

Hey guys! Hope you guys are doing well today!

🔥Basically just following up from my Death cross idea in which I already let you guys know ahead of time that a death cross was very likely and even starting to form thanks to the tug a war we had going on this week and I let you guys know exactly what was up and what to watch. I told you guys to keep an eye for those resistance points I'd marked out and you can see just what happened at those points.

🔥Once we broke through that 0.35 point which I had called out as the real support point we essentially tumbled again and just barely managed to avoid that 0.338 right below. So at least we have that to look at. This is gonna be most of the idea for now since I already let you guys know in the previous idea which is linked below.

🔥Once that death cross started to form and we really exited the mountain straight that exit was no joke and neither was the fall that followed. At 0.346 a lot of pressure kicks in as we can see thanks to our HTF level in the dotted green. So that should be a short term point to watch on whether or not we fall below that or stay above it since there definitely is some pressure there. Yes 0.34 can be considered as the point to watch however we only went to 0.34 thanks to those huge sell orders. Once those we're done hitting millions we're bought in and we returned to the more natural chart look which showed us that point where bears tried to pull down again but we're instead met with that buy pressure instead.

🔥I've added a new trend line to basically just look at and just like the last one I pointed out a few ideas ago before the huge breakout that occurred this one should also signal whether we stay below it and in that descending formation or if we break above it and possibly see another breakout like what we saw before which is likely however ultimately depends on what Bitcoin wants to do since the market keeps swaying with bitcoin playing tug a war as well with 20 and 21k.

Anyway thank you guys for tuning in and hope you guys have a great day and keep well! If you'd like to keep posted for more as always feel free to follow and leave a like as well! Also feel free to comment and say hi or anything, thanks and keep well!

~ Rock

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