Cash in/Cash out Report (CICO) - Quiets market noise

The cash in/cash out report (CICO for short) was built with the intent to quiet the market noise. The blunt way to say it, this indicator quiets the market manipulators voice and helps the retail investor make more money. I believe money is better of in the 99% hands versus the greedy hoarding that is currently going on. There are dozens of companies in the SP500 that have the same tax rate as unborn babies, nada. These hoarders also have machine learning high frequency trading bots that purposely create fear and anxiety in the markets. When all of the major markets move at the exact same time of day on frequent occasions, I see red flags. I recommend looking into Authorized participants in the ETF market to understand how the markets can be manipulated, specifically Creation and Redemption.

Enough of my rant. This indicator is open source. Directions on how to use the indicator can be found within the code. The basic summary is, clear your charts to bare minimums. Make the colors gray on all candles. Then apply this indicator. The indicator will color the "buy" and "sell" signals on the chart. Keep in mind, markets are manipulated to create fear in the retail investors little heart and can change drastically at any second. This indicator will show real time changes in running sum into and out of the market, it is estimated by average prices and not exact.

Once the chart is all greyed out and the indicator is applied you will see an area colored red and green. What this indicator does is takes a running sum of the new money into and out of the market. It takes the average of the high and low price times the volume. If the price is going up the value is positive, going down will be negative. Then the running sum is displayed. The area section is the running sum and the column bars are each value. When a market is steadily increasing in value you will see the large green area grow. When markets shift, values and display will change in color and vector. Full descriptions are available within the script in the comment sections.

I hope this help you make more money. If this helps you grow profits, give it a like!

Happy investing 99%er!
