Gunbot Deluxe Tuners BE [Alerts]Revision 18
Gunbot Deluxe Tuners BE Alerts is part of the official Gunthy version of Gunbot Deluxe Tuners.
It is the companion Alerts script for the Gunbot Deluxe Tuners BE (Black Edition) backtesting and optimizing script.
This Alerts script allows user to automatically send alerts directly to Gunbot through the Gunbot TradingView addon.
Available only to verified Gunbot owners. No exceptions. Anyone interested in obtaining this script must contact either their official Gunbot reseller or me privately.
No public requests or donations for access to this script will be granted. No exceptions.
NOTICE: By requesting access to this script you acknowledge that you have read and understood that this is for research purposes only and neither I or Gunthy are responsible for any financial losses you may incur by using this script!
Gunbot Deluxe Tuners BERevision 18
Gunbot Deluxe Tuners BE (Black Edition) is the official Gunthy version of Gunbot Deluxe Tuners.
It is an all in one script simulation of Gunbot with the ability to optimize Gunbot settings through backtesting any combination of the script's included buy / sell strategies along with extra conditions and trailing options.
The companion script allows user to automatically send alerts directly to Gunbot through the Gunbot TradingView add-on.
Available only to verified Gunbot owners. No exceptions. Anyone interested in obtaining this script must contact either their official Gunbot reseller or me privately.
No public requests or donations for access to this script will be granted. No exceptions.
NOTICE: By requesting access to this script you acknowledge that you have read and understood that this is for research purposes only and neither I or Gunthy are responsible for any financial losses you may incur by using this script!
Multi SMA EMA WMA HMA BB (4x3 MAs Bollinger Bands) Pro MTF - RRBMulti SMA EMA WMA HMA 4x3 Moving Averages with Bollinger Bands Pro MTF by RagingRocketBull 2018
Version 1.0
This indicator shows multiple MAs of any type SMA EMA WMA HMA etc with BB and MTF support, can show MAs as dynamically moving levels.
There are 4 MA groups + 1 BB group. You can assign any type/timeframe combo to a group, for example:
- EMAs 50,100,200 x H1, H4, D1, W1 (4 TFs x 3 MAs x 1 type)
- EMAs 8,13,21,55,100,200 x M15, H1 (2 TFs x 6 MAs x 1 type)
- D1 EMAs and SMAs 12,26,50,100,200,400 (1 TF x 6 MAs x 2 types)
- H1 WMAs 7,77,231; H4 HMAs 50,100,200; D1 EMAs 144,169,233; W1 SMAs 50,100,200 (4 TFs x 3 MAs x 4 types)
- +1 extra MA type/timeframe for BB
compile time: 25-30 sec
full redraw time after parameter change in UI: 3 sec
There are several versions: Simple, MTF, Pro MTF, Advanced MTF and Ultimate MTF. This is the Pro MTF version. The Differences are listed below. All versions have BB
- Simple: you have 2 groups of MAs that can be assigned any type (5+5)
- MTF: +2 custom Timeframes for each group (2x5 MTF)
- Pro MTF: +4 custom Timeframes for each group (4x3 MTF), MA levels and show max bars back options
- Advanced MTF: +2 extra MAs/group (4x5 MTF), custom Ticker/Symbol, backreferences for type, TF and MA lengths in UI
- Ultimate MTF: +individual settings for each MA, custom Ticker/Symbols
- 4x3 = 12 MAs of any type including Hull Moving Average (HMA)
- 4x MTF groups with step line smoothing
- BB +1 extra TF/type for BB MAs
- 12 MA levels with adjustable group offsets, indents and shift
- show max bars back
- you can show/hide both groups of MAs/levels and individual MAs
1. based on 3EmaBB, uses plot*, barssince and security functions
2. you can't set certain constants from input due to Pinescript limitations - change the code as needed, recompile and use as a private version
3. Levels = trackprice implementation
4. Show Max Bars Back = show_last implementation
5. uses timeframe textbox instead of input resolution to allow for 120 240 and other custom TFs. Also supports TFs in hours: 2H or H2
6. swma has a fixed length = 4, alma and linreg have additional offset and smoothing params
7. Smoothing is applied by default for visual aesthetics on MTF. To use exact ma mtf values (lines with stair stepping) - disable it
MTF Notes:
- uses simple timeframe textbox instead of input resolution dropdown to allow for 120, 240 and other custom TFs, also supports timeframes in H: 2H, H2
- Groups that are not assigned a Custom TF will use Current Timeframe (0).
- MTF will work for any MA type assigned to the group
- MTF works both ways: you can display a higher TF MA/BB on a lower TF or a lower TF MA/BB on a higher TF.
- MTF MA values are normally aligned at the boundary of their native timeframe. This produces stair stepping when a higher TF MA is viewed on a lower TF.
Therefore X Y Point Density/Smoothing is applied by default on MA MTF for visual aesthetics. Set both to 0 to disable and see exact ma mtf values (lines with stair stepping and original mtf alignment).
- Smoothing is disabled for BB MTF bands because fill doesn't work with smoothed MAs after duplicate values are replaced with na.
- MTF MA Value fluctuation is possible on the current bar due to default security lookahead
- X,Y == 0 - X,Y smoothing disabled (stair stepping on high TFs)
- X == 0, Y > 0 - X,Y smoothing applied to all TFs
- Y == 0, X > 0 - X smoothing applied to all TFs < deltaX_max_tf, Y smoothing disabled
- X > 0, Y > 0 - Y smoothing applied to all TFs, then X smoothing applied to all TFs < deltaX_max_tf
X Smoothing with Y == 0 - shows only every deltaX-th point starting from the first bar.
X Smoothing with Y > 0 - shows only every deltaX-th point starting from the last shown Y point, essentially filling huge gaps remaining after Y Smoothing with points and preserving the curve's general shape
X Smoothing on high TFs with already scarce points produces weird curve shapes, it works best only on high density lower TFs
Y Smoothing reduces points on all TFs, removes adjacent points with prices within deltaY, while preserving the smaller curve details.
A combination of X,Y produces the most accurate smoothing. Higher delta value - larger range, more points removed.
Show Max Bars Back:
- can't set plot show_last from input -> implemented using a timenow based range check
- you can't delete/modify history once plotted, so essentially it just sets a start point for plotting (from num_bars bars back) that works only in realtime mode (not in replay)
You can plot current MA value using plot trackprice=true or by checking Show Price Line in Style. Problem is:
- you can only change color (not the dashed line style, width), have both ma + price line (not just the line), and it's full screen wide
- you can't set plot trackprice from input => implemented using plotshape/plotchar with fixed text labels serving as levels
- there's no other way of creating a dynamic level: hline, plot, offset - nothing else works.
- you can't plot a text var - all text strings must be constants, so you can't change the style, width and text labels without recompiling.
- from input you can only adjust offset, indent and shift for each level group, and change color
- the dot below each level line is the exact MA value. If you want just the line swap plotshape with plotchar, recompile and save as your private version, adjust Y shift.
To speed up redraw times: reduce last_bars to ~2000, recompile and use as your own private version
Pinescript is a rudimentary language (should be called Painscript instead) that can basically only plot data. You can't do much else. Please see the code for tips and hints.
Certain things just can't be done or require shady workarounds and weeks of testing trying to resolve weird node.js compiler errors.
Feel free to learn from/reuse/change the code as needed and use as your own private version. See comments in code. Good Luck!
BB Quick Fire5 Bollinger Bands in levels 50,2.0 | 50,2.5 |50,3.0 |50,3.5 |50,4.0
This is used to identify pullbakcs and future pitchfork's.
RSI or MFI %BPlot where RSI or MFI is in its Bollinger Bands . Can be used in many different way: as a trend indicator (above below 0.5), part of a trend following strategy when crossing above 0 (resume bullish trend ) or crossing below 1 (resume bearish trend ), also useful for divergences, etc...
MFI/RSI with Volatility Bands [LazyBear (edited)]Edited version of the script by LazyBear.
Update of my previous script.
- plot both MFI and/or RSI (LazyBear only allows one of both)
- plot RSI/MFI band (over sold - mid - over bought) + indicator lines
MFI/RSI with Volatility Bands [LazyBear (edited)]Edited version of the script by LazyBear.
Update of my previous script.
- plot both MFI and/or RSI (LazyBear only allows one of both)
- plot an indicator band (over sold - mid - over bought)
BB & KCThis script is a mix of both the default Bollinger Bands and the default Keltner Channels.
It helps in identifying the squeeze of the bands and also the consolidation of the price movement.
Plum Moving AverageThis is a combination of 8 Moving Average & 1 BB for comfortable use.
이것은 조합이다. 8개 이동평균선 & 1개 볼린저밴드. 편하게 사용.
I created this indicator to simplify my life in the study of the bollinger bands on a multi-time frame optics.
It works exactly like the bollinger bands %B you have of defaul inside tradingwiew;
BUT you can choose via an integrated button that I integrated if you see the indicator on the chart timeframe or a custom time frame, which can be changed via a window
Timeframe that you can choose from the window: 1M, 3M, 15M, 30M, 45M, 1H, 2H, 4H, 8H, 12H, D, 3D, W
For more info contact me in PM
I usually answer in 1/3 Day
I created this indicator to simplify my life in the study of the bollinger bands on a multi-time frame optics.
It works exactly like the bollinger bands %B you have of defaul inside tradingwiew;
BUT you can choose via an integrated button that I integrated if you see the indicator on the chart timeframe or a custom time frame, which can be changed via a window
Timeframe that you can choose from the window: 1M, 3M, 15M, 30M, 45M, 1H, 2H, 4H, 8H, 12H, D, 3D, W .
For more info write me in PM.
I answer in 24/48 H
%B 12H THello everyone , I want to share with the comunity my work for look BB %B in a different timeframe without having to change it every time.
I had done to look and study different or multi timeframe a BB %B
I have programmed the script so that it is completely identical to the default one of tradingwiew to simplify its use at all.
I hope this work can be useful to someone else who likes the concept of standard deviation at the base of the bands conceived by Bollinger, but seen as multi timeframe.
Flexi-FiBBFlexible Fibonacci Bollinger Bands
Colorful 3d Bands displaying Support and Resistance areas based off of Fibonacci Ratios in a customization Bollinger Band.
Choose from vary types of moving average types to get the perfect fit for your trade style.
MA Types Available
You can purchase access to this indicator via CryptoProTools
Other recent indicators proving popular among members lately :
Pharoceus PT-V2 CryptoScalper RSI+BB+SRSI+Stochastic IndicatorThis is the updated Version of the ProfitTrailerV2 RSI+BB+StochRSI+Stochastic Oscillator Signal+Alerts
This is an all-in-one indicator with alerts that most people call signals and it's designed for Cryptocurrency leverage trading. This indicator features, the most popularly used indicators in technical analysis and are the basic technical analysis indicators any successful trader should master before going into more advance technical analysis tools. The Pharoceus ProfitTrailerV2 CryptoScalper RSI+BB+SRSI+Stochastic Oscillator Signal+Alerts features the Bollinger Bands, Relative Strength Index, Stochastic RSI and Stochastic Oscillator, and it was designed for use with Pharoceus ProfitTrailerV2 CryptoScalper and can also be used with all other trading bots or on its own as a powerful market leveraging and trading indicator using alerts.
The ProfitTrailerV2 RSI+BB+SRSI+Stochastic Oscillator Signal+Alerts can be customized to any trader specific trading patterns and offers the ability to choose a combination of indicators from the featured ones to use. With the Buy and Sell Signal feature, trading on any cryptocurrency exchange can be automated and with the alerts feature, the Pharoceus ProfitTrailerV2 CryptoScalper RSI+BB+SRSI+Stochastic Oscillator Signal+Alerts will automated buying and selling signals for any crypto trading bot but I'll always recommend using for making buys only when using with any bot. This indicator/script can be used with any base pair; BTC, ETH, and USD or USDT.
As mentioned above, all four indicators can be combined to find a very safe and secure buy and profitable sell signals, which maximizes your profit margins and overall earnings over time. Also, 2 or 3 could be combined as well, depending on the traders knowledge on how to use each indicator independently to find its best settings. My recommendation would be to test all independently and or together with very little capital to find what works best for you. I recommend this because the cryptocurrency market in a very volatile market and unpredictable, some combination of indicators would work for some certain coin pairs and not all, while others would work better with a different setting and a particular coin pair.
As with all script use at your own risk and only trade what you can afford to lose, while this indicator isn't designed to lose you money and I will not be held liable for any losses due to misuse. I am also not a financial advisor and the ProfitTrailerV2 RSI+BB+SRSI+Stochastic Oscillator Signal+Alerts will be made available soon as it's still undergoing rigorous testing and it's in no way and manner affiliated with any group of individuals or bot.
Trade Smart and with only what you can afford. Donations are also welcome to encourage my work, This is a totally free to use script to help traders, small time or big time that works towards making the indicator sharing world accessible to all who will not definitely be ripped-off and support a community of sharing.
BTC: 199qMzu4gvr3bUXWEpLG5uS6TEKKvw5pbe
ETH: 0xf8339952a224a228f2f8c58a5666a8ffleddebfb
BCH: qqmmds8u3f8m6ek387jtefg07525dvaxzqrshd86gz
Pharoceus CryptoScalper's RSI+BB Signal+AlertsDescription
This is an indicator with alerts/signals and it's designed for Cryptocurrency leverage trading (scalping). This indicator features, the most popularly used indicators in technical analysis and that is the Bollinger Bands and Relative Strenght Index (RSI). The CryptoScalper's RSI+BB Signal+Alerts was designed for use with ProfitTrailer V2 and can also be used with all other trading bots that allows alerts or on its own as a powerful market leverage trading indicator using alerts because it offers buy alerts as well.
The Pharoceus CryptoScalper's RSI+BB Signal+Alerts can be customized to any trader specific patterns and settings, making it so easy to use. With the Buy and Sell Signal feature, trading on any cryptocurrency exchange can be automated likewise with any crypto trading bot as stated previously; but I'll always recommend using it for buys only if you're using it with a bot. This indicator/script can be used with any base pair; BTC, ETH, and USD or USDT as well. This is also not affiliated with any bot or exchange and it's not advertising either ProfitTrailer or any bot or exchanges.
This is a free indicator for anyone to use, for access and support, also strategy, results and settings discussion, join the discord channel (link below) and come build a real community. If you want to support my work and more free signals, donations are highly encouraged.
I am not a financial adviser and all gains or losses are at the discretion of all users and I would not be held liable for any of the other. This effort is solely of an individual who believes Signals shouldn't have to cost traders an arm or a leg or taken as an opportunity to rip people off.
Also, I know a lot of people are asking for access to the ProfitTrailerV2 RSI+BB+SRSI+Stochastic Oscillator Signal+Alerts and have not gotten it. The reason was because beta-testers brought issues as regarding the buy signals and I'm revisiting that indicator and working on the issue. Should have made this known but TV doesn't allow edits after 15mins or I would make it known via comments soon.
BTC: 199qMzu4gvr3bUXWEpLG5uS6TEKKvw5pbe
ETH: 0xf8339952a224a228f2f8c58a5666a8ffleddebfb
BCH: qqmmds8u3f8m6ek387jtefg07525dvaxzqrshd86gz
Bollinger Bands arrow (BB arrow)it is simple script.
it just use 2 BB.
and also it show arrow when candle touch upper(or lower) line.
( one person asked me to make this script. this is not my idea. )
i hope you change values by yourself.
한국어 설명
2개의 볼린저 밴드를 사용하는 지표입니다.
특별히 독착정인 수식이나 기법은 없지만 2개의 볼밴을 하나의 스크립트에서 사용할 수 있습니다.
그리고 볼밴 위나 아래를 돌파하면 화살표를 보여주어서 편합니다.
( 한분의 요청으로 개발하였으며 저의 아이디어가 아닙니다. )
설정에서 변수를 직접 바꾸보면서 사용해보세요.
4EMA (8,13,21,55) + Bollinger BandsFive indicators in one.
4 Moving Average Exponential : 8, 13, 21, 55 - as per @Philakone strategy
Bollinger Bands
Check out my other scripts for RSI and Stoch RSI all in one, and 4EMA + Death Cross + Bollinger Bands.
Volatility Profit (VPI) & Bollinger Bands (BB) [checkm8]Hello and welcome to my 2-in-1 indicator of Volatility Profit Indicator and Bollinger Bands.
Volatility Profit Indicator is a script inspired by Jim Berg, from a 2005 article titled "The Truth About Volatility". This is a set of bands, where the upper band is based on a moving average of highs over a given period, added to the average true range of the period. The lower band is based on a moving average of lows over the same given period, from which the average true range is subtracted. The formula is shown below:
VPI High Band = MA(HI, type, x) + y * ATR(z)
VPI Low Band = MA(LO, type, x) - y * ATR(z)
where... type = MA Type (default to Exponential) x = MA Period (default to 13) y = True Range Multiplier (default to 2) z = True Range Period (default to 20)
Bollinger Bands should be familiar by now, but they are calculated based on a moving average of a source ( / 3), added to a particular standard deviation of the source.
This indicator:
- Allows you to choose whether you want to plot the Volatility Profit Indicator or Bollinger Bands. By default, each will show three bands.
- Has pre-made color schemes to choose from to simplify your life.
- Has smoothing for the Volatility Profit Indicator
- Allows you to choose the source for Bollinger Bands
- Allows you to select what multiplier of the average true range the Volatility Profit Indicator plots, as well as what standard deviations the Bollinger Bands show.
If you have any additional questions, concerns, or suggestions - feel free to reach out.
All the best & happy trading.
Bollinger Bands monday hight light with important EMASbasically allowing me to just have one indicator for my bb monday and emas
Squeeze CMF IndicatorI changed the indicator code of Lazybear to replace the linreg with the Chaikin money flow. I recommend using a Macd because the chaikin money flow can give false signals, like any other indicator.