
ZKIN (LONG): 100% gain is achievable in the short-term

NASDAQ:ZKIN   ZK International Group Co., Ltd
The price for ZKIN has broken out from this large inverse head & shoulder pattern
which is a bullish reversal pattern.
The projected price target is equivalent to the price range
measured from the head to the neckline.
The first target is at $4.00

ZKIN is a company that manufactures and supplies patented high-performance stainless steel and carbon steel pipe products primarily used for water and gas supplies.
News has been released today by the company that they are forming a joint venture with a real estate giant in China to bid for a Hydropower project worth an estimated 4.9 billion RMB.
This project will be funded by the Chinese government so once the bid is approved by the authorities, the price is gonna Soar!



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