
Liquidity Finder Library

You may intend to utilize the "Liquidity" detection capability in your indicators. Instead of writing it, you can import the "Liquidity Finder" library into your code. One of the advantages of this approach is time-saving and reduction in scripting errors.

🔵Key Features

Identification of "Statics Liquidity"
Identification of "Dynamics Liquidity"

🔵How to Use
Firstly, you can add the library to your code as shown in the example below:

import TFlab/LiquidityFinderLibrary/1 as Liq

The parameters of the "LLF" function are as follows:

sPP: A float variable ranging from 0 to 0.4. Increasing this number decreases the sensitivity of the "Statics Liquidity Line Detection" function and increases the number of detected lines. The default value is 0.3.
dPP: A float variable ranging from 0.4 to 1.95. Increasing this number increases the sensitivity of the "Dynamics Liquidity Line Detection" function and decreases the number of detected lines. The default value is 1.
SRs: An int variable. By default, it's set to 8. You can change this number to specify the periodicity of static liquidity pivot lines.
SRd: An int variable. By default, it's set to 3. You can change this number to specify the periodicity of dynamic liquidity pivot lines.
ShowHLLs: A bool variable. You can enable or disable the display of "High Statics Liquidity Line".
ShowLLLs: A bool variable. You can enable or disable the display of "Low Statics Liquidity Line".
ShowHLLd: A bool variable. You can enable or disable the display of "High Dynamics Liquidity Line".
ShowLLd: A bool variable. You can enable or disable the display of "High Dynamics Liquidity Line".

You can use the following code snippet to import Liquidity Finder into your code for time-saving.

//import Library
import TFlab/LiquidityFinderLibrary/1 as Liq

SLLS = input.float(0.30 , 'Statics Liquidity Line Sensitivity', maxval = 0.4 ,minval = 0.0, step = 0.01) // Statics Liquidity Line Sensitivity
DLLS = input.float(1.00 , 'Dynamics Liquidity Line Sensitivity', maxval = 1.95 ,minval = 0.4, step = 0.01) // Dynamics Liquidity Line Sensitivity
SPP = , 'Statics Period Pivot') // Statics Period Pivot
DPP = , 'Dynamics Period Pivot') // Dynamics Period Pivot
ShowSHLL = input.bool(true , 'Show Statics High Liquidity Line')
ShowSLLL = input.bool(true , 'Show Statics Low Liquidity Line')
ShowDHLL = input.bool(true , 'Show Dynamics High Liquidity Line')
ShowDLLL = input.bool(true , 'Show Dynamics Low Liquidity Line')

//call function



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