined mode. You can specify custom advancing/declining mkt symbols too.
More Info:
List of my public indicators:
List of my app-store indicators:
High-Low Index [LazyBear]-- Fixed ---
Fixes an issue with "Combined" mode, using wrong symbols.
--- Original ---
The High-Low Index is a breadth indicator based on Record High Percent, which is based on new 52-week highs and new 52-week lows.
Readings below 50 indicate that there were more new lows than new highs. Readings above 50 indicate that there were more new highs than new lows. 0 indicates there were zero new highs (0% new highs). 100 indicates there was at least 1 new high and no new lows (100% new highs). 50 indicates that new highs and new lows were equal (50% new highs).
Readings consistently above 70 usually coincide with a strong uptrend. Readings consistently below 30 usually coincide with a strong downtrend.
More info:
List of my public indicators:
List of my app-store indicators:
Just noticed @Greeny has already published this -> Linking it here.
Zweig Market Breadth Thrust Indicator [LazyBear]The Breadth Thrust (BT) indicator is a market momentum indicator developed by Dr. Martin Zweig. According to Dr. Zweig a Breadth Thrust occurs when, during a 10-day period, the Breadth Thrust indicator rises from below 40 percent to above 61.5 percent.
A "Thrust" indicates that the stock market has rapidly changed from an oversold condition to one of strength, but has not yet become overbought. This is very rare and has happened only a few times. Dr. Zweig also points out that most bull markets begin with a Breadth Thrust.
All parameters are configurable. You can draw BT for NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX or based on combined data (i.e., AMEX+NYSE+NASD). There is also a "CUSTOM" mode supported, so you can enter your own ADV/DEC symbols.
More info:
A Breadth Thrust Signal:
A Rare "Zweig" Buy Signal:
Zweig Breadth Thrust:
List of my public indicators:
List of my app-store indicators:
UCS_TTM - Reversion BandsOk, Here we go - Version 1 of TTM Reversion Band goes live.
Link to TTM Reversion Band -
Link to TTM Reversion Band Guide -
John Carters Mastering the trade -
For the amount of information this has, the price tag is not hefty.
John's RTM Chapter Synopsis -
What did I modify?
1. Automated the Daily + and Intraday settings. So Switching to intraday will change the setting automatically.
2. Added text callouts for RTM condition
a. John Carter's Indicator
b. Slope Based (my addition).
Future Improvement Planned.
1. Will Convert this into a system based on John's Indicator from TS.
2. Custom Options for Slope and MA setting for Trade filter.
Market Facilitation Index (MFI) The Market Facilitation Index is an indicator that relates price range to
volume and measures the efficency of price movement. Use the indicator to
determine if the market is trending. If the Market Facilitation Index increased,
then the market is facilitating trade and is more efficient, implying that the
market is trending. If the Market Facilitation Index decreased, then the market
is becoming less efficient, which may indicate a trading range is developing that
may be a trend reversal.