
[RS]Swing Charts V1 SR Levels V0

Request for oct15joe: SR lvls
preliminary version

ด้วยเจตนารมณ์หลักของ TradingView ผู้เขียนสคริปต์นี้ได้เผยแพร่เป็นโอเพนซอร์ส เพื่อให้เทรดเดอร์สามารถเข้าใจและตรวจสอบได้ ต้องขอบคุณผู้เขียน! ที่ให้คุณใช้ได้ฟรี แต่การนำโค้ดนี้ไปใช้ในการเผยแพร่ซ้ำจะต้องอยู่ภายใต้ กฎระเบียบการใช้งาน คุณสามารถตั้งเป็นรายการโปรดเพื่อใช้บนชาร์ตได้


ข้อมูลและบทความไม่ได้มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อก่อให้เกิดกิจกรรมทางการเงิน, การลงทุน, การซื้อขาย, ข้อเสนอแนะ หรือคำแนะนำประเภทอื่น ๆ ที่ให้หรือรับรองโดย TradingView อ่านเพิ่มเติมที่ เงื่อนไขการใช้บริการ

study(title='[RS]Swing Charts V1 SR Levels V0', shorttitle='SCSR', overlay=true)
SHOW_BARCOLOR = input(title='Overwrite Bar Colors?', type=bool, defval=false)
SHOW_ZIGZAG_LVL0 = input(title='Display ZigZag Level 0?', type=bool, defval=true)
SHOW_SWINGCHART_LVL0 = input(title='Display Swing Chart Stops Level 0?', type=bool, defval=false)
SHOW_SWINGSIGNAL_LVL0 = input(title='Display Swing Signals Level 0?', type=bool, defval=false)

f_up_bar(_previous_high, _current_high, _previous_low, _current_low)=>
    _return = _previous_high < _current_high and _previous_low < _current_low

f_down_bar(_previous_high, _current_high, _previous_low, _current_low)=>
    _return = _previous_high > _current_high and _previous_low > _current_low

f_inside_bar(_previous_high, _current_high, _previous_low, _current_low)=>
    _return = _previous_high >= _current_high and _previous_low <= _current_low

f_outside_bar(_previous_high, _current_high, _previous_low, _current_low)=>
    _return = _previous_high <= _current_high and _previous_low >= _current_low

f_swing_high(_previous_high, _current_high, _previous_low, _current_low)=>
    _condition_00 = f_up_bar(_previous_high[1], _current_high[1], _previous_low[1], _current_low[1]) and f_down_bar(_previous_high, _current_high, _previous_low, _current_low)
    _condition_01 = f_outside_bar(_previous_high[1], _current_high[1], _previous_low[1], _current_low[1]) and f_down_bar(_previous_high, _current_high, _previous_low, _current_low)
    _condition_02 = f_inside_bar(_previous_high[1], _current_high[1], _previous_low[1], _current_low[1]) and f_down_bar(_previous_high, _current_high, _previous_low, _current_low)
    _condition_03 = f_up_bar(_previous_high[1], _current_high[1], _previous_low[1], _current_low[1]) and f_inside_bar(_previous_high, _current_high, _previous_low, _current_low) and close[0] < hl2[1]
    _condition_04 = f_outside_bar(_previous_high, _current_high, _previous_low, _current_low) and close < hl2
    _condition_05 = false
    _return = _condition_00 or _condition_01 or _condition_02 or _condition_03 or _condition_04 or _condition_05

f_swing_low(_previous_high, _current_high, _previous_low, _current_low)=>
    _condition_00 = f_down_bar(_previous_high[1], _current_high[1], _previous_low[1], _current_low[1])      and f_up_bar(_previous_high, _current_high, _previous_low, _current_low)
    _condition_01 = f_outside_bar(_previous_high[1], _current_high[1], _previous_low[1], _current_low[1])   and f_up_bar(_previous_high, _current_high, _previous_low, _current_low)
    _condition_02 = f_inside_bar(_previous_high[1], _current_high[1], _previous_low[1], _current_low[1])    and f_up_bar(_previous_high, _current_high, _previous_low, _current_low)
    _condition_03 = f_down_bar(_previous_high[1], _current_high[1], _previous_low[1], _current_low[1])      and f_inside_bar(_previous_high, _current_high, _previous_low, _current_low) and close[0] > hl2[1]
    _condition_04 = f_outside_bar(_previous_high, _current_high, _previous_low, _current_low)               and close > hl2
    _condition_05 = false
    _return = _condition_00 or _condition_01 or _condition_02 or _condition_03 or _condition_04 or _condition_05
f_swingchart(_swings_high, _swings_low)=>
    _trend = na(_trend[1]) ? 1 : _trend[1] > 0 and _swings_low ? -1 : _trend[1] < 0 and _swings_high ? 1 : _trend[1]
    _return = na(_return[1]) ? 0 : change(_trend) > 0 ? nz(_swings_high, high[1]) : change(_trend) < 0 ? nz(_swings_low, low[1]) : _return[1]

swings_high_lvl0 = f_swing_high(high[1], high, low[1], low) ? highest(3) : na
swings_low_lvl0 = f_swing_low(high[1], high, low[1], low) ? lowest(3) : na

swing_chart_lvl0 = f_swingchart(swings_high_lvl0, swings_low_lvl0)
zigzag_lvl0 = change(swing_chart_lvl0) != 0 ? swing_chart_lvl0 : na
zigzag_lvl0_trend = na(zigzag_lvl0_trend[1]) ? 1 : change(swing_chart_lvl0) > 0 ? 1 : change(swing_chart_lvl0) < 0 ? -1 : zigzag_lvl0_trend[1]

plotshape(title='Swing High 0'  , series=not SHOW_SWINGSIGNAL_LVL0 ? na : swings_high_lvl0  , style=shape.triangledown  , location=location.abovebar, color=red, transp=0, offset=-1)
plotshape(title='Swing Low 0'   , series=not SHOW_SWINGSIGNAL_LVL0 ? na : swings_low_lvl0   , style=shape.triangleup    , location=location.belowbar, color=lime, transp=0, offset=-1)
plot(title='Swing Chart 0'      , series=not SHOW_SWINGCHART_LVL0 ? na : swing_chart_lvl0   , color=change(swing_chart_lvl0) != 0 ? na : black  , transp=0, offset=-1)
plot(title='ZigZag 0'           , series=not SHOW_ZIGZAG_LVL0 ? na : zigzag_lvl0            , color=zigzag_lvl0_trend > 0 ? lime : red, transp=0, linewidth=1, offset=-1)

barcolor(title='Up Bar'         , color=not SHOW_BARCOLOR ? na : f_up_bar(high[1], high, low[1], low) ? lime : na        )
barcolor(title='Down Bar'       , color=not SHOW_BARCOLOR ? na : f_down_bar(high[1], high, low[1], low) ? red : na       )
barcolor(title='Inside Bar'     , color=not SHOW_BARCOLOR ? na : f_inside_bar(high[1], high, low[1], low) ? blue : na    )
barcolor(title='Outside Bar'    , color=not SHOW_BARCOLOR ? na : f_outside_bar(high[1], high, low[1], low) ? aqua : na   )

a = valuewhen(change(swing_chart_lvl0)!=0, swing_chart_lvl0, 1)
b = valuewhen(change(swing_chart_lvl0)!=0, swing_chart_lvl0, 0)

resistance_00 = a < b ? b : resistance_00[1]
resistance_01 = valuewhen(change(resistance_00)!=0, resistance_00, 1)
resistance_02 = valuewhen(change(resistance_01)!=0, resistance_01, 1)
resistance_03 = valuewhen(change(resistance_02)!=0, resistance_02, 1)
resistance_04 = valuewhen(change(resistance_03)!=0, resistance_03, 1)

plot(resistance_00, color=change(resistance_00) != 0 ? na : fuchsia)
plot(resistance_01, color=change(resistance_01) != 0 ? na : fuchsia)
plot(resistance_02, color=change(resistance_02) != 0 ? na : fuchsia)
plot(resistance_03, color=change(resistance_03) != 0 ? na : fuchsia)
plot(resistance_04, color=change(resistance_04) != 0 ? na : fuchsia)

support_00 = a > b ? b : support_00[1]
support_01 = valuewhen(change(support_00)!=0, support_00, 1)
support_02 = valuewhen(change(support_01)!=0, support_01, 1)
support_03 = valuewhen(change(support_02)!=0, support_02, 1)
support_04 = valuewhen(change(support_03)!=0, support_03, 1)

plot(support_00, color=change(support_00) != 0 ? na : teal)
plot(support_01, color=change(support_01) != 0 ? na : teal)
plot(support_02, color=change(support_02) != 0 ? na : teal)
plot(support_03, color=change(support_03) != 0 ? na : teal)
plot(support_04, color=change(support_04) != 0 ? na : teal)