
XVG (Verge) Trade Prepare! BULLISH signs in one level!

VaidoVeek ที่อัปเดต:   
BITTREX:XVGBTC   Verge / Bitcoin
We have a classic price action setup forming!
4 of my favorite price action criteria's in one level zone:
1. Strong support
2. Support crosses with trendline
3. Crossing happens exactly in Fibo 70.5% level
4. And those criteria's supported with EMA&MA200 in this level zone.
*5. There we need some bullish price action from candlestick also (Hammer, Morning Star, Railroad Tracks, Engulfing, Tweezer)

Keep an eye on it!

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Best regards!
After XVG hacked situation, I think this entry zone it's not valid anymore!
Market gap is lowering + very neg. news to XVG then this TA. is at the moment NO TRADE!


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