Library "lib_hlm" Ichimoku trend line and plotting tools.
HLM(Period) Optionless Ichimoku/Donchian trend line calculation. Parameters: Period: The period for the trend line calculation. Returns: The midpoint of the highest high and the lowest low.
HLM_Offset(offset, currentIsZero, intoPast) Standardized language for plotting offsets. Parameters: offset: The offset number to use. currentIsZero: `true` for ichimoku counting. `false` for natural language intoPast: `true` if projecting backwards. `false` if projecting forwards. Returns: The offset adjusted by counting style and direction.
TK() Calculates the Ichimoku Tenkan and Kijun lines. Returns: {tenkan, kijun}
SenkouSpans(period_1, period_2, period_3) Calculates the Ichimoku Senkou Span A and Senkou Span B values. Parameters: period_1: default=9 period_2: default=26 period_3: default=52 Returns: {senkou_a, senkou_b}
Ichimoku_Cloud(period_1, period_2, period_3) Calculate the Ichimoku cloud value and offsets. Parameters: period_1: default=9 period_2: default=26 period_3: default=52 Returns: {senkou_a, senkou_b, cloud_offset}
Chikou_Span() Gets the chikou span and offsets. Returns: {chikou, chikou_offset}
Ichimoku(enabled) Get the values for the full, default Ichimoku system, including plotting offsets. Common toggle for all values. Parameters: enabled: `true` will return plottable values. `false` will return only na's (turns off plotting). Returns: {tenkan, kijun, senkou_a, senkou_b, cloud_offset, chikou, chikou_offset}
Ichimoku_Line_Colors() Get a set of colors with a common transparency for Ichimoku. Returns: {tenkan_color, kijun_color, senkou_a_color, senkou_b_color, chikou_color}
Ichimoku_Cloud_Color() Determines the cloud color and applies transparency (Ichimoku). Returns: the dominant lines color with applied transparency
Ichimoku_Colors() Gets a full set of default ichimoku colors with cloud color based on the input senkou values. Returns: {tenkan_color, kijun_color, senkou_a_color, senkou_b_color, chikou_color, cloud_color}
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