

Electrified ที่อัปเดต:   
Library "SupportResitanceAndTrend"
Contains utilities for finding key levels of support, resistance and direction of trend.

superTrendPlus(multiple, h, l, atr, closeBars) A more flexible version of SuperTrend that allows for supplying the series used and sensitivity adjustment by confirming close bars.
  • multiple: The multiple to apply to the average true range.
  • h: The high values.
  • l: The low values.
  • atr: The average true range values.
  • closeBars: The number of bars to confirm a change in trend.

superTrend(multiple, period, mode, closeBars) superTrendPlus with simplified parameters.
  • multiple: The multiple to apply to the average true range.
  • period: The number of bars to measure.
  • mode: The type of moving average to use with the true range.
  • closeBars: The number of bars to confirm a change in trend.

stochSR() Identifies support and resistance levels by when a stochastic RSI reverses. Returns:
v2 Added variation of the SuperTrend function that cleans the true range of outliers and applies a standard deviation level to the value used.

superTrendCleaned(multiple, period, mode, closeBars, level, maxDeviation) superTrendPlus with simplified parameters and compensation for extreme volatility.
    multiple: The multiple to apply to the average true range.
    period: The number of bars to measure.
    mode: The type of moving average to use with the true range.
    closeBars: The number of bars to confirm a change in trend.
    level: The optional positive or negative multiple of the standard deviation to apply to the average. A positive number will be the upper boundary and a negative number will be the lower boundary.
    maxDeviation: The optional standard deviation level to use when cleaning the series. The default is the value of the provided level.
v3 Added Auto Anchored VWAP formula.

stochAVWAP() Identifies anchored VWAP levels by when a stochastic RSI reverses.
v4 Implemented improved cleaning method and exposed maxDeviation for both superTrend and superTrendCleaned.

superTrend(multiple, period, mode, closeBars) superTrendPlus with simplified parameters.
    multiple: The multiple to apply to the average true range.
    period: The number of bars to measure.
    mode: The type of moving average to use with the true range.
    closeBars: The number of bars to confirm a change in trend.

superTrendCleaned(multiple, period, mode, closeBars, maxDeviation) superTrendPlus with default compensation for extreme volatility.
    multiple: The multiple to apply to the average true range.
    period: The number of bars to measure.
    mode: The type of moving average to use with the true range.
    closeBars: The number of bars to confirm a change in trend.
    maxDeviation: The optional standard deviation level to use when cleaning the series. The default is the value of the provided level.
v5 Incorporate superTrendAuto calculation for reuse.

superTrendAuto(multiple, period, mode, closeBars, maxDeviation)
  superTrendPlus with default compensation for extreme volatility.
    multiple: The multiple to apply to the average true range.
    period: The number of bars to measure.
    mode: The type of moving average to use with the true range.
    closeBars: The number of bars to confirm a change in trend.
    maxDeviation: The optional standard deviation level to use when cleaning the series. The default is the value of the provided level.
v6 Added TrendState UDT and supeTrendAutoT.
v7 Simplified use with UDTs.

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