This is a very big update.
Firstly the strategy now calculates a fixed amount of risk. To get it working I had to do what we in Brazil call a "gambiarra". The first order is to get how many money are you willing to lose, and that money is going to be risk for every single order in the future. In other words, you will always gain the same amount, and always lose the same amount, the strategy will calculate the size of the order for that to happen, thus making a positive mathmatical expectation actually possible.
The stop loss orders are working better, since the calc_on_order_fill was enabled, thus allowing them to end on the same candle they opened. But as I said on the original post, you need to mind the gap. The stop loss won't save you if the gap is big.
Unfortunatelly, I couldn't get comments in the exit positions working, because Pine Script uses the last candle to calculate prices, not the one that actually closes the order. Maybe there is a way to do it, but I spent so many time trying to fix the stop loss orders that it just isn't worth it simply for comments. Luckly it isn't a big problem, since you can see the stop and take profit prices. Maybe in a future update the Trading View team is going to implement functions that should be basic. Really, you can't even place two exit orders at the same time, nor place one order with a fixed trigger price, a stop loss price and a take profit price. Sorry for the rant, but it just boggles me that Pine Script is in version 4 and it doesn't have a function that Backtr*der has, which is both free and open source.